hah yeah i just got nice little adapter that lets you plug in micro sd cards.. and i got two 2 gig micro sd cards for home brew.. they are soooo tiny! but yeah i know there have been some links posted in the past, but would be cool to share some homebrew links.. things i found i think are pretty cool are
would like to find more info on getting animated meshes into the worlds and such. also would love to find some good tutorials , most are only for 2d stuff.
haha hey cool, I am part of the 'nomadteam', i made their website
i myself am interested in learning more, I tried the nds world toolset but did not have much luck getting it to compile. Let me know if you have any success.
The PAlib (programmers arsenal) is pretty useful if you know C, it has a ton of good tutorials, not much for 3d though.
I emailed a few people and it seems that palib have removed 90% of 3d support in their current libraries, I'm trying to find a back dating library which will allow fos NDS world kit and 3d loader to compile.
I'm at the office, and I try to install the deviktARM here to test
And I saw that I did a little mistake in my tutorial ( long time I haven't install it from scrach lol )
don't download the devkitARM 20 but the devkitProUpdater : devkit
I just got a ds for my bday, what do you guys recommend using to read sd cards? And my friend mentioned i have to get it flashed to do this too, anyone have info on that?
Also SD ram seems to be cheap as fuck for 1 gig sticks, is there anything i need to look out for?
I bought the Supercard SD and the Passkey 3 for a total of $63 (including shipping from China) and it came in about a week surprisingly. I bought this last year around fall time, I know they have come out with some new products that look to be better and cooler (like the Ninja). I have had no problem with my units though, works great!
[/ QUOTE ]
Or you could read the above post by Hawken in his blog, he got a newer one.
it depends on what type of homebrew you want to get into, if your only looking for DS then the slot 1 is fine, if you want any of the awesome homebrew apps and games that are also for the GBA then i would suggest a slot 2 and a pass card. i have the micro supercard and a superkey. from what i hear you cannot access gba functionality from slot 1, but you can access ds and gba functionality from slot 2 with a pass key combo.
nds world toolset- a 3d engine for the ds, imports .x models
nomad tools- a 3d world editor and a material converter.. these are pretty cool..
DSLua- a port of the lua scripting engine to the ds
would like to find more info on getting animated meshes into the worlds and such. also would love to find some good tutorials , most are only for 2d stuff.
i myself am interested in learning more, I tried the nds world toolset but did not have much luck getting it to compile. Let me know if you have any success.
The PAlib (programmers arsenal) is pretty useful if you know C, it has a ton of good tutorials, not much for 3d though.
Also, there is this: http://sivullinen.fi/nds/projects.php?su...amp;ucat=2&
currently workin on my a low poly chick that I will post in the lowpoly thread soon :>
http://gbatemp.net/ post news on lots of ds/gba homebrew news.
Just put their iPod app on my DS. it's pretty cool
OK so I got all the kit up and running.
wheres my porco rosso game!??
[/ QUOTE ]
he he
just need some time out of the office to make it.
Using the 3DS Loader I get some issues saying that TEXPC isn't defined (I cudn't find any information on this).
Any of you guys had any joy playing with this stuff?
Also, this is a neat link i saw on digg today: http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/top-5-nintendo-ds-case-mods
If I find anything I'll be sure to share
As I received some mails asking how I'm exporting stuff on the DS, I choose to released a part of my workflow.
I've tried to make it as readable and as easy to use as possible. ( click one button and it'll export and build the ds project )
Enjoy and tell me if you have any problems
NDS exporter
I'm at the office, and I try to install the deviktARM here to test
And I saw that I did a little mistake in my tutorial
don't download the devkitARM 20 but the devkitProUpdater :
Also SD ram seems to be cheap as fuck for 1 gig sticks, is there anything i need to look out for?
I bought the Supercard SD and the Passkey 3 for a total of $63 (including shipping from China) and it came in about a week surprisingly. I bought this last year around fall time, I know they have come out with some new products that look to be better and cooler (like the Ninja). I have had no problem with my units though, works great!
[/ QUOTE ]
Or you could read the above post by Hawken in his blog, he got a newer one.
this here, for $40, with a memory card.... seems like there needs to be something else i need to get? cant be true.... seems too easy!
Some cool homebrew is GBA slot only.
In that case what do you guys recomend is the best combo for doing the slot 2 stuff?
digg me! lol