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Joao Sapiro sublime tool
Ok, sorry creating another post talking about the wii, but i have some stuff to say about it :

1 - After the firmware update i did to the wii by connecting to the internet everythime i turn it off , the led turns yellow instead of red. I was like "ok, might be a staby feature" but then i found that there is no way to turn off the console unless you unplug it , and in my room i have to go thru a jungle to do so...

2- Lack of titles. Wii sports entertains me , the remote is amazing and i specially like hitting home runs..but appart from twilight princess there is nothing.

3 - I bought red steel, and am going to sell it after i finish it, its a SHAME what they did there . Environments are very cool, but character and vouice acting is the worst i have seen ( there are some cool characters...but...). The storyline is shit too , and the cutscenes trying to imitate max payne are ridiculous.

im sleepy.


  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    Well at least you can say you have one. I've tried to get one off and on since Dec and am still without one (although I do have Zelda and Component cables at the ready). I've woken up at the crack of dawn TWICE and still have yet to get my hands on one. frowny-face frown.gif
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    So long as we're laying out a few crits:

    The new Zelda is horrendously overrated.
  • Penzer
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    Penzer polycounter lvl 17
    I just got mine, but I've played it a fair bit at parties. I enjoyed what I've played of Warioware and I love Rayman Raving Rabids. I'd say in its current state, the wii isn't the most fun console unless you're playing with other people. With other people though, its really just plain awesome silly fun.

    As far as the not turning off thing, thats part of the wii connect 24 thing. I believe, only had mine a few days so not positive, that the reason is that your wii will do updates overnight. Instead of turning it on and needing to do an update, it will just auto dl patches and whatnot. I could be wrong on that second part, but thats what I've understood the point of that is.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Well I'm not going to complain about the Wii seeing as I got mine for free from work as a Christmas bonus. But like Penzer stated, it's fun in a group, but licks balls on your own.
    I own Zelda, Rayman, Warioware, Wii Sports and Wii Play. The ones that are played most are Wii Sports and Wii Play and only with a bunch of people. Zelda is good, but I'm a little disappointed. It's not as great as I had hoped.
    I'm looking forward to when they get over the whole Wiimote thing and just start making awesome games that play well without having to look like a retard waving your arms around.

  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    So long as we're laying out a few crits:

    The new Zelda is horrendously overrated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Finally! I thought I was the only one who noticed. :S

    As to the Wii, everything sounds about on par with my take on it.

    Though I don't understand how people have so much trouble getting them. I remember around a week and a half after it was released seeing a couple at the local HMV. :P
  • skankerzero
    You're not alone. we're in the minority, but I think the same thing.

    It's great, but it's more of the same,a nd after 4 itterations, it begins to get stale to me.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i liked Zelda, the character design was impressive , the secrets are not as hard a ocarina , ocarina was waaay harder , twilight is too easy. And why the fuck do they put an image with the magic meter on the game case and theres no magic in the game ?!?! i thought "hey, maybe we have fire, cold and light arrows and cool shit" but noooooo......

    where`s the biggoron sword ??

    enough zelda bashing, does anyone know how to turn off the wii ??
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    hold the power button down.

    ...or maybe read them manual? =]
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    no ,you see... i already all that :P after the firmware update theres no way to Turn it off for good , it will always stay yellow...and working, i just noticed today that it was really hot.
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    it stays yellow. it is always on for Wii Connect24 so you can get notified of updates and get new Mii's and more stuff in the future.
  • KaosNKorruption
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    KaosNKorruption polycounter lvl 18
    try turning off wiiconnect24.
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