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Hey, vague graphics programming questions?

Joseph Silverman
polycounter lvl 17
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Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
I'm not sure this is exactly worth a whole thread, but I doubt there's anyone in #md that can help me, and I know there are some programmers here, so...

Sorry to ask a stupid question, but, If I was casually curious about the basics of how mordern graphics programming worked (like, more than my current knowledge of 'it involves knowledge of programming and directx or something' -- not necessarily a full course on the subject) any advice as to where I could easily learn?

Websites, ideally (although I'll settle for books) -- wikipedia and the like are no help, as far as I can find, and documentation for directx/opengl seem geared toward people who already know what they're doing and are a bit more seriously pursuing things than I am.

Thanks. smile.gif


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