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ladies and the 3d( A question to one and all)

polycounter lvl 18
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seforin polycounter lvl 18
hey everyone, This may seem a bit odd ended, but I guess Im kinda intrested to hear if similar stories are happening to people with this kinda hobby/career is all.

Ive had to go atleast through 3-4 different girlfriends in the last year or 2 who have all seem to have wanted me to place them before my 3d, now normally being the usual stuborn person I am Ive droped them like a hot potato the instant they ever got in the way of me and my 3d works.

now the thing Is ive noticed that this kinda career and work takes massive ammounts of time, So im kinda curious people who are more higher up in the industry and in this kinda hobby/career, do you guys run into similar problems trying to told stable relations/marriages? Or is it just maybe me and my buddies down here just arent so lucky?

I dunno I was kinda curious to hear some input from a few people was all. Just a good offtopic note I guess laugh.gif


  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    My girlfriend is working through Maya tutorials. She bought "Learning Maya" for version 7 without any intervention or recommendation from me.

    She's currently at my place working on a Flash animation while I crunch at work.

    Her WoW character has outleveled mine.

    She's great. smile.gif
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    my girlfriend is also in the art industry, so she understands and is just as busy. it works out.
  • skankerzero
    I dealt with girls that would roll their eyes when we started talking about games and 3d. I'll have none of that.

    My gf now is an artist. She's cool with it.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    i'm teaching my wife 3d, she's loving it, nuff said.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I haven't had a girlfriend since I've started in the industry (7 months), so I guess I can't really contribute too much to this discussion. But my last girlfriend was cool with me taking time away from each other for a week or two while doing folio work or art tests.
    But I can see it being a problem when the hours are long (especially when its crunchie) and I enjoy my weekends because I can sleep in and just chill out on my own and work on personal art.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    My girlfriend is not an artistic person nor a videogame player, although the Wii has her coming around. She supports me 110% at what I do and laughs at my extreme nerdiness. It's a great thing really and one of the reasons why I love her so.

  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    My girlfriend is similar to what other's here have described. She's cool with me workin all I need. (She's an artist as well though).

    I have had relationships that went the other way though. Just gotta find the right kind of girl.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    yea my current girlfriend is a graphic artist but shes still a newbie when it comes to the stuff so she hasnt gotten hardcore into it like I have, Seems for the most part shes to concerned im wasting away my time behind my screens, which I promptly will hand off the nintendo wii control to her and zelda and shes happy like a fat kid with icing over his hands.

    V- Yea Im teaching mine some 3d anatomy stuff shes trying to get better at it, but its like teaching a guy with broken legs how to break dance

    Adam- Ironically mines very similar and the reason I stick with this one asside from the usual nag her and there

    casey- where you doing school / job hunting during that time as well?

    to the rest of you with artist girlfriends - Lucky! laugh.gif
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I was working like 3 days a week, sometimes 4. So during my spare time it was more just folio work or just other art that was non-3D related (web/graphic design).
    I guess it didn't help that she lived like 5mins down the road :P


    EDIT: All of you have girlfriends dammit... I'm like the only one without one that has contributed to this discussion. I feel shit now! HAHAHA laugh.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    It's actually an interesting topic. It's all about the balance. Having a stable GF of course doesn't affect my day job, but it has definitely impacted the amount of time *outside* of work that I spend messing with 3D. Sometimes I suppose If I'm honest with myself that removed freedom has irked me, but I suppose If I really wanted to I could have been more forceful about the issue. But then I think I secretly *like* actually having a life now and getting outside at weekends, absurd though that sounds of course.
    Still, I can definitely see the benefits to having an artist girlfriend!
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    My wife fully supports and knows that I love what I do. I make sure I have time for her and although at the minute I have work commitments and have been working on my dominance war character, shes cool with that. I spoke to her before I started working on this and she knows its a once a year madness smile.gif
    I wont work absurd overtime, without financial renumeration.. and this comp should be finished soon so I can get back to having some real life! :P
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    yea see thats the thing I hear is hard with this kinda career, dont get me wrong theres nothing else on the planet I rather be doing than 3d. But it seems that qite often are type of careers have tended to make us become conditioned to work and work more to only improve and be better than one another to create somethign more amazing (artist complex maybe?) So if you date people who are outside of your mind set or just in general someone who just new introduced into this kinda world (and lets face it , when you go to show and tell and someone asks what you do for a living when you say make video games , you get the usual "Do you play alot of games Deal) So usually when you date a non artist person its really hard...But then again Ive come to see closure being a big issue, I mean me currently im a senior in AI. Im busting my ass since early last year when I saw the potential I could do learning anatomy and focusing on that after I went to the z-brush ceminar (not trying to stroke your ego V.) So I spent almost all my extra free time focusing on nothing but zbrush mud box texturing and modeling everyhing I can with characters. So I had run into alot of girlfriends who constantly told me they could never hold me to my word because I was to overly focused on my works. And the rare times I would break away from my shell I would have a hard time returning back to focusing again because I would feel im neglecting them to much (my current issue after st.pattys day retarded drinking l_89293a799475ce64fbd945c2027869e0.jpg

