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Full time job for internship? *DELETED*

polycounter lvl 18
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steady polycounter lvl 18
Post deleted by steady


  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Personally i would keep the job you have unless you really really want this badly. sounds like they are just taking you on the cheap
    Also MMO, startup company. Not saying it will fail, but a lot of companies fail in the first year.
    could n't you do some spare time freelance stuff for them to see how it goes?
  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    how long is the internship? whats the cost of living where the internship is? do you have savings that you can lean on while making 7/hr? how does your SO (assuming you have one) think about this?

    But, an interview doesn't mean you have to take the internship. Wouldn't hurt to go to the interview if they're paying for the transportation and lodging. Scope them out a bit. You'll find out more about them and get a better feel for what you'd be in for if you take the internship.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    The internship is in North Carolina which I hear is pretty cheap. I am doubting they will pay for transportation to and from the interview, which is about a 5 hour and 45 minute drive according to google.
    Hito: what is an SO? If that means spouse, I don't have one.
    I have had interviews in the past for full time gigs but nothing ever solidified. I am scheduled to take a chemistry course over the summer to begin the medicine route. Should I put it on hold to accomplish a goal I have had for so long?
    How much time/years would it take in the biz to get back up to a salary of around 50k?
    Eh.. right now I am leaning towards turning this one down.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Well, it all depends on you. I don't know your situation, but if you don't have a wife and kids to feed, Go for it. If you do, hold out. Something better will come along. You Know what, forget what I said. Hold out, 7 bucks an hour is shit.
    To get to a salary of 50k I would say you need to be in the industry for a year or more. It also depends on the area. In San Diego it was not uncommon to have sombody start at 45/50k a year. Whereas in Utah for sombody breaking in it was more like 25/30k.
    I also want to just say that you need to streamline your portfolio a bit. There are some pieces that are decent and show that you have talent, While others just need to disappear. I think you could break into the industry if you focused on your weapons and environment props, characters aren't your strong suit right now. The normal mapped Barrel on your site is probably your strongest piece. I would scrap the entire 2d section of your site, cause it's not helping. Judging from the work you have on your site, you could get a low paying internship, it's gonna take some time untill you have a portfolio good enough to compete for the entry level full time spots.
    I hope I didn't offend you, your a cool dude. Just giving you honest feedback.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    The combination of "Start-up" and "MMO" throws up a lot of red flags for me.
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