Hi All
As a longtime lurker of the Polycount boards I just gotta share this with you all! (Seeing as it took about 3 weeks of my spare time to create!!) It was for our annual works conference. Fancy Dress Night is always a riot!!

Anyways--its a one off piece I made just for this event. Made from latex and foam using a limited budget. Made in the comfort of my own garage. I used the Concept Art Book as reference but ended up using a little 'artistic license' here and there. It's no 'Nightmare Armor Studios' but the guys at the party that saw it were blown away! The gun even has an Mp3 player embedded in it with sfx from the game (including Chainsaw and Gun fx and quotes like 'I'm ready to kick some ass!'.
BTW- bandwidth is not gonna hold up so if anyone fancies hosting any images feel free.

EDIT:: OK, now I see them....sweet! I want one...
nice expression
Reminds me of this,
also, where's the HDRI render pass?
Really cool!