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Transformers: The Movie



  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I actually have that transformer still... I just found a small box of transformers that I must not have sold earlier. He be cosmos
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    Sappy, campy, visceral adrenaline rush, cheesy, funny, WTF, more holy-crap-robots, and DAMN CG MOVIES WITH SO MUCH IN FRAME MOTION YOU CAN'T LOOK AT THE PAINSTAKINGLY BUILT MODELS...
    but yeah that's every movie with CG Special FX I've seen aside from Pirates..
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    All the fight scenes were awesome, very campy (more than meets the eye?) but very fun. I loved the CG, it felt very believable especially in the second half of the movie.
  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    Its bad. Not quite god awful, but pretty bad.

    The metal on metal hard core action is good surprisingly; but unfortunately too few and far inbetween. Its the only aspect that saves this movie from being abysmal

    The rest is hamfisted and way too drawn out; it was like watching the 1st episode of the animated show in 1/4th the speed, stretching 30 min to 150 minutes.

    The vehicle choices range from sub par to absolutely atrocious; with a few exceptions.

    and there's no high pitched Starscream whine for mercy: "Megaaaaaatroooooonnnnnnnnnnnn!"

  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    Gearbox is taking us to see it tonight. So much for my plans for avoiding this stinker entirely tongue.gif
  • Mark Dygert
    You should slip into Ratatouille when no one is looking...
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    freaking awesome! The animated transformers were intense! went with a few friends from work, and we all thought the movie was great, the comedy was hilarious. Definately going to see a second showing this week. Now I gotta get me a optimus toy for my desk at work laugh.gif
  • ill_logic
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    ill_logic polycounter lvl 17
    this movie set back robots twenty years.
    absolute garbage.

  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I loved it, and so want to go see it again. It was fun and great eye candy. I can't wait to see the next few! It was way better than i had hoped for.
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    BRUTICUS(CW) polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    So where's Bruticus' review? I've been looking forward to a full blown wailing, fist-beating-on-floor tantrum.(No offense to the man)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    here's a link to my review:

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Utterly abominable. I did not want campy, tongue-in-cheek Transformers. Taco Bell dogs in casts and robots peeing on people are puerile to the point of being offensive. This is independent of the source material; Batman Begins was based on a comic book sold to kids, but was treated seriously and a fantastic movie was the result. Transformers could and should have been developed the same way.
    Offline / Send Message
    BRUTICUS(CW) polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Utterly abominable. I did not want campy, tongue-in-cheek Transformers. Taco Bell dogs in casts and robots peeing on people are puerile to the point of being offensive. This is independent of the source material; Batman Begins was based on a comic book sold to kids, but was treated seriously and a fantastic movie was the result. Transformers could and should have been developed the same way.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree 100%. Its very clear that Michael Bay did not "get" Transformers. He treated it as a silly comedy. No man, people remember Transformers because Transformers KICK ASS. Michael Bay however, does not.

    A Michael Bay Film, ....you can keep it. I'm waiting for the reboot, the Batman Returns. This was Batman and Robin. Unfortunately as I predicted this movie will surely have sequels so it will be a long time coming.
  • Maddness
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    Maddness polycounter lvl 11
    I thought the movie was amazing. I had some problems with it that I wanted to change, but as a whole the movie was extremely entertaining and I got to see the Transformers that I've loved through my childhood. When the comedy parts started, at first I was a little weirded out, but I soon realized the message. "Just sit back, enjoy this movie, and don't worry about it." And that's what I did, and enjoyed every minute of it.

    I'm not saying most of you are this way, but people shoot down the movie automatically, because the movie was done by Michael Bay. No chance is given at all for the man to make right by whatever he did wrong to some. (though I've always thought his movies were great popcorn flicks, which is great in a theater of epic serious movies).

    And there will be people who hate the movie going in that want the movie to be 300% dedicated to the source material, which I know there are many many variations of, and I thought, though there was a lot of humor, and the cartoon, which is just 1 variation of the subject matter, had a more serious tone a lot, the movie was done very well and he kept a lot of things in for the fans.

    On to my disappointments. I think Starscream got fisted for screen time.

    Where's that relationship with Megatron that we were all told would be in the movie? One line creates that relationship? Even though it's THE line. I would've enjoyed Starscream trying to boss everyone around more, like in the prequel Novel, showing that he was in charge while Megs was, on ice.

