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Dominance War II - JFletcher

polycounter lvl 13
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JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
Hello all,

Long time lurker, first post. i thought the competition would be a good time to poke my head up (despite how late i am) grin.gif Ive seen some amazing inspiration here and i hope to learn more from some of your work grin.gif

I'm not much of a concept artist, or very "good" at sketching, so i apologize for the crappy concept in comparison to most other peoples laugh.gif none the less i need one so i gave it a go


you'll see that he's missing his lower legs, i thought that i would experiment with a variety whilst modeling, i can never seem to get it right on paper confused.gif

As for the model, Ive scrapped a lot of the concept but still keeping my original idea, its still very w.i.p. and needs some optimization, but id like to know what you think so far grin.gif


i'm hoping when its rigged it'll look a little more 'stressed' like in the concept

more updates soon!



  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome to Polycount dude.
    I really like the shoulder armour more on the concept than what you've got on the model. It seems to the match the legs more. The shoulder piece on the model is really thin in comparison to the chunkiness of the legs. Keep at it dude.

  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    thanks for the crit, i refined the shoulders a bit to look more chunkier and have a more unique shape which i will put to use when normal mapping, but i still wanted that 'curve outwards' so let me know how you feel about this quick variation:

  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    im not doing my first impression very good by doing this, but ive scrapped that concept and started working on a character that doesnt look like some crazy anime boss from time crisis (dont ask, thats just what came to mind grin.gif )

    well anyway, ive still kept some of the body, but im going for a very dark spiky skullish armour design, mostly cold black metal with some small mechanics, heres my progress, i like it better faceted for now:


    concept is only a basic drawing, i'll have to spruce it up.
  • 3D-j
    I like both characters. I'm glad you scrapped the blade arm idea and made him more like an assassin/hunter style. Are you going to re-use that head on a stick idea? because its brutal and gives it a lot more character. or maybe some heads on a belt? Keep it up, I excited to see the final.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    i might re-use it, if it doesn't look too weird grin.gif

    Ive added a cloak for half the body and cant decide whether to take away the armour on the right shoulder, as it seems to make the upper body too beefy for a cloaked (ish) assassin

    which way would you go?


    most of the exposed body will have tribal patterns tattooed/scarred into the skin

    i will start the high res of the head soon
  • TheFrog4u
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    TheFrog4u polycounter lvl 10
    i like the right one more..
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    i think it will make more sense when theres a texture on it, so i'll keep the option open for now.

    anyway, heres some dull preogress on the high poly head...

  • JFletcher
    Offline / Send Message
    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    sorry for double post, update:


    might paint the rest in in photoshop, such as vents etc.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    ehmm, sorry for triple post, i wouldnt mind a little more advice rather than the topic fading away tongue.gif

    well anyway, i guess this will have to do as my concept, a bit blurry grin.gif

  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    ok, this is dying pretty bad, but im still soldiering on:

    very early texturing + normal map (no specular, besides using the diffuse temporarily)


    im going to glove the right hand aswell, extending up the wrist. the main cloak is very early and im finishing the normals for it now. smile.gif
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Its cool to double or whatever post in this kinda thing wink.gif

    Looking pretty good so far, reminds me of the strog from q4.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    ha keep going.. this seems to come out very nice

    like the texes so far smile.gif
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    @ Xaltar

    haha, me too smile.gif i really love id's graphic style, maybe one day when i actually get good enough i'll apply there grin.gif
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Looking good, keep it up! Don't be discouraged by a lack of replies, it doesn't mean that you suck smile.gif
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    still alive!

    ...well this is, i on the other hand am dying slowly, been really pushed away from the computer in the past couple days due to a fever/cold/very annoying headache mad.gif but it appears to be disappearing, and thanks to the extension, i am really hoping i can finish this grin.gif

    anyway, not the most massive progress, but Ive pretty much nearly finished the left arm and moving onwards


    does this look too dark on peoples monitors? I'm working on a laptop and the only other 2 lcd's Ive seen it on look a bit too dark.

    i have some neat ideas for the weapon, might show something soon grin.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Its coming along nicely.

