That game looks bad ass, how have I never heard of it? Tower defense from a different angle, almost. Very cool, man, thanks for letting me know about it
How do you guys post the actual video in the thread?
Just throw the youtube link in your response. It should automagickally embed the video. Best way to check would be to click on "Preview Post" before submitting. Sometimes it doesn't catch the link correctly. I'm assuming that's because the uploader disabled embedding on the youtube side of things.
Is this what bareback riding is?
Awesome source of women fighters dressed in realistic armour!
If only I was good at characters..i would do that Agrias in a drop of a dime..
One of the most important speeches in recorded history was given by a comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin.
You're welcome.
"Gordon Ramsay's dwarf porn double Percy Foster dies in badger den"
i think this one is cool :-)
That sounds like it came from a random sentence generater...
How do you guys post the actual video in the thread?
Just throw the youtube link in your response. It should automagickally embed the video. Best way to check would be to click on "Preview Post" before submitting. Sometimes it doesn't catch the link correctly. I'm assuming that's because the uploader disabled embedding on the youtube side of things.
I swore off games workshop over a decade ago but man this is kinda tempting me. The miniatures are freaking gorgeous.
3D Movie Maker, loved to play around with that when i was a kid, just hilarious xD
Silly China.
Also I like how in the Sniper video the rifle has "Sniper gun" written on it....Thanks, would have never known.