    THe other thing was that, Michael Bay had defended his decision over and over again for mass-shifting, by saying that it was unrealistic for a transformer who's 30 feet tall or whatever to turn into something that's as big as your hand.

    Then he makes a 4 story all spark cube turn into something that was about a foot or less all around. This was the same technology that created them, sans the story. Why wouldn't Megatron be able to become a gun? Also, Frenzy jumped into that cell phone, which was way smaller than his head.

    Other than that, the movie was the best i've seen this year, and I'm going back again tonight.

    - Mike
  • skankerzero
    Don't know what movie you guys saw, but what I saw was pretty badass and entertaining.

    Seeing it again tonight.

    Can't wait for the sequel.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    im with jesse, i saw saw a badass movie too. I guess there are those who must analyze everything wink.gif
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    it was a whole lot better than what i thought it would be, it was definitely not a BAD movie, not as bad as spiderman 3 or pirates 3... well ... i guess we have to wait for transformers 3 and see how that'll go. the only gripe i had was that the action sequences, while plentiful, were really short and left me wanting more just about every single time, like the bumblebee vs barricade car chase... u know it goes into slowmo with smoke and music starts playing and you're all like YES! this is gonna be good, and then its over in like 15 seconds... i also wished that in some of those fights they would actually pull the camera back a little bit so you can see giant robots beating each other instead of just constant closeups of fists and stuff
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I'm analyzing everything. It took a lot of analysis to decide that a robot urinating on someone to get giggles from teenage boys is fucking stupid. Check your brain at the door, laugh at the Taco Bell dog! It's pandering to the lowest common denominator; Brawndo has what plants crave!

    Vitaly also mentioned something that disappointed me, we almost never get a good clear shot of Transformers in action. We don't really see how Bumblebee whipped Barricade's ass - he tosses the bad guy into a building and minutes later, he's striding victoriously up to Sam. We never even got a clear look at Bonecrusher or Devestator. The fucking annoying Sector Seven dweeb gets tons of screen time, but half the Decepticons were seemingly thrown in right at the end? I literally could not be more disappointed.
  • mvelasquez
    I throughly enjoyed it except for the fact that the theatre was completely packed and i was in the second row frown.gif I knew something awesome was going on screen but being that close it was hard to follow laugh.gif going again tonight.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    I'm so definetly going to see it again. Gotta love the mountain dew machine robot.
  • skankerzero
    Saw it a second time, with what I consider a 'normal crowd', and it received an ovation when it was done, not from everyone, but from the majority of the theater. My friend and I looked at each other and commented on how rare that is on the third day from a non 'hardcore' crowd.

    I say 'mission accomplished'. Urinating robot or not, it hit it's target demographic, and you can't blame them for doing so.

    Bring on the sequel!
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    action was good, if sometimes hard to tell what the hell is going on on-screen. will probably enjoy the dvd more. The beginning with Bumblebee and Sam and the chick was funny, but alot of the other jokes had me slapping my forehead most of the movie.

    Also i agree, it seems like most of the Decepticons were 'thrown in' at the end. And Starscream did get fisted for screen time, he had 1 line, but kicked more ass at the end then probably any other robot. I would love to see a sequel with Galvatron or Unicron or something.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Effin rocked. The crowd applauded at the end. After Die Hard and this, I'm starting to have some faith in the movie industry to actually the ability to make fun movies again.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Silly, Horrible, Poorly Written.

    Other than wagging my head in shame when OP said "My Bad"....

    The plot was flawed even beyond the physics and tech. So plain in site, its not even something that "leave your mind at the door" would be able to overcome...

    (The spoiler (in more ways than one))
    If Megatron came earlier in earths history to get the All Spark. The purpose, the transform Earth Technology into further Bots after recovering it.

    The black hole of stupidity of writing..
    Sector 7 admitted all modern technology was based around Megatrons design. In other words, when Megatron came that Technology did not exist! (Remember, even if you try to argue that 1927 had some tech, Megatron had already been frozen long before that) Hence, a writers Paradox, unless you want to claim that Megatron had some sort of precog and willingly let himself freeze.

    So Silly. Let it die peacefully.

