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Noob with questions!

Ok, im very intrested in game designing. I was wondering, like in this topic - http://boards.polycount.net/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=195420&an=0&page=0#Post195420 - how do you guys make these characters? Also, what program would i need to attempt this?


  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome to Polycount

    The main programs that the pros use are Max and Maya, but you can try a free program like Blender, which is also very full featured. Modeling in 3D is not easy, but it does get easier as you do it.
  • Shadowed Spirit
    Thank you man. Ill see what i can make in that blender program. ^_^
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    If you have any questions on anything, whether it be as simple as making a box in 3d, please feel free to ask away. Make sure you try to figure out on your own first though before you ask.
    Welcome to Polycount!!!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome to <font color="black">P</font>.<font color="green">C</font>. you'll be amazed at what you can learn here.

    Study if your not deticated you might not reach that level if you are deticated there are tons of DVD's / tutorials out where you can learn more.

    Try things first if you get stuck after trying some things and searching the site for your answer ask on the appropriate forum.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Look into Softimage XSI as well.

    yeah yeah, shut up. someone has to mention it. :P
  • greenj2
    Yeah, agree with ElysiumGX. I'm a hardcore Max user but I've recently been working with some people who use XSI and it seems equally powerful and more user friendly. Would probably be easier to learn from scratch than Max or Maya I think. Nice avatar too El. grin.gif
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    You can grab gmax from turbosquid (seeing as Autodesk are no longer supporting it).
    It's basically a free 'stripped to the core' version of 3D Studio Max. It looks pretty much the same and is great for starting out with modelling. I suggest grabbing that.
    There are a bunch of other free modelling apps (Wings is still free i think?), but making a transition from gmax to 3D Studio Max will be easier.
    And welcome to Polycount.

  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Max experiance = easier to get a job, but it is a pain in the arse to use in some aspects. I would definatley reccomend doing some kind of short course on game art or 3d in general just to get the basics down. But yea I've learnt more here about game art than anywhere else.

    Modo is a great program for modelling, and easy to transition to as you can set it up to have the same keyboard and mouse inputs as Lightwave, Maya or Max.

    Also, after you get the basics down entering in competitions here and on other forums will help you up the quality of your work. It raises your expectations of yourself to the same level as the professionals in the competitions who compete in their spare time.

    I dont know any basic tutorials, but once you decide what program you want to use, then you can just search on the net for some appropriate to the program your using.

    Good luck man grin.gif
  • Shadowed Spirit
    Wow....well i got that blender program, and i cant even make a face. XD Or a box....or a simple cirlce.....i went to see some tuts for blender but my mind was running circles. This stuff is difficult but i really want to learn it, not sure if i mentioned this but i want to become a game designer and make it my furure career.

    So, anyone know the best beginner's program for making a character? Thats one of the things i want to learn first....blender is well....difficult for me. XD
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    You may want to give Wings3D a try instead of blender. Blender is an excellent program, but not what I would call very beginnner friendly (in my opinion...). Wings is very simple to use and strips out a lot of the things you won't need right away.


    If you can scrape up the cash (about 100$), you might want to look into something like Silo which has more to it.

    http://www.nevercenter.com/ <--Link to Silo application
  • Shadowed Spirit
    Thanks bearkub, im sure ill be back with questions. ^_^

    What i currently have now,

    Poser 6.0
    Wings 3d

    I think ill play around in wings to get the basic idea...and then move up the list. ^_^ Thanks for all the help guys.
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, you might wanna start with Wings, or with Gmax. Then if you like those, perhaps as kub said save 100$ for Silo and your done for modeling, Silo has it all and well worth the price.

    About Poser, hmm, when you said "move up the list" i hope you didn't mean Poser was the hardest and better of those four. well... it sucks!
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    This stuff is difficult but i really want to learn it, not sure if i mentioned this but i want to become a game designer and make it my furure career.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You might want to clarify exactly what you mean by 'game designer'. A game designer (that is, designer of gameplay) in the classic sense of the word probably wouldn't tend to be an accomplished 3D artist. The word 'game artist' is probably more fitting to what you describe. Sorry for being seemingly pedantic, but its important to get the terminology correct. Several schools can be blamed for confusing this issue.
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