What fuels your creativity, in terms of giving you inspiration, as well as energy to keep working.
Skyr (awesome food in Iceland, kind of like a thick yogurt)
Techno/trance/electronic radio stations on shoutcast
Working late at night (on personal art)

Music (Rock, Funk or Metal)
Comic Books
Movies and Games
Like Ben, I'm more of night person or early mornings.
The more social the environment becomes the better I do my work.
Unfortunately, I'm in a room where people frown on music played out loud. Shhhhh quiet !! I'm trying to think!..
turning off the internet
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THAT is absolutely truthful thing:)))))))
but i turn on some ambient(like this) or light drum&bass.
and work in night
Tons of water
Snack breaks in the evening
Some form of radio or music
socializing with other 3D artists
going outside
Only after that I feel like I can get something done.
To stay creative I NEVER change up my routine...
I try to play as much football (or soccer if u want) as I can and go out as often as possible because 24/7 infront of the monitor makes me unhappy...
A quick map of BF2142
Punk rock
Lookin' around at all the awesome stuff on here
Remembering to get away from the computer
checking out inspirational art
lounging around after work thinking about what I'm going to do the next day at work
talking to co-workers about how f*&king cool our game is going to be
Music - usually some ambient trance, D2 soundtrack, or metal/punk. Depends on the project and the mindset I want to be in.
Surfing reference material
Hackey sack with my wife, mini ramp session, or climbing my bouldering wall if I'm feeling the need to burn some energy before sitting down.
Also musics, coffee sucks!
Although recently the doctor said my heart rate's faster than normal, so I should probably stop drinking it so much
Coffee of course, black, usually 8 o'clock coffee, regular.
a smoke break to mull over what I just did, and think of how to continue/improve it.
Music, no real specific genre.
Talking to people about what I'm working on, and it's more effective if they know what the hell I'm talking about, and show interest and give input.
and it seems if I have just one of those kick-ass days and I can almost do no wrong really help, because all I want to do is work until I'm too tired to do anymore. Granted the following day is usually one of those days where all I want to do is lay down and veg.
Working late at night
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HELLS YEAH. I'm never not inspired at 2 am.
Also Indie Hip-Hop.
I have a problem and tend to develop sudden irrational phobias, usually due to what i'm watching on t.v, or on my computer, and integrate it into what i'm doing.
- coffee
- tea
- music catalog
- working on something I actually enjoy
- Coffee
- Grey Goose with Mountain Dew and Apple Pucker
- 5000+ mp3s on shuffle
- Playing with my son and shooting him with my new Nerf Maverick
- and working on something that I enjoy
-Coffee, 2-4 cups a day. 5 on milestone delivery day.
-Energy drinks. Or as I call it, "the sauce". People can tell when I'm on or off the sauce.
-music, whatevers good.
-talking about silly stuff with the art team
-making fun of one of our senior ld's (good friend of mine. no matter what everything he does is 'fucking crap, delete it and do it over'.
-3pm break, generally a walk to get coffee with some peeps
Socialize with peers.
Burnout sprints
Reading articles like these...
Routine changes often...
exploring abandoned buildings at night drunk. seriously.
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I've done this, only the last time the building was not abandoned, just empty.
I get very creative when listening to Drum n Bass music more so than any other type.
I think that going outside for a walk or doing a workout leads to enhanced creativity but is not always as the direct result.
making everyone leave me alone for 15 minutes
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You can make that happen? HOW?
11 o'clock hot chocolate
life-drawing after work to relax(I draw boobies)
don't feel sorry for him, he doesn't deserve creativity
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careful now ... i'm sure there's a whacking great pile of textures lying around somewhere that need entering, one by one, into an excel document with handwritten notes
Talking gibberish with quebecois people.
Humming in a menacing way
girlfriend ( nuff said
my replica of bill katana.
drawing in class.
there's a warning for a reason
is that like red bull ?
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It has a dose of "yohimbine" which is used by vets to bring animals out of anesthesia. It is sold in patch form to stupid people trying to get rid of fat. A patch helps you stop smoking, a patch helps you stop being fat, BRILLIANT! =P
Mostly it will just make humans edgy, shaky, paranoid and give you a heart attack. Might as well just lick the floor of your local pharmacy, it will do the same thing...
don't feel sorry for him, he doesn't deserve creativity
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careful now ... i'm sure there's a whacking great pile of textures lying around somewhere that need entering, one by one, into an excel document with handwritten notes
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Bring him up to see me. I'll take him to a chipshop.
Bring him up to see me. I'll take him to a chipshop.
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don't confuse the poor lad more than he is already. One of those weird chipshops might tip him over the edge