Can't really show what's going on because it's for my company though this happens every now and then.
I just launched max then opened my scene and theres somthing selected but I am not selecting it. I convert to edit poly and click another object it's still selected. Reset xform convert nothing though I have recently unwrapped it if that makes any sense to resolving the problem.
It's a bit annoying more than a problem why is this happening, anyone?
Default key for that is Space so it seems likely you might have hit that then saved the file.
Thanx for the replies it was the "J" button situation why would that happen?
I'll copy these helpful tips under, why did it happen
Vodka+ginger.ale out! lol
Check that out I had a frame with that object, who-da-thunk-it? Odd how it was both the "J" stuation and an added frame by mistake.
Thanks for that, good call!