Hey, don't know if you guys remember, but a while ago I posted a an UT2k4 game mod I was the lead designer for. Recently the mod won the EA Reveal contest for the Game/Level design portion! Felt great to have the team's hard work recognized.

Anyways, I also wanted to share the trailer of the game with you guys. I know a lot of people didn't and wont get to see the full game, but the trailer atleast shows some, and I'd love to get the thoughts of some of the polycounters on it.
It can be viewed at
http://www.digitalcandygames.com . A full site will be up... whenever I have the time to finish it. :S
Anyways, thanks a bunch, I've just been really excited about all this and wanted to share.

Malcolm - It was a pretty cool event. Our category was fairly understated because it was its first year, but the animation stuff was cool to watch so it was all good.
I'm definitely pumped, working on getting a full site up and running now, and a few of the team members as well as myself are continuing work and making a new level to add on.