    Ironically enough I have a good buddy of mine whos been dating this girl for almost 9 years who getting married next month. Ive known him for a good 4 years now and never once have I ever seen or really ever heard of him ever spending time with his girlfriend. He now is getting a entry to midway because he spent the last 4 years no distractions whatsoever and is getting married, when I asked him what his secret was he told me the best bet "Train them when there young and lay down lay" and somewhere amongst that screwed up old school cuban thinking, im wondering if it really takes some lays to be layed down to find the good blance between everything?

    Still its intresting to hear alot of people who found the amount of time to handle and balance everything!

    Casey- yea dude dosent help when yours goes to school with you and knows where you lives and has her nintendo wii hooked up to your tv, with a copy of zelda unbeaten *Gasp*

    Daz-off topic I noticed you had a parasytic moon thing, Do you happen to know kenny? I remember I met him in person when he was living down here a while ago, He gave me a test to do a character a long time ago but I was still to new to know how to do it proper, you wouldnt happen to have his email would you? I wanna revise that old monster and send it to him, Kinda just show him ive improved over time kinda deal.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    My girlfriend is not an artistic person nor a videogame player, although the Wii has her coming around. She supports me 110% at what I do ... It's a great thing really and one of the reasons why I love her so.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    My wife is the same way. She moved to Texas while she was 8 months pregnant just to support me accepting a position she thought I may be happier in. Fortunately it paid off. She knows very little about video games and even less about 3d art but loves and accepts that I am passionate about it. God bless her and help her =)
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    My GF threatens to burn my dreamcast / snes collection a few times a week but apart from that she understands my job.

    although the Japanese are work crazy so I'm hardly unique.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Gail also understands my interest in 3D outside of work so spending a coupla hours a night on the PC is fine. I am awake much later than she is though so I can get a lot of my work done then.

    Good to hear I am not alone in successful relationships withOUT an artist girlfriend! laugh.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I am awake much later than she is though so I can get a lot of my work done then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hah, I am actually sitting here frantically working on my Dom War entry (hopeless case) and Heathers been in bed for 2 hours already. Dunno how she sleeps through my desperate keyboard bashing but anyway, she probably thinks I'm wanking.

    seforin: kenny still hangs out here. Username is parasite7.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Quoting Daz here:

    [ QUOTE ]

    Having a stable GF of course doesn't affect my day job, but it has definitely impacted the amount of time *outside* of work that I spend messing with 3D.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quoted because it's true for myself and so many others.

    3D outside work is rare these days - simply because I'd RATHER spend time with Aileen than in front of a computer. I've already spent 8 hours a day for 5 days a week in front of a computer, and it's rare to want to continue that.

    However, I do find that many people who get their first job in the industry spend vast amounts of time at home working to up their skill level (after seeing other people in a work environment for the first time.

    For someone already in a relationship, this can be hard on the other person. I've seen this almost a dozen times in the last 6 or 7 years, and in half of those case it's led to a break up. It nearly did for me, but I was able to wise up.

    As for the domwar, I too stay up later, but she knows I'm wanking.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    my girlfriend doesn't do the 3d, but she's a great hobby artist (on the long road to becoming pro). She knows about passions, though, and is down with me spending most of my time on the 3d, because she knows how big a part of my life it is. Love helps, too.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I only had one girlfriend..it worked for 4 years, she understood the basic concept of what I do and accepted it.

