So as I'm wrapping up my new portfolio scene for the this weekend...I'm continuously experiencing a symptom on Maya that when sometimes I just started the program and pan through the scrn it would freeze and the bottom would distort.
Anyone encounter this sort before?
This only happened when I upgraded my graphics card (7800 GTS to 8800)

The 8800GT is suposed to come out soon and supposedly is a very decent card, but I'm not buying it until it can handle maya.
I found that it occurred more often when I used a file that was from 7.0 in 8.0. I seem to get the issue while cutting, and there is no work around other than restarting maya, or the whole cpu.
Try exporting the whole thing out as an OBJ or something, and getting a fresh scene for it., that usually helps.
Also , anyone know of a good video card around 200 that works really well with new versions of maya?
My quick fix is to minimize Maya, then restore it. That usually works. If it doesn't, a heard restart of the program is in order.