    Now though. The CG Tech proved itself on transformers.. let's have a Battletech/Mechwarriors movie already (if not a Robotech)! Jeeze.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    battletech or robotech would make me cry with happiness.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    battletech or robotech would make me cry with happiness.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As long as it wasn't directed by Michael Bay or Uwe Boll. smile.gif
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I saw it yesterday and I'm mixed on it.

    I'll start by admitting that I know it was rated PG-13, but I figured it was because of the violence and maybe some swearing. They did realize kids would want to see this movie, right? But then the movie theater decides to run the trailers for Chuck and Larry, so my 10 year old is sitting there hearing about guys being gay and different sex humor. OK, not the movie's fault.
    Then the movie starts and it's like fucking American Pie with some Transformers thrown in. All it needed was stifler and some nudity and you would have American Pie revisited. WE GET IT, he's an awkward teen. He wants to bone the chick. Was it necessary to keep referencing people being virgins, him wanting to 'ride her home', and the WAY out of place discussion about masterbation?

    The part where he was getting the glasses was way to fucking long. It made the Autobots look like bumbling idiots. OK, we can't wait in the alley, we have to walk across the back yard and get a few more jokes in about that f'in lawn/path. Then we'll transform back to vehicles ON THE LAWN to be disguised... then back to robots... then hide again, then at the window again... christ, MOVE ON!

    And like it was mentioned, the Decepticons felt thrown in. "Hey, how do we get people to know their names?"..." I know, we'll have them report in with their names." Where the fuck were these guys through the rest of the movie? Hell, they never even say who the boombox was (or I missed it). I found it's spastic personality damn annoying.

    OH, and Optimus should have had his cannon. That was a HUGE part of Optimus. Instead he got a sword. And we only got to see that once.

    That being said, I thought the fight scenes were awesome and the transforming was great. I would have almost prefered the movie to remain as just a military versus the Transformers type of plot.
    Also, seeing Detroit as a major part of the film was cool. I know many of you may not know about it, but 'the city' were the fight scene was, is actually all Detroit. The building where they set the flare is an old train station here in Detroit. Even though it's in a decaying area of Detroit, it's still a beautiful building.

    Anyways, they left room for a part two, and I hope a second one is made, but hopefully they concentrate more on the Transformers this time. I left the movie feeling upset, yet happy to have seen it. It's hard to explain. I can say that I don't intend on buying this when it reaches video though :/
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    (The spoiler (in more ways than one))
    If Megatron came earlier in earths history to get the All Spark. The purpose, the transform Earth Technology into further Bots after recovering it.

    The black hole of stupidity of writing..
    Sector 7 admitted all modern technology was based around Megatrons design. In other words, when Megatron came that Technology did not exist! (Remember, even if you try to argue that 1927 had some tech, Megatron had already been frozen long before that) Hence, a writers Paradox, unless you want to claim that Megatron had some sort of precog and willingly let himself freeze.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Megatron wanted the allspark on cybertron, Optimus shot it into space. It landed on earth, Megatron wanted it back so he followed it. He got stuck in the north pole or whatever.
    He had no plan to do anything with earth, it was just where the allspark landed.

    I haven't seen the movie yet but unless somebody with a clear idea of megatron's plans in the movie (not just secondguessing) says he came to earth to do this and that, there's no paradox or plot mistake there (?)
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That is stated in the movie... thus why he put 'spoiler' wink.gif Honestly, that is stated and didn't make any damn sense.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Saw it last night, thought it was pretty entertaining.

    Several flaws in logic in the movie that I have problems with, but I can set those aside as the usual movie bullshit.

    But that fucking little boombox robot made me want to throw babies at the screen whenever it was on. I hates it.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    I still don't care what anyone says about that, well, lets call it a 'miracle'. It spawned childhood memories of me getting up early to watch it.

    Best line in the movie.

    'We need to work on getting up world comunications'
    'Okay, but first, well need the Air Force.'

    Damn fucking straight. Can't do anything without the Air Force. smile.gif

    Don't worry, I'll kick my OWN ass.
  • frostymoose
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    frostymoose polycounter lvl 17
    Calm down and enjoy it for what it is smile.gif
  • SkullboX
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    SkullboX polycounter lvl 18
    Finally an action movie that doesn't try to be more than it should and succeeding admirably at it. While the first half was way better than the second, it was fun all the way through. Funny stuff with kickass action, though since I never watched the television series I didn't really have any expectations other than robots turning into cars and blowing stuff up, which they did a good job at.

