i'm about to go pick it up in 20 minutes Nacire. i'll post some impressions as soon as i play it for an hour or so. which do you want to hear about first?
Edit: Also, why is Portal just shy of 1Gb to install? It's got about 5 textures and a couple of models, and some VO files ... where's all the file size coming from? o_O
It's great on Xbox so far. HL2 definately shows it's age and brings it's awesome PC collision over to the console. I keep getting hung up on doorways, orange cones, misc crap on the ground. Other than that it's the same great game. The Dev Commentary and Portal are my favs so far. TF2 looks great, but no one is on yet or busy playing Haloes Tree still.
Cool, yeah it sounds like it's gonna be great either way ya go, 360 or PC. I just hope the TF2 community shines on 360. With Halo 3 being out and CoD4 on the way I hope it doesn't fall by the wayside.
Thanks for the input guys! I'll probably be picking it up for 360 this friday.
I personally only complete EP's a few month ago and made a rerun of HL2 also. I waited all these years, in the hope of me being able to make a large buffet with EP3, but couldn't wait any longer.
Phew, I almost exploded but I had to hold back You're entitled to your opinion and now I'm curious why you said that, I thought the end section was a great little twist to the already "varied" settings and mechanics.
Phew, I almost exploded but I had to hold back You're entitled to your opinion and now I'm curious why you said that, I thought the end section was a great little twist to the already "varied" settings and mechanics.
Sure the "end" and "experience" were great, how about all the tedium it takes to get there by some boneheaded game design decisions? Most of the game is a linear 'get shot with bullets' gauntlet with a few length padding vehicle sessions, and the only items between them are ammo and health placed often since Valve knows their enemies do cheap shots. There's also a bit of creative lack when you consider Half-Life's more diverse enemies, while you just fight SST bugs, sawing drones, headcrab variants, zombies, instantkill walkers and soldier archetypes in HL2. The level design was a far cry from what was established in Half-Life as well but not as extreme as that 1993vs200x example. I only liked Ravenholm since it was the only level to break from this big vast linearfest, and it wasn't for the '11khz resampled horror zombie voices' trying to make its scary atmosphere.
The game gets a lot of praise for alyx's amazing moving simulated computer girl face. Criticism about the technology it uses is a completely another unrelated story for me, and Steam has nothing to do with my opinion, either.
I don't see why there needs to be a witchhunt over a dislike for HL2. It's like the one game where it's NOT allowed to have a 'to each their own' for...
I too never understood the huge bonerfest for HL2. The intro was amazing, and playing around with bits of trash and the guards was a lot of fun, an open ended playground with lots of personality. Rest of the game just felt sub par, the gravity gun killed it for me. Sure it was new and revolutionary but it was also overpowered and just not as satisfying to kill stuff with as cool tiered sci fi weapons. Using it obscured your view and picking stuff up just felt unpolished, there was no charging it up to fling things from soft to very hard, it was just a one trick pony that engulfed the whole game. I also don't generally become endeared towards game characters as easily as most so i never felt the emotional roller coaster most felt when completing the games.
Fair enough Leilei, personally I love the series because it has great atmosphere and a story that pulls me in. I sometimes forget I'm walking down a linear path when playing it. Best bit (in regards to atmosphere) was when they used the Opposing Force credits song after making it to the East Mesa labs under the dam. I also think it's nostalgia that plays a part in why people love it.
So you don't like tech either... I know you probably don't want to talk about it so I won't ask.
I too never understood the huge bonerfest for HL2. The intro was amazing, and playing around with bits of trash and the guards was a lot of fun, an open ended playground with lots of personality. Rest of the game just felt sub par, the gravity gun killed it for me. Sure it was new and revolutionary but it was also overpowered and just not as satisfying to kill stuff with as cool tiered sci fi weapons. Using it obscured your view and picking stuff up just felt unpolished, there was no charging it up to fling things from soft to very hard, it was just a one trick pony that engulfed the whole game. I also don't generally become endeared towards game characters as easily as most so i never felt the emotional roller coaster most felt when completing the games.
Ha, this is true mark, but even still i was never that blown away by half life2, though i did really like the sections of the game with the place-able turrets and hunting down stalkers in the car. If they'd expanded on those and added... haha I'll stop, we need a post 4 years ago button.
So much drama!! I love HL2 but I always get bored halfway through. Last time I played I stopped on Nova Prospekt.
I don't think it's the best game ever made as some people say. Sure, it was the best game of 2004 and ONE of the best games of all times, but it's definitely not THE best game ever.
Fun fact: HL2 was actually the first legit game that I have ever purchased in my life. I was still a highschooler at the time and had just got my first job. HL2 cost more than half of my monthly pay but it was totally worth it since I used the SDK to death. I was so fucking proud of myself (I still have the box as a personal trophy)
I bring up HL2's instances of having your run down a path with a bunch of alternate routes presented to you but the gameplay and design actually funneling you almost subconsciously along the path they want you to take as a pinnacle of design.
(Still playing Portal.)
decrypting my ass off.. takin' forever!
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here, AND I can't play TF2 since it switched to not playable also
Edit: Also, why is Portal just shy of 1Gb to install? It's got about 5 textures and a couple of models, and some VO files ... where's all the file size coming from? o_O
it was fun! and a big twist.
Thanks for the input guys! I'll probably be picking it up for 360 this friday.
Christ I frikin love Dog!!!!
Portal is about the most ingenius game ever, and the plot twist is so damn absurdly funny
I want my cake heheh
Also, wtf 5 year bump?
Isn't HL2 included in the Orange Box?
+1 ;D
I thought it was only the EP's. It's been that long! :P
wtf is wrong with you....
You're doing yourself a favor.
What is this I don't even...
Fo reals
Phew, I almost exploded but I had to hold back
Darn hipsters...
Bleep bloop blarg... BBS 4 evar yo!!!1
Sure the "end" and "experience" were great, how about all the tedium it takes to get there by some boneheaded game design decisions? Most of the game is a linear 'get shot with bullets' gauntlet with a few length padding vehicle sessions, and the only items between them are ammo and health placed often since Valve knows their enemies do cheap shots. There's also a bit of creative lack when you consider Half-Life's more diverse enemies, while you just fight SST bugs, sawing drones, headcrab variants, zombies, instantkill walkers and soldier archetypes in HL2. The level design was a far cry from what was established in Half-Life as well but not as extreme as that 1993vs200x example. I only liked Ravenholm since it was the only level to break from this big vast linearfest, and it wasn't for the '11khz resampled horror zombie voices' trying to make its scary atmosphere.
The game gets a lot of praise for alyx's amazing moving simulated computer girl face. Criticism about the technology it uses is a completely another unrelated story for me, and Steam has nothing to do with my opinion, either.
I don't see why there needs to be a witchhunt over a dislike for HL2. It's like the one game where it's NOT allowed to have a 'to each their own' for...
I considered it a fun little bonus along with portal for what i was really buying, TF2. I woulda paid 200 bucks for that game alone.
You jerk!
So you don't like tech either... I know you probably don't want to talk about it so I won't ask.
The trouble is, they knew her way back when.
HL2 is the same way, the fact that you can find any kind of enjoyment in such an old game is pretty amazing.
I don't think it's the best game ever made as some people say. Sure, it was the best game of 2004 and ONE of the best games of all times, but it's definitely not THE best game ever.
Fun fact: HL2 was actually the first legit game that I have ever purchased in my life. I was still a highschooler at the time and had just got my first job. HL2 cost more than half of my monthly pay but it was totally worth it since I used the SDK to death. I was so fucking proud of myself
hl2 back then:
hl2 today:
modern fps games: