Brut please stop. With the amount of transformers I have in my apartment and at the office I really don't want to ever be lumped in with someone who uses the phrase "I am a unified [unicron/quintesson] theorist."
[/ QUOTE ]
please simma.... it was a figure of speach, I think you get the meaning. and if it makes you feel any better you are prolly even geekier than me. I have one figure on my desk at work, one on my desk at home and I do pushups for a living.
Yeah it does spoil the movie there were a bunch of people discussing spoilers in another forum I visit. General consensus was that there could have been more action, but that the action scenes it did have will be wonderful.
Robots that turn into cars and airplanes and tanks is AWESOME.
I hope they didnt forget to put that robot in who could turn into a fricking casetteplayer... bwaha I bet he played a very important role in the 12 million year mythology :P
I hope they didnt forget to put that robot in who could turn into a fricking casetteplayer... bwaha I bet he played a very important role in the 12 million year mythology :P
[/ QUOTE ]
standard transformers ignorance. soundwave transformed into a ....lamp post when he was on cybertron well actually I prefer to think of it as a communication tower.
I'm really looking forward to this one. I collected the comeics for a few hundred issues when i was 9,10,11 and it was also a great comic for introducing me ( along with Secret Wars) to other series and characters via the backup stories they ran with it.
I'm glad the updated it, we're in an age where the only logical thing to do is to update these things.
The formula worked really well for other comic properties and considering the Transformers started out as an excuse to flog a bunch of toys I think its done remarkably well.
I read Grant Morrison's pitch to marvel a few years ago when he updated the Xmen in the wake of the movie, a lot of his points about Marvel et al being TOTALLY out of touch with what folk want today are spot in and the same applies to the movie adaptations.
Looking at how much more interesting the Ultimates update of a property as boring as the Avengers has become, or the Ultimates Fantastic Four breathing life into tired old cyphers, its pretty clear that we need to sacrifice the details of our childhood lusts for these old stories and get back to the heart of what made them cool back then and find ways to make the heart of it relevant for today.
So yeah, I can't wait as I think its going to be an incredible experience and I'll pay my money simply to see the transformation animations, that alone is worth the price of admission for me.
i think you mean an Ultra Magnus toy... there is no white optimus prime toy.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know you're probably right, it's been a while since i've checked on them :P
Entity if you have all the parts for Ultra Magnus' trailer, then a lot, but if you just have the white optimus prime cab, it isn't worth much.
[/ QUOTE ]
Awesome, I think I have all of their parts, Optimus and Ultra Magnus (although i'm not sure which one is pure white)
I have tons of first gen transformer toys, mainly autobots..went crazy during one particular carboot sale at england and bought a whole bunch of them, that was 10+ years ago though (so they were dirt cheap)
and considering the Transformers started out as an excuse to flog a bunch of toys I think its done remarkably well.
[/ QUOTE ]
I may be misreading you hear but I hear this brought up over and over again as if noone is aware of this.
If you speak to the writers of these cartoons you'll find that they never thought they were writing toy commercials at all and infact they were just going about their business trying to create interesting stories.
Honestly WHO HERE really gives a flying fuck if they were 30 minute advertisements for toys? They were awesome. Simple as that. Too many people grow up and forget what it's like to be a kid and have fun and just relax for a bit.
Bruticus: I wouldnt assume my comments are an attack or that my assumption was that I had information others didn't.
I was specifically addressing the fact that the comic's I collected in '85 onwards ( before the cartoon I beleive)
initially were 'sold' to the moneymen with the idea that it would make for great toys.
The same with the Zoids, one of the excellent backup strips also in the UK transformers strip I read in '85 onwards.
The only point was that for something with such humble beginnings it's done really well and I'm happy about that as I enjoyed it as a kid and I anticipate enjoying it now as an adult.
I'm somewhat confused as to why anyone might find a need for a defensive tone in reaction to my comments, perhaps you and others are so deep into a 'debate' I've missed due to not having read the whole thread that you could only see my comments as aligned to either side of a debate I'm uninvolved in as I'm simply replying to the thread's general comments about expectation of the movie!
So please, no need to be consider my comments confrontational, I've no interest in a battle, I'm just looking forward to more Transformers in the same way I would be excited by someone making a movie about the Visionaries or other comics I read 20 years ago... IF they revamped them for modern times, like I beleive most older properties benifit from ( as that was the only other comment I was making previously also due to observing how well that has worked with other stuff).
Bruticus: I wouldnt assume my comments are an attack or that my assumption was that I had information others didn't.