    Too bad it's over now frown.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    My girlfriend posts on Polycount.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    [ QUOTE ]

    I've already spent 8 hours a day for 5 days a week in front of a computer, and it's rare to want to continue that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    thats why i don´t want to work in the game-or-whateverinfrontofpc-biz
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    my missus never really minded me doing 3d and it wasn't the reason we broke up.
    She is an artist too , so that made it a a bit easier.
    I often used to work all night when I was mad keen to get in the industry, but we spent a lot of time together anyway so it was n't a big deal( he he sez me)

    One of my mates was not allowed to touch the pc when his girlfriend was around.
  • Cybroxide
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    Cybroxide polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    My girlfriend posts on Polycount.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As does mine.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    My girlfriend is a traditional artist, so she understands my love of it. But she's been miffed a few times, by the volume of time I spend on my PC. It's something I warned her about when we first started getting serious though (about 4 years now).
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    Quoting Daz here: [ QUOTE ]

    Having a stable GF of course doesn't affect my day job, but it has definitely impacted the amount of time *outside* of work that I spend messing with 3D.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quoted because it's true for myself and so many others.

    3D outside work is rare these days - simply because I'd RATHER spend time with Aileen than in front of a computer. I've already spent 8 hours a day for 5 days a week in front of a computer, and it's rare to want to continue that.

    However, I do find that many people who get their first job in the industry spend vast amounts of time at home working to up their skill level (after seeing other people in a work environment for the first time.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Double quoted for truth. Since getting into the industry I have found work so rewarding and enjoyed it so much I don't see a need to go home and spend more time doing it, 8-12hrs is enough. I don't work in a poly-mill (far from it) so the work I do, feels like it is my own. I never leave work thinking "gahh.. I have to come back tomorrow and bang out 14 more trash cans, crates and dumpsters, I wish I could make something I wanted!?". I get massive amounts of creative freedom with the environments I create. When I do fire up the home machine I would much rather play WoW with the wife, or I start doing some stuff for work.

    My wife is much like Adams and AZ's. She isn't into it but understands it is something I really like doing, she likes to get brief overviews of how stuff works and she can talk a good game to other poly-widows. She understands the Dom War and that this too shall pass.

    This year the Dom War took a back seat to work and a pregnant wife. More getting a babies room together, shopping for baby stuff and driving to appointments rather than actually "taking care" of her every need. Most of the work for the babies room I did, mostly because I'm an environmental artist and it was my chance to make her room something special. So yeah I could have slapped the crib together put it in the corner and called it good and gotten back to the Dom War but thats not how I operate. I'm such a dork I even made concept sketches and a 3D model of the doll house/bookcase I made.

    So long story short: If her eyes glaze over when you talk about poly-pushing best to find a new one. Watch out for the ones that pride themselves on what you give up for them. "I mean so much to my man that he gave up XYZ for me".. When it should be I understand, love and respect my man so much that I know he needs time to work on other things besides me"
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    My girlfriend is a cinematic character animator, so she understands the game industry as well. She plays games more often than I. :[

    To be completely honest, I wish I was like one of my old friends...completely asexual. The guy wasn't attracted to man or woman, he simply didn't get involved. He had so much time on his hands. I wish I was that lucky that I simply didn't care about any sex enough to persue a relationship, not in a bitter way ofcourse. And now, I'm happy my girlfriend doesn't visit polycount :]
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    To be completely honest, I wish I was like one of my old friends...completely asexual.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Take it back man, take it back!!!!

    You can't help but see both sides of the fence. Where one could see this career as a passionate one like most of us truly do, a majority still thinks we're just making video games solely because we play them. I've had a few girlfriends to wage through this battle before landing a job in the industry, and it's always been kind of an issue for me. Though comparing my situations to others is a bit different as I was in high school when the majority of this was going on.

    Either way your lady friend might not be into video games at all (which I don't think is the debate). I don't think that should factor into the situation at all. Like Astro said, it's about them recognizing that you're passionate about it, no matter what the hell it is you're doing.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd rather play with boobies than with polygons. I mean, what the hell are you on about?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • rollin
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    My wife is pretty understanding of my work, but then I work at home, so if she really needs attention it is no big deal to take a little break. I think I have made it pretty clear since I met her that art is something I have to do, so if it wasn't 3D it would be something else. Also, she likes to play video games. She is playing through God of War 2 now while I work.
  • Mark Dygert
    Ways I have found to rack up "couple time" while still working on side projects.

    - Put your hobbies in the same room. My wife likes to make cards, do crafty things and watch horror movies. Putting her stuff in a separate part of the house makes her sad =(

    - Laptops make you mobile, you can move your ass out by the TV and watch a movie while you work. I've heard people with kids like laptops because they can keep an eye on their kids and get "some" work done. I'm sure there are ages this just isn't possible. I'm sure there are some ages you will never find your lappy or if you do the battery will be dead... Meh...