    I think the placement of that cable would impede his functionality... every time he bent his arm it would either slide in and out of his bicep, which seems painful, or bunch up and prevent him from his full range of motion.

    He is a little dark, but I can still see whats going on. I think.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    yeah your right, i was doubting the positioning of that as well, perhaps instead i could coil it around his arm, to the back, or just place it under the arm.

    I'll get on it straight away, thanks for the crit grin.gif
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    OK Ive finished the arm and shoulder piece, got a nice blue shiny thing going on which reminds me of those ruins from oblivion...anyway here it is so far, just for this i posed it up quickly to think up some winning poses, or anything that just looks awesome and rendered it instead of a screen-grab, Ive also scrapped that pipe thing from the arm altogether, although its not noticeable in this one:


    I'm aware what some of you may be thinking, that there isn't anything very futuristic about it (besides the mask) but i hope to catch up in that on the rest of the body grin.gif

    going to redo the hands aswell just incase you thought the palm looked weird
  • systmh
    you may say that there's nothing futuristic about it, but i'm digging the style on that texture so far! stick with it. i think it all fits together rather well.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    bit faster dude ; )

    like the texture style and how the metal looks

    keep it up
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    thanks, yeah i should speed things up a tad grin.gif more progress very soon
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    small update, showing the beginning of the legs, might need a little more work up the top and on those weird glowing bands, but getting there, also changed the loincloth to a royal red, to disperse more colour as there's already enough black going on grin.gif


    kept that perspective, looks more bad-ass, even during w.i.p hehe
  • clee101
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    clee101 polycounter lvl 18
    Looking nice. I like the soft lighting you got going on it. Nice textuing on the armor. Have you got normal maps on it?
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    i require more. (images smile.gif )
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    something wrong with proportions, maybe head could be not so big?
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    nah, the proportions rock!
  • gwad
    very cool !
    I admire the work of texture and the metal is really well returned
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Reminds me of Vader after his helmet was removed wink.gif

    Awesome work though. I like the way the textures are pulling this together.
  • DeathByChris
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    DeathByChris polycounter lvl 17
    im really digging this character and textures are looking great, but the one thing thats really bothering me is his arms are to long if they were to hang straight down against his sides his hands would extend down to his knees which makes it kinda awkward.
    not sure how difficult it would be to tweak something like that, but i think its worth trying, cause you got pretty cool character here.
  • Dread_Reaper
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    Dread_Reaper polygon
    If the arm tweaking is too difficult, you might even try extending the legs a little bit, since they haven't been worked on as much as the arms. The torso would still be slightly off, but I think its negligable.

    I have a question though. What program did you use to create the head, and how did you make it? Noob here who desperately needs some advice, and you seem to know your stuff. Great work!

  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    wow thats a lot of replies, thanks for the kind words people, im really pushing onwards with this and all Ive got to do now is the chest though im not sure if im satisfied with the leg grin.gif

    thanks for the tip on the proportions, i lined the arms up down the side of the body and it does look a bit weird, i think im going to extend the legs and chest rather than arms, as the legs look a bit stubby, this will also make the head look a little smaller...im hoping grin.gif

    yeah its normal mapped, all the organic stuff like skin and muscle has been sculpted, but I'll admit, im not the best with hard edges, so i do all that in photoshop, messing with the channels. also, the painted in lighting may make it look a little bit subtle

    @ Dread_Reaper

    i use 3ds max to model everything, and for the head, i start with a plane w/ symmetry and drag polygons off the edges, i find this easier than starting with a box, as you get to map your own topology...or i just find boxes annoying smile.gif

    there's a great tutorial on head modeling in this fashion somewhere, i cant recall where though, sorry.

