Hey guys so Ive been working for a while now on my characters, currently I have 1 last character to go which mostly will all be a skulpt for the most part. So I should have that done within the next month, I planed for all my chars to make little scenes for each of my chars instead of pedastols. But I dont want the scenes to be OVER powering but at the same time I dont want them to be just like 1 or 2 things. So I want to show off both a mini scene and my char'
so first I will be working on will be a scene for this char.

So far I plan on adding particles in as well, as you can see with the image above I want to put like a giant gear of some sort since the idea is more steam punk pistons and all that kinda stuff.
what other things should I add // not add to this scene?
I was thinking more of a factory environment and I know I wanted to include some sort of giant boiler in the background.
So anyone got any ideas of some styles//things I should add to this scene?
Any help or ideas so this wont be over powering /underpowered would be REALLY appreciated!
Anywho awesome idea combining Enviro art with Character art. It fits into the less clicks portfolio approach. You said you wanted the focal point to be the characters so I think the "stage" should be well done, but nothing too flashy. I would go for a dirty steampunk-ish factory setting. With splines and nurbs you should be able to knock out some fast pipes and cool looking pipe connector pieces, whip up a nice brass or copper Max material and render out some tillable textures, along with some grates, and you should be in good shape. It might be really cool to detail out a few props.
Pipe Cluster Ref:
Factory Ref:
Setting Ref:
As for the image above, The only thing I would keep are the character and the particle effects and maybe the gear if you have some interesting details/textures planned for it.
- The lighting is blown out and pure white, think about going with a 3 point lighting set up to start with and move on from there. This guy has a great read on lighting.
- Use colors to invoke mood, for steampunk-ish you'll probably want some orange, yellow, brown for fill lighting, blue for backlighting, and a very soft eggshell white for the fill lighting.
- The background is pure black which only makes the blown out lighting stand out more.
- The reflection on the base really doesn't fit the character or the Warmachine universe.