Just paste the link but remove the 'featured' parameter from the link (and make it http instead of https, if your link is secure).
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9V-goCaua0"]Will It Blend-Chuck Norris - YouTube[/ame]
SEGA is getting ready to launch their newest console, the Dreamcast! But the evil Sony has fired a missile to destroy SEGA HQ. Segata Sanshiro jumps in the way to stop the missile, and pushes it into space, with him still on it! His final words are "SEGA Saturn Shiro" (You must play SEGA Saturn) The missile explodes, and Segata Sanshiro was no more.
But then he showed up at the Sonic Adventure unveiling, so I dunno.
The nipples look rather odd in the "after" pic, so I'm guessing a breast reduction was involved. The rest is normal for testosterone considering she already had a masculine body shape.
The nipples look rather odd in the "after" pic, so I'm guessing a breast reduction was involved. The rest is normal for testosterone considering she already had a masculine body shape.
I'm assuming you didn't watch the video, since there is a clear shot of her getting reduction surgery
Oh what world we live in, yes my question was a joke but I am sure an honest concern for those that venture into that journey.
Even more of a mind-f#ck would a gay guy ganging her make him straight!:poly122:
Next gen species!
Oh japan.. never change
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/X9V-goCaua0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Why? lol
What a glorious new frontier we are witnessing...@_@
thanks notman!
If I bang her does that make me gay?
Oh what world we live in, yes my question was a joke but I am sure an honest concern for those that venture into that journey.
Even more of a mind-f#ck would a gay guy ganging her make him straight!:poly122:
more here
so fucking awesome.
damn straight!
all i've been hearing everywhere for the last couple weeks is daft punk, and that's not a bad thing
haha, and everything up to that point was so realistic