    OK, last update before i change the proportions.


    like i said before, im not sure if im satisfied with the legs, i think there's a bit of stretching going on and things don't really look that functional in places, but I'll wait for your comments, perhaps it just me, but Ive always hated texturing legs, armoured, clothed or bare, i just hate it grin.gif
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13

    getting there! grin.gif

    ignore the backdrop if you want, im just going through some tests for the beauty render when finished smile.gif

    hand is still messy, will finish sometime

    and yet randomly, still no sign of a weapon, which might have to be a quick one, though Ive been thinking of some sort of halberd where the blade is made up of knives.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18

    and I like thje backdrop a lot. it's nice and simple.
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Man this has come a long way since I last saw this. Totally sweet entry!

  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    thanks guys!

    ok, this is it for today, theres a few blank spots on the back which i'll finish tommorow, and ofcourse, finish off the palms/hands altogether

    oh and i also added some pike type things on the back of the shoulder.

  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    looks great dude!
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    thanks grin.gif

    im liking it, but part of me wishes that i should have gone 2048 over 1024...ah well
  • ||Saker||
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    ||Saker|| polycounter lvl 12
    Wow ,,,, Greet Entry man ... what do you use for texturing ????
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    adobe photoshop grin.gif

    OK, pretty much finished, except the palm of the hand and the elbow armour on the back, you'll notice its plain gray.

    i should have just waited and finished those then posted the pics, i don't know why, haha



    ignore the cut off text as before grin.gif

    im really pleased with this character so far, and thanks for all the support and criticism!
  • struve
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    struve polycounter lvl 18
    Smack my Bitch!! shocked.gif
  • systmh
    do you have antialiasing and bilinear filtering on? gotta make sure the render does your texture work justice smile.gif
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    thanks smile.gif

    yup, ive got anti-aliasing on, catmull-rom, and anisotropic filtering grin.gif

    started the halberd:

    nothing's normal mapped yet, just goofing around :P


    those planes will be alpha channeled energy field type things, i bet you cant guess which colour :P

    speaking of which i may have gone a bit overboard on the blue in this one, i'll switch through the hue on the weapons glow and see if theres anything that fits nicely. i think a volcanic orangey-red would go well with the weapon.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    OK, so Ive completely given up the idea of having a main weapon for this character, posed it kind of looks childish, plus i want this character to live up to its name, a shadow, killing with as little resource as possible or what he can obtain, not a warrior.

    i have given him a claw thing though, which i think fits nicely, so im guessing this is the final product, unless anyone wants to suggest anything:


    Ive decided to stay with the pose used in the w.i.p shots for the winning pose, believe me i tried a lot of angles, and it just so happens this is the best, even tweaking the fingers didn't look right, but i still really like it, and am proud of this piece grin.gif

    though for the beauty render I'll be showing a different pose.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    this is really cool! your right about the weapon, those 3 knives and the big blades on his hand should be enough for such a rough guy! :P He's looking really hot! I really like the subtle blue lines and... pretty much the entire thing! Great stuff!
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    he's riddick! things turned out well looks very shadow like but the the way he is slighty hunched forward at the shoulders/neck and the way that he fills the render so completey make him feel stunted to me. Its almost like he's hunching over to fit his head in the render. I'd pull the camera back - give him room to stand up and adjust the neck/shoulders. if you have time do a test and see what you think wink.gif

    good job
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    thanks grin.gif

    i just had a look at this on another monitor (im currently working with 1920x1200 which can sometimes be too big so i don't notice how overly sharp things get on normal resolutions (cant really size it down either, or things go blurry). does anyone else think that image is a bit too sharp? here's a variation without the final sharpen filter on the maps:



    thanks spacemonkey, you could be right, my intentions were to have the face dipped down, looking at the hand (the whole "my hand will crush you, i am god" thing) or staring upwards at his target. the hunch was also kinda to conceal himself, almost like dipping into shadow or being cautious of his surroundings...

    but i see what your saying, and thanks for the crit grin.gif
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    That is a much nicer render on the eyes, imho.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    OK, spacemonkey, i quickly posed him up in a more space taking and open "ready for hell" pose, more stretched out, but i still think i like the original hunched beefed up pose grin.gif



    actually, im starting to grow on this pose, hmm
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