hey, the movie is just about to release in india, and i'm wondering if its worth the Rs.150 ticket
(thats worth a big mac + a large coke + a large fries from McDs)
i mean... the book was good and all, and u have to credit the "kid"! even two was good and i wanna read 3 right when it comes out! but how was the movie? i hear the game was bad too?
just lookin for some reviews from normal ppl, not the film critics

don't see the film, it'll make you hate the first book =[
or rather, it'll make you want to take military action against fox.
And that line was at the START of the movie
i just watched the movie a few days ago. read the book a few months ago. i pretty much scoffed at every bit of the movie and at the end all i thought was "Poor Christopher Paolini." it was like someone took the cliff notes version of the book and threw the names onto a genric fantasy script. very little of the movie resembles anything from the book. it's a joke how bad an adaptation this was. if i were the author i would have sued to get the movie rights back.
some examples:
they didn't even bother to have Saphira grow up over how ever long it was in the book. it was literally Earagon runs along with her in his hands helping her learn to fly. she flys off into the clouds and *flash* she's 3x bigger, *flash* she's full grown. then she lands in front of Eragon and starts talking to him as though she didn't just grow 20feet in a minute.
Murtagh barely has a part to play.
no port city, no creepy black temple city, no desert. (forget the names of places)
dwarves were replaced with short (a head or so shorter than humans) Scottish men who live under a mountain, which are normal sized and not the huge, massively high mountain range).
no mountain interior battle at the end. Paolini goes on and on about the majesty of the dwarven city and it's huge ruby and it was reduced to Helm's Deep sitting in a small valley between the mountains with no ruby.
Urgals. from what i remember of the book they were supposed to be half beast with horns but in the movie they are large fat men with blue facial tattoos.
oh and the whole mistrust of going to the Vardan issue was replaced with 'oh! we must go to the Vardan as soon as they as mentioned.'
damn, definately NOT watching this one. So much negative crits from so many people can only mean one thing:
and i don't need to even say what that one thing is!!
thanks for the Heads Up guys... muchas gracias for real!
how eragon and saphira bonded
how the razac ONLY killed garrow
how saphira took eragon into the spine and scarred his legs
broms beard
the first village where eragon is disgusted by a human baby on a spear after an urgal raid, and his use of "brisingr"
how brom tought eragon to hunt with a pebble and the word "letta".
how he learned to heal himself with magic
the entire 6 or so chapters spent in Tierm (port town)
how brom was killed by the razac
how murtagh rescued eragon from the razac
how murtagh rescued eragon from being captive within Gil'ead along with the elf, and saphira.
their struggle to cross the haderac desert
eragon entering the elfs mind (she has been in a coma since before the rescue) and learning where the varden are.
the chase from the desert, through the mountains, by the Kull (huge urgals).
eragon dueling with Aria
eragon having a "mage duel" with the twins
eragon fighting durza *ALONE* and *INSIDE* the mountain
durza slicing open eragons back (which is a key part of the second book) and cursing him
where the hell was nasuada? what about jormunder? orik? king hrothgar? why was angela only in the film for 2 minutes?! she was at the battle of farthen dur for fucks sake!
things they added to the movie, that werent in the book:
Aria introducing herself as a princess, which doesn't become apparent until over halfway through the second book.
all the soldiers in carvahall, which is a backforest shanty town, unworthy of the kings interest.
the general look of the razac, who should have looked like giant crows with black robes.
the slaughter of almost all the characters who are vital to the second books story within carvahal.
the slaying of the razac in a forest somewhere.
durza controling areas mind? what the hell?
durza flying? once again what the hell?
there were 2 random towns that werent in the book
broms explaination of magic was "this is somethings name, using it can make it do cool stuff!".
broms death at the hands of durza, and meeting murtagh in gil'ead, when he died a LOT earlier in the book, at the hands of the razac.
saphira breathing fire before the battle, she only managed it after the battle in the book (well, in the final showdoan).
all in all, it feels as though someone read the book and said "hey the name would be a great title for a film about something else!!!"