    - Stay up late or get up early. You want to score some major points, get up early if she has some kind of chore she normally does like clean out the cat box, do it for her. make her breakfast and show her what you're working on. Then later that night you have an in to say "I think I'll go work on that model I was doing this morning I just had a good idea how to tweak it".

    - Being accessible is key. It does you no good to be more mobile or have your stuff in the same room if you're going to shut her down and not talk to her. Don't be annoyed if she pops her head over your shoulder (breaking your concentration) asking what you're doing, shes just curious or wants some attention, don't be a dick and shoe her away.

    - CTRL-S = Spontaneous Sex. Learn to save and walk away and you'll earn the right to have sex another day.

    - Finish your projects. Seriously this isn't just me being a dick again, about unfinished art. If you can show her semi tangible things like a level you did for Unreal, or a model you put in Quake then that helps her know you're serious about this and can do it, you just need time to work and hone. If all she ever sees is a NEW crazy mess of edges every other day how is that going to give her confidence that you aren't wasting your time? Besides AD's ask that you finish your projects so its a good habit to get into. =P
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ways I have found to rack up "couple time" while still working on side projects.

    - Put your hobbies in the same room. My wife likes to make cards, do crafty things and watch horror movies. Putting her stuff in a separate part of the house makes her sad =(
    - Laptops make you mobile, you can move your ass out by the TV and watch a movie while you work. I've heard people with kids like laptops because they can keep an eye on their kids and get "some" work done. I'm sure there are ages this just isn't possible. I'm sure there are some ages you will never find your lappy or if you do the battery will be dead... Meh...

    - Stay up late or get up early. You want to score some major points, get up early if she has some kind of chore she normally does like clean out the cat box, do it for her. make her breakfast and show her what you're working on. Then later that night you have an in to say "I think I'll go work on that model I was doing this morning I just had a good idea how to tweak it".

    - Being accessible is key. It does you no good to be more mobile or have your stuff in the same room if you're going to shut her down and not talk to her. Don't be annoyed if she pops her head over your shoulder (breaking your concentration) asking what you're doing, shes just curious or wants some attention, don't be a dick and shoe her away.

    - CTRL-S = Spontaneous Sex. Learn to save and walk away and you'll earn the right to have sex another day.

    - Finish your projects. Seriously this isn't just me being a dick again, about unfinished art. If you can show her semi tangible things like a level you did for Unreal, or a model you put in Quake then that helps her know you're serious about this and can do it, you just need time to work and hone. If all she ever sees is a NEW crazy mess of edges every other day how is that going to give her confidence that you aren't wasting your time? Besides AD's ask that you finish your projects so its a good habit to get into. =P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hahaha wow man and here I thought the spontaneious sex thing was something I was just pulling off and locking myself in the same room with laptops.

    yea I cant believe im not the only one on this one haha

    Im surprised to hear so many people actually being able to work out doing relationships and this kinda career/hobby.

    I guess gonna have to lay down some law if Im going to continue, and just expect the usual raping here and there

    Im really lucky my girlfriend dosent know about me posting on this site alot, if she where to read this thread, I would be remita instead of remi by the time she was done with me laugh.gif
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    "and just expect the usual raping here and there "

    NO !!

    Keep an eye out for this structured girl who will NAG you for the rest of your days because she isnt flexable.
  • SuperOstrich
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    SuperOstrich polycounter lvl 17
    If working on artwork has affected your relationships, I'd say you are perhaps a bit obsessive about the art. You need to find a good balance.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    If working on artwork has affected your relationships, I'd say you are perhaps a bit obsessive about the art. You need to find a good balance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    If working on artwork has affected your relationships, I'd say you are perhaps a bit obsessive about the art. You need to find a good balance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QFT, I would never allow my hobby or my job to come between my wife and I. But then I'm also lucky in that my wife loves video games too.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    If working on artwork has affected your relationships, I'd say you are perhaps a bit obsessive about the art. You need to find a good balance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    true but some of us newer people who arent born talented have to work double to get up to standards like guys like you, so its really tough to find the right amount of balance confused.gif
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Avoid needy chicks with the high school mentality. When I started college I had a girlfriend in high school. Big mistake. The first few terms of school I spent almost all my free time with her. The moment I realized "hey I need some time to improve my 3d!" and didn't spend every waking moment with her outside of school, our relationship slowly began to deteriorate over a year, ending in her leaving me for some other guy who wanted to spend all his time with her. Chicks like that you want to avoid, before and after you get into the game industry. Before you get in, she'll be nagging you to spend more time with her rather than doing portifolio work, after, she's likely to get pissed when you have a crunch time.