    Sure it had flaws but I wasn't really paying much attention to the cniematic qualities of the film anyway. The only thing that pissed me off was all the ebay crap.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    ahh saw it last night, I wasnt disapointed, Cause I knew i would see Awsome cg! and well shit dialogue and acting and such. but DAMN Insane fucking CGaction FACkkkk The design of the transformers fucking ROCK, better then the old boxy classic yuk, Man the details! awsome anims and their sound and voice was TOP!!

    They should make a Strip down adult version of this film tho, like they removed all the small pixar robot scene YASH, all the useless Scene with the british girl and her useless friends YASH, and any John void scene cause LOL that actor is still the worse after 50years. !
    it would of been and awsome 90 mins action pack films without thoses part! now that would of been Even better!,

    But hey, was still awsome Cgaction!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Thats an Aussie, Bill. That doesn't make her any less irritiating though.

    I'd say it was a crap movie that managed to transcend its overall dodginess with some visceral, if way too shaky and difficult to follow action scenes. I left the cinema happy and a little pumped and thats all I ask for.

    It obviously could have been much better, easily, but it'll do. They've got another two tries at it to come so at least theres a little hope.
  • lkraan
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    lkraan polycounter lvl 18
    You know that when you go see this movie you'll get cheesy dialogue/story, a small romance thing and some comic relief.
    I was worried that there would be too much of that stuff and not enough cool CG robots kicking ass.

    It was much better that I expected and I thought the CG stuff rocked.
    Waiting for the DVD now so I can watch those cool bits again.

    The air battle with that transforming fighter plane destroying a bunch of real fighter planes blew me away.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    who crammed a shitty pop teen movie up inside my badass transformers movie?!

    (loved everything about the transformers, hated everything about the little people)

    (don't see this movie if you're easily offended by product placement... you will kill yourself)
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Best review ever. When Prime decapitated Bonecrusher, I literally yelled out "Why did I have to wait two hours for this?!" Did anyone here enjoy watching the black guy eating donuts or the nerdy kid get pants'd or mom's masturbation jokes MORE than watching Optimus Prime vs. Megatron or Starscream taking out the f-22s?

    It wasn't Transformers: The Movie that I bought a ticket to, it was American Pie: Product Placement Unrated Edition with twenty minutes of robots inserted randomly throughout.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Great FX, meh story.

    If Michael Bay didn't do a 1/2 hour of slow-mo shots it would have been a 2 hour movie. I really can't stand all of them. I have to agree with 3DGuy about the action hard to follow. The robots are so complex that when they are wrestling or whatever it's impossible to tell what's happening. I strangely want to see it again for some reason.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I saw it today, I was expecting total crapness but left with mixed feelings, more positive than negative, glad to say. The movie was long as shit though, not in a bad way I noticed it when it finished and looked at my watch to see if I had time to see another movie, Die hard 4, now that was a fun movie. wink.gif Overall I didn't like the fact that the Transformers were just thrown in, it felt like they tried to make the "story" part work and fit the bots in there. The story was about a boy who meets the bots and not the Autobots trying to stop the Decepticons. The final war thing was more like a fight, I disliked very much how they just went to the end of all battles theme. I like the transforming sound from the toons thrown in but it would have been nice if it wasn't so muted. They tried to make it too realistic,

    Spoiler alert Jazz dieing, some of the Decepticons getting killed... I thought this was supposed to be more kid friendly to tell you the truth, I thought it was a bit graphic. Yeah I'm sounding like an old hag here but it seemed a bit off. They went on and on about how their bodies heal over time so it seemed odd what happened in the movie. Megatron was made too strong it really didn't make sense. I would expect the other Decepticons to be afraid of Prime considering he is supposed to be strong enough to hold his own against Megatron. Loved the CG very good, the fighting scenes were to freaking fast though. I never thought I would say this but there were to many damn explosions, everywhere, they didn't even make sense after awhile. All and all I enjoyed this movie, the ending was lame though, looking foward to the next one. Die hard was fun. wink.gif I enjoyed the boom box bot as well, was that supposed to be Soundwave? It seemed to fit Soundwaves role, he was very useful, they made him too quirky for my taste though.

  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    I saw this today. Utter, utter crap.

