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Shadowrun PC/360.....

polycounter lvl 18
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gavku polycounter lvl 18
Was just talking to a mate about this article:

Seems like the pc users are getting screwed. I hope this is not the way other pc/360/PS3 online games are going to go.


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Seems like IGN had a very incomplete version of the game, though. Most of the issues seemed to stem from that.

    As for the dummed down PC controls, that's unfortunate, if they go with that. I know for damn sure, that many 360 gamers could whip the hell out of PC gamers, even if they had normal mouse control. PC gamers shouldn't be knocked down like that. They don't have any advantage, so there's no need to handicap them.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    The mouse control thing they described is the same ret bloom that was in the Rainbow six/ghost recon series, Counterstrike, Day of Defeat, deus ex, and practically every other shooter that wanted to balance guns realistically or with rpg elements that I've ever played. He never said that the aim was any different on the 360. Only that the overall difficult aiming was partly a balance for 360/pc issue, and mostly a gameplay choice to make magical powers more interesting.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah that's what it seemed to me. I also watched some PC gameplay videos on gamespot and it seemed to handly like a normal fps, just that the cone of fire on the guns was pretty wild. So people ended up using magic a lot. It makes sense, reducing the effectiveness of guns slows down the gameplay, giving more time for strategy. In on of the videos a guy looked through walls and saw enemies in the room above him, he jumped and teleported through the wall behind one of them and took him out. Looked fun smile.gif

    I'd like to try this, but don't have Vista yet :/
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Got it for 360, haven't got the chance to fully play it, but it seems like the online should be really freakin fun. The magic and tech adds a lot to it, the way the guns are set makes it so that you want to use the magic and tech a lot as well.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    His argument for paying seems pretty lame....
    Mitch Gitelman: They also have to watch ads though, right? They're paying for it one way or another.

    I'd much rather have a banner ad in my server browser than be shelling out money to play online.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    I just got it for 360, its pretty fun. A bit of a change. The options with magic really change up the gameplay tactics. I really think the resurection part is cool. If someone resurects you, then dies, you slowly die as well. A twist of teamplay I haven't seen a for while in fps.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Saw the box the other day, had to actually laugh out loud at their minimum specs... 2gb RAM, dual core processor, Geforce 7900 or Radeon x1800, something like 5gb hard drive... why all that if it runs on a 360? :|
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