I was specifically addressing the fact that the comic's I collected in '85 onwards ( before the cartoon I beleive)
initially were 'sold' to the moneymen with the idea that it would make for great toys.
The same with the Zoids, one of the excellent backup strips also in the UK transformers strip I read in '85 onwards.
The only point was that for something with such humble beginnings it's done really well and I'm happy about that as I enjoyed it as a kid and I anticipate enjoying it now as an adult.
I'm somewhat confused as to why anyone might find a need for a defensive tone in reaction to my comments, perhaps you and others are so deep into a 'debate' I've missed due to not having read the whole thread that you could only see my comments as aligned to either side of a debate I'm uninvolved in as I'm simply replying to the thread's general comments about expectation of the movie!
[/ QUOTE ]
sorry, but yeah like you said its basically just being in defense mode in this thread.
I'm looking forward to it as well. Just coulda been a lot better with some proper respect from the begining.
"Just to sell toys?" Hah. The same can be said of ANYTHING that came out of 80's pop-culture. So either you ditch an entire decade of children's entertainment, or you just accept that consumerism was the driving force behind it. It's not like its changed that much. Pokemon, anyone?
Whenever you make the transition from animation to live action, certain concessions have to be made. Animation is much looser when it comes to "rules." Essentially, there aren't any, and you're free to portray whatever you want. That's why there were Transformers in the original series that were 30 feet tall in their robot form, and changed into appliances less than a foot across. That kind of thing just wouldn't fly with anyone over seven years old. Especially not in a live-action film. Most of the changes that are being made for the film are simply practical considerations. I'll wait to see how the script and the acting is before I pass judgement. If they manage to come up with some good writing and some good acting, I'll be more than willing to give this movie a chance, no matter how much it deviates from the source material.
oh man, can't remember last time anyone mentioned zoids. They were the coolest toys I ever had. Like a lego for rich techy kids
Bruticus: You got to remember the guys are not total idiots. They don't decide to, say, remove Optimus' mouth guard thing for no reason. They talk about this stuff. There are concepts. There are ideas. There's plenty of discussion, and in the end they come to what seems like the best solution for them. They're not sitting there saying "omglol this will piss of the fans, fuck them" and literally try to make a crap movie. Most likely if you attended any of the meetings you'd be completely out of your depth and end up going along with what's decided, seeing it from their point of view.
To the guys deriding the property because of the "just to sell toys" idea (Not ror, I actually read his whole post yknow), I don't get it. How is that at all relevant? How is that any worse than some idea that came to a guy while he was high on acid or in the shower or something? You guys..
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks Per, I think you atleast get where i'm coming from. The people who think that the cartoon should be completely disregarded as a viable source material simply because it was "based on a toyline" just doesn't fly with me and it is the school of thought that i'm pretty sure Bay comes from. He didn't want to do the movie at first, because he didn't want to do a movie about toys. He later came back to the property with the justification that he wasn't making a movie based on toys but about a boy and his car. And that's actually fine with me as long as it doesn't change too much of what has already been established for 20 years. But it has changed a great deal of that and that's why i'm a bit bitter. Of course i'll be there opening day and I would predict it will be the biggest movie of the summer, possibly year but I still feel that Transformers The Movie has not received the proper respect it deserves.
Per, looks like you have...mmm 7 tickets to many:) I say it's time to share man! Haha, have a great time, and really looking forward to this thread blowing up after the 4th.
bwahaha. I'll be in Maine to see it, where lines to things don't exist and getting tickets early is strange and unneeded!
I'm going to saunter up to the ticket booth opening night and be all "TRANSFORMERS!"
[/ QUOTE ]
hahaha Same here. I'm so used to living in San Diego that I got my tickets for Spiderman early and the lady at the ticket counter in the "huge" city of Waterville, Maine looked at me like I had 3 heads.
So yeah I'll be walking up to the booth at midnight as well and ask for my tickets with no problems.
Going to see it Thursday eve.
I expect 15 minutes of very cool mech CG and 1.5 hours of semi-interesting dialog, romance and a fable attempt for comic relief.
I'm excited though
notman: hey you have the same chance as anyone else, go for it! I won these; I had to show up mad early and fight a whole bunch of nerds for them!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I tried... and didn't win They decided to give all 5 packets out at the same time (taking callers 34, 35, 36, 36 ...). So they all went in one shot and I didn't end up in that que.