    I was expecting to have to check my brain at the door, I didn't realise I'd have to be lacking one from birth.

    So many plot holes that if it was clothes even porn stars would say it was a little immodest.

    I could have lived with the worse plot in a major motion picture of all time if the acting had helped me believe some of it, unfortunately each member of the cast appeared to be acting in a different movie. I don't mean they were all in the Naked Gun, I mean each actor was in a completely different movie from every other. Apparently no one told any of them what the tone of the thing was supposed to be - other than loud and obnoxious anyway. There were performances in it that didn't make me cringe (Shia LaBeouf was quite watchable for example, as was Megan Fox, though I guess that had little to do with her action), but not enough, not nearly enough.

    Even that I could accept, if the action was awesome. And it was, what I could see of it though the sad excuse for action direction that is "Hold the camera close, zoom in and shake it a lot, and do some of that in slow motion". A directorial decision made all the worse due the difficulty of reading the Decepticon's forms at the best of times. A complete waste of some excellent CG - all I saw for most of it was a blobby wall of shiny shit.

    Everyone else I saw it with enjoyed it though, so what the hell do I know?
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    loved it. want to see it again. now.

    and i *NEED* a transforming Xbox 360 laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I signed up for a movie about giant robots, and thats exactly what I got. I loved the entire movie.

    It's Transformers - I expected a cheese-dick story. It delivered, I was happy.

    Loved it all. I wish though that they'd have done the Megatron/Starscream relationship a bit more. A do like though that Optimus Primes 'character' was not touched.

    This is a great movie if you go to it expecting what you'd see at a TRANSFORMERS flick.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I gotta say that this movie was pretty awesome. Sure the human story line was cheesy but the movie was made more for a general audience and thus the cheesy story.

    The robots and cg work is just simply amazing. I am really hoping for an Art Book for this movie like the Star Wars ones. This is by far ILMs best work yet. 10,000+ moving animatable parts.

    Man oh man. I'm gonna go see it again. I do agree that I would like to see more of the Megatron / Starscream relationship like many of you had mentioned.
  • skankerzero
    so far:

    Domestic: $107,403,000 74.8%
    + Foreign: $36,253,961 25.2%
    = Worldwide: $143,656,961

    looks like they did their job well.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Just got Back...it was fun...

    The only thing that really disapointed me was the PRime vs Megatron fight.... I wanted to see the ole laser ax and ball and chain fight
    Offline / Send Message
    BRUTICUS(CW) polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Just got Back...it was fun...

    The only thing that really disapointed me was the PRime vs Megatron fight.... I wanted to see the ole laser ax and ball and chain fight

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oooooh the Prime and Megs laser axe battle on top of the dam is such a wasted opportunity! When I heard they were filming at Hoover Dam I thought we'd see that classic battle for sure

  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    This is a great movie if you go to it expecting what you'd see at a TRANSFORMERS flick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, I have to comment on this one little bit above. What defines a TRANSFORMER flick? The only other reference is the movie from the 80s and that was light years ahead in character development and story than this current rubbish. Which is funny since it was animated and had a lower PG rating.

    Actually Im seeing a divide here between people who as kids knew the original premise and those who only knew of re-runs or (worse) rewrites. (This is in no way a absolute separation however)

    For those in the know, the new movie is just about as silly as the Go-Bots show was.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    THe 80's movie had Zero character development...they killed all the major characters off and replaced them with new ones.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    It's kind of funny to see the extreme disparity between opinions on this flick. So far it seems like most people either loved it or hated it; I have yet to hear anyone say "it was ok."

    They actually had some problems getting the film to run when Gearbox took us to see it, so I was able to leave before it started. My goal of never seeing this movie is still fully intact smile.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    This is a great movie if you go to it expecting what you'd see at a TRANSFORMERS flick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, I have to comment on this one little bit above. What defines a TRANSFORMER flick? The only other reference is the movie from the 80s and that was light years ahead in character development and story than this current rubbish. Which is funny since it was animated and had a lower PG rating.

    Actually Im seeing a divide here between people who as kids knew the original premise and those who only knew of re-runs or (worse) rewrites. (This is in no way a absolute separation however)

    For those in the know, the new movie is just about as silly as the Go-Bots show was.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I movie about giant robots. That is all, take it for what its worth and you'll have a good time.
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