edit: how the fuck do you embed these? I thought they did so automatically. The youtube embed code certainly doesn't do it, either.
Anyway, I find this one to be both hilarious and deeply painful. That anyone could take a character's words to be racism on behalf of the film-maker is hilarious, but at the same time, that coupled with the overwhelmingly positive responses to the statement just makes me sad. Shit like this just waters down the word 'racism'.
Seriously, a radial menu with blank SUBSECTIONS which each have a handful of tiny dots that don't give any indication to what they'll do untill you mouse-over them?
And that's just the beginning of the pipedreamy shit.
I've seen much clearer uses of the desktop-grouping idea as well. Not to mention, they were on a desktop. Here it's part of the browser, confusingly enough.
And these guys get paid to do this stuff?
Reminds me of all the things NOT to do in web design... and they've created a browser around it
Looks cool, yet completely confusing. Hell, they even point out in the first video that she couldn't find shit
pea, i spent the entire time with my jaw dropped.. jesus! wtf was going on there! lets drag some tiny shit about to some tiny areas that have no obvious function! accessability? what?
edit: no fucking way would my grandma be able to use that tiny little credit card thing
Some people are loving it, although I suspect they're more in love with the idea of it being so futuristic than the actual implementation. For pure visual interest, it's doing a lot of things right. For being something that works? Not so much. Look out for this one in the next cyber-hackers cool-kids film in which they decided current OS' don't look futuristic enough.
They're hacking the internets! Quick, click the dot! No, the other one. Wait, maybe it's in the other flower-petal submenu...
Pavel, you've seriously got to explain that first one to the less-Russian of us. The dude's charisma alone really sells it, but a Russian to English translation would make him more globally marketable. ;-)
2 WhiteEagle
hehe...yeah...most "awesomeness" here is he deaf-and-dumb language gestures
on background it song of Viktor Tsoi "Peremen!" ("I want changes!")
If you haven't seen the actual thing:
dullest blog in the world
I've seen a similar video somewhere before, but the guy wasn't bald. That dude should be in the olympics or something. He is real life Ninja Gaiden.
edit: how the fuck do you embed these? I thought they did so automatically. The youtube embed code certainly doesn't do it, either.
Anyway, I find this one to be both hilarious and deeply painful. That anyone could take a character's words to be racism on behalf of the film-maker is hilarious, but at the same time, that coupled with the overwhelmingly positive responses to the statement just makes me sad. Shit like this just waters down the word 'racism'.
might have been posted alread
slowmo lightning... or as real men call it lightig n's are for girls.
(very cool btw)
Mirror's Edge recreated in Portal.
edit: gcmp, you're hilarious. I just shat myself laughing. Refreshing!
and thats a NSFW because, oh I don't know, there's a picture of a cock squirting on the quran
edit: but TGZ, that was awesome lighting!
found this over at gametrailers, very hillarious!
PS - How do you get it to embed the movie in the post?
Awesomely bad!
Seriously, a radial menu with blank SUBSECTIONS which each have a handful of tiny dots that don't give any indication to what they'll do untill you mouse-over them?
And that's just the beginning of the pipedreamy shit.
I've seen much clearer uses of the desktop-grouping idea as well. Not to mention, they were on a desktop. Here it's part of the browser, confusingly enough.
And these guys get paid to do this stuff?
Looks cool, yet completely confusing. Hell, they even point out in the first video that she couldn't find shit
edit: no fucking way would my grandma be able to use that tiny little credit card thing
They're hacking the internets! Quick, click the dot! No, the other one. Wait, maybe it's in the other flower-petal submenu...
Ass & Titties
Yo Relatives
Lyrical hot-fyar...
ima too:
hehe...yeah...most "awesomeness" here is he deaf-and-dumb language gestures
on background it song of Viktor Tsoi "Peremen!" ("I want changes!")