Brut please stop. With the amount of transformers I have in my apartment and at the office I really don't want to ever be lumped in with someone who uses the phrase "I am a unified [unicron/quintesson] theorist."
[/ QUOTE ]
please simma.... it was a figure of speach, I think you get the meaning. and if it makes you feel any better you are prolly even geekier than me. I have one figure on my desk at work, one on my desk at home and I do pushups for a living.
Robots that turn into cars and airplanes and tanks is AWESOME.
I hope they didnt forget to put that robot in who could turn into a fricking casetteplayer... bwaha I bet he played a very important role in the 12 million year mythology :P
[/ QUOTE ]
standard transformers ignorance. soundwave transformed into a ....lamp post when he was on cybertron
I'm glad the updated it, we're in an age where the only logical thing to do is to update these things.
The formula worked really well for other comic properties and considering the Transformers started out as an excuse to flog a bunch of toys I think its done remarkably well.
I read Grant Morrison's pitch to marvel a few years ago when he updated the Xmen in the wake of the movie, a lot of his points about Marvel et al being TOTALLY out of touch with what folk want today are spot in and the same applies to the movie adaptations.
Looking at how much more interesting the Ultimates update of a property as boring as the Avengers has become, or the Ultimates Fantastic Four breathing life into tired old cyphers, its pretty clear that we need to sacrifice the details of our childhood lusts for these old stories and get back to the heart of what made them cool back then and find ways to make the heart of it relevant for today.
So yeah, I can't wait as I think its going to be an incredible experience and I'll pay my money simply to see the transformation animations, that alone is worth the price of admission for me.
i think you mean an Ultra Magnus toy... there is no white optimus prime toy.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know you're probably right, it's been a while since i've checked on them :P
Entity if you have all the parts for Ultra Magnus' trailer, then a lot, but if you just have the white optimus prime cab, it isn't worth much.
[/ QUOTE ]
Awesome, I think I have all of their parts, Optimus and Ultra Magnus (although i'm not sure which one is pure white)
I have tons of first gen transformer toys, mainly autobots..went crazy during one particular carboot sale at england and bought a whole bunch of them, that was 10+ years ago though (so they were dirt cheap)
standard transformers ignorance.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats the best thing I've read all month.
and considering the Transformers started out as an excuse to flog a bunch of toys I think its done remarkably well.
[/ QUOTE ]
I may be misreading you hear but I hear this brought up over and over again as if noone is aware of this.
If you speak to the writers of these cartoons you'll find that they never thought they were writing toy commercials at all and infact they were just going about their business trying to create interesting stories.
I was specifically addressing the fact that the comic's I collected in '85 onwards ( before the cartoon I beleive)
initially were 'sold' to the moneymen with the idea that it would make for great toys.
The same with the Zoids, one of the excellent backup strips also in the UK transformers strip I read in '85 onwards.
The only point was that for something with such humble beginnings it's done really well and I'm happy about that as I enjoyed it as a kid and I anticipate enjoying it now as an adult.
I'm somewhat confused as to why anyone might find a need for a defensive tone in reaction to my comments, perhaps you and others are so deep into a 'debate' I've missed due to not having read the whole thread that you could only see my comments as aligned to either side of a debate I'm uninvolved in as I'm simply replying to the thread's general comments about expectation of the movie!
So please, no need to be consider my comments confrontational, I've no interest in a battle, I'm just looking forward to more Transformers in the same way I would be excited by someone making a movie about the Visionaries or other comics I read 20 years ago... IF they revamped them for modern times, like I beleive most older properties benifit from ( as that was the only other comment I was making previously also due to observing how well that has worked with other stuff).
Bruticus: I wouldnt assume my comments are an attack or that my assumption was that I had information others didn't.
I was specifically addressing the fact that the comic's I collected in '85 onwards ( before the cartoon I beleive)
initially were 'sold' to the moneymen with the idea that it would make for great toys.
The same with the Zoids, one of the excellent backup strips also in the UK transformers strip I read in '85 onwards.
The only point was that for something with such humble beginnings it's done really well and I'm happy about that as I enjoyed it as a kid and I anticipate enjoying it now as an adult.
I'm somewhat confused as to why anyone might find a need for a defensive tone in reaction to my comments, perhaps you and others are so deep into a 'debate' I've missed due to not having read the whole thread that you could only see my comments as aligned to either side of a debate I'm uninvolved in as I'm simply replying to the thread's general comments about expectation of the movie!
[/ QUOTE ]
sorry, but yeah like you said its basically just being in defense mode in this thread.
