Double awesome for double post of awesome. Looking forward to it, minus bugs / slow play. CA need to restructure their map so that it isn't slow and everything feels streamed.
Stephen Hawking was asked about One Direction at an event and his response was kind of awesome any way you look at it (quoted so you don't have to visit buzzfeed):
...Then, a questioner asked: What do you think is the cosmological effect of Zayn leaving One Direction and consequently breaking the hearts of millions of teenage girls across the world?
Finally, a question about something important, [Hawking] said.
My advice to any heartbroken young girl is to pay close attention to the study of theoretical physics. Because one day there may well be proof of multiple universes.
It would not be beyond the realms of possibility that somewhere outside of our own universe lies another different universe.
And in that universe, Zayn is still in One Direction.
This girl may like to know that in another possible universe, she and Zayn are happily married, Hawking added.
I produced some animation for a documentary on master horologist George Daniels last year. It's doing the festival circuit and is showing in New York tonight, I think.
He mostly built one-off pieces but designed a watch movement that Omega bought and now uses in all their watches.
His former student Roger Smith lives and works near me making unbelievable hand-made watches.
Damn, can't get the video show up embedded.
Hey, McGreed - use [vv] tags with just the video number inbetween.
Sweet video!
I produced some animation for a documentary on master horologist George Daniels last year. It's doing the festival circuit and is showing in New York tonight, I think.
He mostly built one-off pieces but designed a watch movement that Omega bought and now uses in all their watches.
His former student Roger Smith lives and works near me making unbelievable hand-made watches.
May 4th and all that.
"...The answer... use a gun... and if that doesn't work... use more gun."
-Engineer from TF2-
Bit disappointed there's no Misfits, maybe for the sequel
more images here:
watched the first season in that 'trailer' GJ marketers
Hopsin getting Rekt by Supa Hot
What ? I don't get it. My logic is failing me... and we are loosing cabin pressure, also it is malignant.
On a different note: I hat cars but Tesla model seems to be capable enough for my tastes
supa hot is a mega troll dude
Sexy renders so far
Good one
That was great !
I think it would be cool if the horn shaped hair tuft on the top was actually a demon rider in shadowed silhouette...