"Roving gangs of high-level players exterminated noobs the instant they arrived. It was the Jurassic Park of griefers, except velociraptors were more welcoming because their little hands can't type "FAG" on a keyboard."
For any sculptors, digital or otherwise, Philippe Farauts work is something you NEED to look into. He has DVD's on how to sculpt, and they're well worth it.
Bumping this video, as it should be seen by more people. This guys work is brilliant.
I've lived in Far Eastern Siberia for 15 years and never did any of those things (well except for horse riding). Shameful. Putin's a great role model - this is what I call living life to the fullest!
Real-time dynamic 3d surface reconstruction and interaction using the Kinect. Use a cheap XBox peripheral to capture real world objects environments and whatever else as 3d models in real time.
This is pretty impressive. Why?
Had this nigga tearing up 'n shit, yeamean?
Wow, saw this time ago and loved it, no idea it was practical. Now I like it even more
Some pretty funny/smart/shitty stories in there.
My version on the 3DS is a little different...
I LoL'd
because its not even funny.
what a retard who think little boy got crushed by cabinet is a funny thing. I ve seen the real one ...
For any sculptors, digital or otherwise, Philippe Farauts work is something you NEED to look into. He has DVD's on how to sculpt, and they're well worth it.
Bumping this video, as it should be seen by more people. This guys work is brilliant.
In return I present this harrowing tale of attempted date-rape as presented by dogs.
another FPS... this time :classic tactical game called Syndicate.
I am sorry honey, I didn't know how hard it is to be pregnancy.
Real-time dynamic 3d surface reconstruction and interaction using the Kinect. Use a cheap XBox peripheral to capture real world objects environments and whatever else as 3d models in real time.