I'm looking forward to it as well. Just coulda been a lot better with some proper respect from the begining.
Whenever you make the transition from animation to live action, certain concessions have to be made. Animation is much looser when it comes to "rules." Essentially, there aren't any, and you're free to portray whatever you want. That's why there were Transformers in the original series that were 30 feet tall in their robot form, and changed into appliances less than a foot across. That kind of thing just wouldn't fly with anyone over seven years old. Especially not in a live-action film. Most of the changes that are being made for the film are simply practical considerations. I'll wait to see how the script and the acting is before I pass judgement. If they manage to come up with some good writing and some good acting, I'll be more than willing to give this movie a chance, no matter how much it deviates from the source material.
oh man, can't remember last time anyone mentioned zoids. They were the coolest toys I ever had. Like a lego for rich techy kids
Bruticus: You got to remember the guys are not total idiots. They don't decide to, say, remove Optimus' mouth guard thing for no reason. They talk about this stuff. There are concepts. There are ideas. There's plenty of discussion, and in the end they come to what seems like the best solution for them. They're not sitting there saying "omglol this will piss of the fans, fuck them" and literally try to make a crap movie. Most likely if you attended any of the meetings you'd be completely out of your depth and end up going along with what's decided, seeing it from their point of view.
To the guys deriding the property because of the "just to sell toys" idea (Not ror, I actually read his whole post yknow), I don't get it. How is that at all relevant? How is that any worse than some idea that came to a guy while he was high on acid or in the shower or something? You guys..
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks Per, I think you atleast get where i'm coming from. The people who think that the cartoon should be completely disregarded as a viable source material simply because it was "based on a toyline" just doesn't fly with me and it is the school of thought that i'm pretty sure Bay comes from. He didn't want to do the movie at first, because he didn't want to do a movie about toys. He later came back to the property with the justification that he wasn't making a movie based on toys but about a boy and his car. And that's actually fine with me as long as it doesn't change too much of what has already been established for 20 years. But it has changed a great deal of that and that's why i'm a bit bitter. Of course i'll be there opening day and I would predict it will be the biggest movie of the summer, possibly year but I still feel that Transformers The Movie has not received the proper respect it deserves.
I would predict it will be the biggest movie of the summer, possibly year
[/ QUOTE ]
Harry Potter.. sorry
I would predict it will be the biggest movie of the summer, possibly year
[/ QUOTE ]
Harry Potter.. sorry
[/ QUOTE ]
Snake kills dumbledore.. sorry
<font color="blue">I know it's not the same movie/book.</font>
Solid Snake!? Someone has Metal Gear(Gir?) on the brain...
[/ QUOTE ]
well... yeah actually i'm playing through 1,2,3 again atm...
was i the only one who got a mild chubby when optimus prime made "the noise" when he transformed?
Hey - where can I read the breakdown between all the different Primes?
[/ QUOTE ]
At least the new theme is really good *snicker*<br />
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh my... thats Linkin Park, isn't it.
Nah.. I meant from the TF universe and not the toys! I checked our Wikipedia but didn't find much that outlined who's who.
[/ QUOTE ]
did you see this on wikipedia? seems to tell about all the different incarnations...
there are links to:
theres prolly a page out there with more info, you can also check here for info on each series:
At least the new theme is really good *snicker*<br
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh my... thats Linkin Park, isn't it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not sure if it was Linkin Park, but I KNOW it was HORRIBLE.
I'm going to saunter up to the ticket booth opening night and be all "TRANSFORMERS!"
bwahaha. I'll be in Maine to see it, where lines to things don't exist and getting tickets early is strange and unneeded!
I'm going to saunter up to the ticket booth opening night and be all "TRANSFORMERS!"
[/ QUOTE ]
hahaha Same here. I'm so used to living in San Diego that I got my tickets for Spiderman early and the lady at the ticket counter in the "huge" city of Waterville, Maine looked at me like I had 3 heads.
So yeah I'll be walking up to the booth at midnight as well and ask for my tickets with no problems.
I expect 15 minutes of very cool mech CG and 1.5 hours of semi-interesting dialog, romance and a fable attempt for comic relief.
I'm excited though
notman: hey you have the same chance as anyone else, go for it! I won these; I had to show up mad early and fight a whole bunch of nerds for them!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I tried... and didn't win
No spoiler, but I wet my pants.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yea, but only because you were passed out stinking drunk during most of the film
I had exceedingly low expectations going in. And they were met.
P.S. - It's a comedy.