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Source/TF2 Facial Animation



  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome. Really inspiring stuff!

    For me it looks like that the new tech is not neccessarly just a new tool. If I am not comepletly wrong, it loos like they blend in and out the normalmaps based on facial muscle strecht and added a "wrinkles normal map" also for areas like the forehead.

    As for Valve, I really like their approach on games and everything around it. Science, Physics, Social / Environmental Interaction, constant MIT and Science Refrences, Portals, overall clever design and other premises of this kind, kinda led me to believe that Valve is trying to push games on more social and cultural level, then it is now. Customer and Developer side!

    And I think its great that they actually make games shine like that, even though they just make FPSs.

    Jep, I am currently playing HL2 and I am just impressed how clever the game is built up...
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