The latest update to Steam includes the Steam Community. This allows you to share a profile, and view who's online and what they're playing, and join them, friends, groups, etc. It can be accessed as an overlay while playing games. If anyone else is playing, my ID is ElysiumGX.
Psst...this will be awesome for TF2 if you're in the beta.

Steam Servers are down currently. Can't friend anybody up just yet.
ID: monsterBlues
Steam Servers are down currently. Can't friend anybody up just yet.
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HAHAHA! Why am I not surprised. Took them forever to get the Friends system to even work.
Fighting urge to buy orange box... must resist...
[/ QUOTE ]Its about $30US dollars cheaper than buying the components separately and you get HL2 and Ep1 as a bonus. Oh and Peggle Extreme. You know you want it.
ID: Gwot
Polycount group anyone?
tried creating a group, but i think steam is laggy... Come to think of it, I might not have a pc for a while when I move so perhaps it's better that someone else make it..
Make sure to make it a Private Group
ps: Gwot i cant seem to find you on friends
I don't know how this thing is going to pan out. But what I've seen so far looks pretty good. It's simple and to-the-point.
open steam, what's it say in the top left corner?
STEAM - xxxx
xxxx = your ID
mine is methyd_X
il add you guys when I have TF2 :P
But the community tab says my SteamID is Vig (but I think this is an alias and should work too)
quite a few added me before i got a chance to add them :P
ID - Neo_God though I don't do many steam games online.
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Well, that's one of the nice things about this new Steam Community. It features an overlay format. So basically, it can function all the time, no matter what you're doing on your computer. If you are playing a non-Steam PC game, it will still run over that game. (I believe the default short cut to pop it up in-game is Shift+Tab) So you could pretty much use it as a messaging and voice-chat client for any and every PC game you own.
All I play anymore is Geometry Wars
Steam in general seems to be extremely slow and... quite frankly a waste of cpu time. I just want to play my fucking games, not wait for another app to update or startup. Arrr...
- DoD:S
- Stalker
- Defcon
Striff keep at it, I seem to get disconnected every now and then from steam friends.
I got the orange crater, first online buy on steam, I was nervous because on 2 computers I couldnt write my name as it is on my credit card. couldnt get the acute over the E like this
Add me and I can't wait to shoot em up in TF2!
hey - your ID isn't your name on your friend list.
open steam, what's it say in the top left corner?
STEAM - xxxx
xxxx = your ID
mine is methyd_X
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Either search for "Polycounters" or add me to your friends: methyd_x.
If that group that the other guy made actually worked I'll delete this one.
I see people seem to enjoy peggle extreme, thats some addictive stuff.
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You are so right.
coldwolf - what?
i resisted pre-ordering the Orange Box for approximately 30 seconds, btw.
edit: Adam what's up with the invite only group? And why isn't a pic of Greentooth used for the group image?
Adam, the only invite I got from you was to join the group "Threewave".
edit: gauss and ged, "Steam was unable to find [you]". The first id you posted worked gauss...
Ok so anyone who is already a member of a group can invite others.
there are 9 members in polycount
and 18 members in polycounters
most I have talked to wants the polycount name so im suggesting that everyone jumps over to the polycount one now when everyone that is in it can send invites.
Bromenstein, sign me up for that crew! that's why you guys are playing Peggle...
Anyway, I just invited every PCer I have on my list to the PolyCount group. I'm not in the other one, so, meh. I don't care which one we go with honestly.
Also, I'm in the chat if anyone wants to shoot the shit with me.
Ha ha coldwolf, you're a good complement to the "ffs all I wanted was TF2" people. If only you could have split the package.