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Biped problem

polycounter lvl 9
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Flynny polycounter lvl 9
Well since im trying to learn this system coming from softimage Im having trouble wrapping my head around:

Making the com (bip01_pelvis) change the keyframe type from linear to stepped, i can do it to the rest but it seems i cant get at the right bit in the curve editor if that makes sense?


  • Mark Dygert
    The Biped CoM won't let you use the curve editor how you would like. Yes it sucks, but you have to give something up to get ease of use and features in other areas.

    But they don't leave you totally twisting in the wind, just partially. Instead it uses a TCB Controller, to edit the TCB info for a given key you right click the key frame (in the curve editor) and adjust the "Ease To:" & "Ease From:" boxes along with the "Tension" which in effect will edit the curve you see.

    It's been a long standing complaint with the Biped system and with every release I hope they change it, but instead they do something silly like fiddle with mental ray's naughty bits some more. I could be wrong but I THINK there might be a few scripts and or plug-ins that get around or make this issue easier to work with.

    www.scriptspot.com (check out the biped selectors they are a time saver. They make the trip to scriptspot worth it even if they don't have a fix for the CoM TCB issue)
    www.maxplugins.de (You never know)
    http://www.jimjagger.com/Pages/Tools/JJTools.htm (has some niffty scripts that could be useful in other areas, but no fix for the CoM TCB issue)
    http://www.hyperent.com/ (I haven't tried out the HyperRigger or the TiM Scripts, just found out about them this morning, could be useful and have a fix?)

  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    Vig, youve been an awesome help but I managed to figure out my little quirk wink.gif

    It seems if I have a default in>out curve as stepped when i create my keyframes it works, god only knows how easy its going to be refining later on though, any heads up would be apreciated wink.gif

    OK slight edit, im moving on brilliantly, but for some reason i cant find a way to stop rotations being linearly.

    Even when i edit the tcb in the rollout to something of a stepped degree and select stepped from the key style (near timeline controls,bottom) it just ignores what i want, heck even the curve editor shows a stepped motion but when i scrub the timeline its definately not stepped.

    Im stumped, how did this get to be used so much lol?
  • Mark Dygert
    Ignore everything I said before I just remembered a simple work around. You'll kick yourself when you read it, I did when I remembered it.

    Create a dummy object, snap it to the CoM, link the CoM to the Dummy and use the Dummy as the new CoM. Edit the dummies curves as if it was the CoM and you're golden.

    If it won't let you link the CoM to any object (I think it will allow it in Max8 and higher) you might need to get CrazyButchers Script Link Biped to Object, for lower versions of Max.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    also remember that you can view your anim curves in biped rollout using 'trajectories' panel
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