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PC dies thread :(

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rooster mod
see if this makes any sense.. a few days ago my brand new pc starts acting up, basically turning on but not beeping.. if I reset it everything seemed to work fine and it would run ok.

so today I turn it on and the light goes off accompanied by a burning smell. fuck.

I hook up my old pc to the same setup, everything spins up, no beep.. wagh turn it off!

something weird is going on. when I tried my old pc I had the keyboard from the new one (logitech) the new monitor (viewsonic) and the old monitor (samsung) and the old mouse (logitech).

now I plugged my pc into a different socket but without the viewsonic/new keyboard and it runs fine, which makes me suspicious my brand new pc was needlessly fried due to some kink in the setup.. I was using a surge protected socket extension, but all the plugs were used up due to the peripherals etc.

any theories wtf happened?


  • cyborgguineapig
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    cyborgguineapig polycounter lvl 14
    Sounds like a dead motherboard. This sounds very similar to what happened to me just a month or so ago.
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    "Odeur De Electronique" For the IT man!

    smells like the PSU fried, just swap that out first and see if the PC starts, they're more likely to sacrifice themselves to save the system so it's might just be that and not some other hardware.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hmm yeah but why would the exact same symptom happen to my old pc which has never occurred before? never had a problem with it, and suddenly with the same setup the same problem. smells fishy!
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    It's extremely odd that your old PC should exhibit the same (or similar) symptoms with the new peripherals. They draw what little power they need from the PC, so I can't see them being the problem. Did your old PC get past the 'Power On Self Test' stage, eg did you see anything on the monitor?

    You're not running the monitor power from the PSU are you? It should really have it's own kettle lead from the mains - your PSU has enough to cope with if you have a reasonably new graphics card and multiple HD/DVD/CD drives.

    I suspect that the problem lies either with the new PSU or the motherboard - as stated earlier, and that your old PC would work fine with the new peripherals once it gets time to recognise them on boot-up.

    But... It's not my fault if you try it again and fry both systems, M'kay?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I'm putting my money on a electrical problem at the socket
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Sounds like you may have a short in the new monitor. I suppose a keyboard could short out and cause problems as well but the display is the more logical choice since there is quite a bit more power involved there.

    Have you started diagnosing the new pc yet? If its the display the gfx card prolly got nailed. Just a guess.

    You could hooking up the new pc again with the old display and old keyboard and see if anything comes on.

    If you get anything your power supply is prolly still good. Next start pulling components to try and get that initial post beep. Usually once you get that you figured out the blown component or components. If you have worked your way through all your components and just have CPU , mobo and PSU left you and dont get 3 beeps for missing ram you prolly blew the mobo.

    Pretty much a process of elimination using those post code beeps as your guide.


    use a different socket while testing. try using your nose as a guide as well. blown electric parts have a distinct smell.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    nah the monitor had a seperate cable.. no beep, no signal.. nada. its bizarre, the only things similar in each case were the socket, surge protector, monitors, keyboard and mouse. I've used the surge protector and socket before without any strangeness.. bah.

    it was a prebuilt system so I'm going to try get them to fix it but I'm scared of plugging anything into the old socket. currently sat on the floor across the room :/
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm scared of plugging anything into the old socket. currently sat on the floor across the room :/

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stick a table lamp in there - see if the bulb flickers or glows overbright.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    glad you can get someone else to do the troubleshooting. I still think its the display shorting out through the video cable.

    The display is new was hooked up to both the old and new pc. The outlet had a surge protector on it and you had other things plugged into it that didn't exhibit issues.

    Good call on the lamp idea gamnx.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    yeah sorry ironhawk I missed your post, you could well be right. ill try that lamp idea when I get in

    cheers all!
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