I played the Halo3 beta last night for about an hour, got killed every 5 seconds. lol It seemed like the match making system always paired me with a group of players that had years experience playing halo 2 DM. The Ice planet was pretty, the level on the hill and the one with the jump pads seemed the most balanced. After dying so much, I said goodbye to Halo, and went back to GoW

. Graphically, halo 3 beta was a bit of a let down, it's only a beta so hopefully they will make use of the Xbox 360s potential in the full game.
I saw a few polycounters playing online last night on my friends list, so i know a few are playing.
Seriously, though. I'm enjoying it, but that's mostly because I'm a Halo freak. It's nice to have it on the 360, integrated into Live with the matchmaking and such. There are some new toys in the game which are a lot of fun, and some new game modes which are pretty good (e.g. Territories). The team modes are always the most fun unless you're playing with a group of friends.
Visually, it's not the hottest thing ever, but they've got a few months left and apparently this build is a couple of months off the current graphical glitz. The Master Chief model definitely looks better than that shitty screenshot they posted a few months back.
Either way I have my Legendary Edition reserved so I can have my Spartan Helmet on my desk.
If you have a clan or a group of friends, then you may get a few kills.
I'm really enjoying it, anyway. It plays a whole lot better, to me, than halo 1/2 did. Subtle changes to balance and movement were definitely for the best, and new weapons seem pretty good.
I haven't had the problems with not being able to get kills. I managed to place second in my first game and 3rd in my others. (Except the King of the Hill match I played, didn't fare so well in that one). Guess it's just the luck of the draw.
What do people find so much fun about this game? To me its fun for about an hour, then it just starts to wear off. There isn't much skill involved, just trying to aim. The first game I played I came in second out of 8 people....and I was running around aimlessly most of the time trying to check out some textures! Hitting someone with your gun is almost always a one hit kill which is lame as well.
As for graphics, I agree, it is a letdown from what they are making it out to be. Sure it is a beta, but I would assume that most of this stuff is just as polished as the other maps will be when they are released. The lighting however, is a great plus.
To me its just another shooting game. Heck, I liked Rainbow Six Vegas much more. Guess its not the game for me.
after a few games I started really enjoying it, it feels much different jumping, and I never played halo 1 multi so I didnt know how the assault rifle was, but I like it a lot.
the save videos feature is a neat idea, and I hope they expand it more especially to the point where you can watch a vid with a bunch of your friends instead of sharing it and all watching it alone, it would be so much fun watching it with a bunch on live and just commenting on it hahah, a game in itself.
I will continue to try it out but I must say so far I'm lovin it.
I knew i should have bought crackdown
Anyway I liked it a lot actually. I was never a hardcore halo 1 or 2 player, never owned an Xbox. I managed to keep up with players online, and had fun doing it.
I'm sad that I can't participate in this.
I knew i should have bought crackdown
[/ QUOTE ]
so buy it now, used, then return it after 7 days.
Not to mention its turning (ok, has been) just like the Counter-Strike community, with the douche-bagery, and jackassishness... People who are at the bottom of the scores list, but insist on corpse humping. Maybe im just playing with the wrong crowd.
Also, the game needs AA, and I wasn't overly impressed with the graphics, and if people think that the bubble shield is the best graphics the game has to offer, thats really kind of sad. Its just a fuzz blob.