    I have a fiance who's a gamer and she's never given me grief about the time I spent workin on my portfolio, and then now that I've landed a character artist position she understands there may be days I work late and crunch. She also understands about those nights I stay up late, working on contest entries and wank.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    [ QUOTE ]
    true but some of us newer people who arent born talented have to work double to get up to standards like guys like you...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    no such thing as born talent. :] get out of that mindset dude.

    I'm a fond believer of "you're the most important person in your life". I'm sure all of that changes when you have children, BUT...for now, my career/future is more important than my relationship. I try my hardest to not let my professional(student) life interfere with my personal life, and vice versa, but if one had to go, it would be the relationship. In the end, I have to look out for #1. The upside of this is, my girl completely understands this, and is of the same mindset.

    And yes...hooray for boobies. :]
  • coldwolf
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    coldwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Such a great thread full of excellent advice! I'll reinforce what most have already said: I found that the best girls are the ones who understand your priorities and are willing to step back and let you do your thang. I didn't think such girls existed until I recently met one. I try to give her attention when I can, but she fully accepts the fact that I must often disappear to crank out an awesome portfolio until I land a job in the industry.

    But also, be honest with her from the start. The very start. Tell her what your priorities are and what you care about. It also saves lives to tell her what you want out of the relationship. Be. Honest. It hasn't failed me yet.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    At certain stages of your life, it is good to focus on something so that you can get good at it, and possibly make a successful career out of it. This is particularly true for 3d.

    But once you're working in the game industry professionally for a few years, you'll find that going home and doing even more UV mapping just isn't all that exciting. Sure you might get inspired for a little personal project now and then, but if you're already doing game art for 8-12 hours a day at work, you'll find that doing something different is much more interesting. Personally, I prefer to do my wife.

    Now if you're a fairly driven person, you definitely need to find a woman who can accept this and will allow you some time on your own. But if you plan on just doing game art during every waking hour, you will not be successful in a relationship, and shouldn't even consider getting into one. If you did, then proceeded to neglect the person you call a girlfriend, then you're just being an ass.

    A relationship requires two people to make it work, and if you are putting in zero effort, you are doing you s.o. a disservice. In fact they are not signifigant. So don't even call her a girlfriend or mislead her into thinking that she is. Frankly, I'm rather shocked that anyone who is consumed by a hobby could even find the time to attract a partner.

    With all that being said, there's nothing wrong with focusing on an interest for awhile. But if you've been doing it for several years to the detriment of other aspects of your life, you can end up being a very one-dimensional person. Sure, you might be damn good at making game art, but at what cost?

    No friends? No family? No lover? No bathing? No life?

    Hmmm.... Not so good.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    hmm guess you really have to find the right mind set and the balance to hold it all together. Believe me I agree with the clingy BS. But at some stand point I get what some of you high up guys mean doing it for like 8-12 hours a day. I guess since im working doing small casual games (make a 3d marble kinda deal) Its kinda boring and I get more intrests improving hoping to get into a big company like THQ (Would love to work on that supposid warhammer 40k mmo) But at the same time I agree with what you mean saying it takes 2 to work out a relationship, And I dunno I think I putting all the efforts I can into this.And then trying to balance doing other things....I wonder when were going to get that point like ghost in the shell where I have usb port in the back of my head and I can just work on the road haha

    Hmm this would be a kinda awesome article on gamasutra or something. Seems alot of people have alot of different based input on this one
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    My girlfriend posts on Polycount.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    MoP wins! Thread locked!

  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Hey at least the art chicks are usually somewhat hot... contrary to... lets say... scientists (notice the neutrum laugh.gif )

    *sits in front of his PC and wonders where he took the wrong turn and decided to study molecular biology*

  • shape
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    shape polycounter lvl 17
    I was working on personal stuff for a while last year, my GF was cool about it because letting me do my stuff meant more chances of us being able to move overseas. Now I think if I started to do personal projects after we move to a new country, then I think she'd have something to say. She's a programmer btw. I want to do a DS homebrew project one day with her..
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