Not as mutch hillarious, but this indy engine seems like its going to be the shit.
I just hope they get out of alpha soon.
Looks pretty awesome. Art style, religious undertones, and general oddness bring to mind Shin Megami Tensei.
At first I though it was kind of meh. But then, 20 minutes in the video, it really caught my interest. Battle system looks awesome and fluid and that 2D-platforming level really reminds me of Okami. SMT influences are quite noticable too.
A good teacher has a right to be super proud of their work IMO. The guy aint a douche nor does he have a god complex, he's just aware of the impact he's making in people's lives and he's not afraid to be proud of it.
nice, i missed this one
Looks pretty awesome. Art style, religious undertones, and general oddness bring to mind Shin Megami Tensei.
I just hope they get out of alpha soon.
At first I though it was kind of meh. But then, 20 minutes in the video, it really caught my interest. Battle system looks awesome and fluid and that 2D-platforming level really reminds me of Okami. SMT influences are quite noticable too.
This is how you should not respond to criticism lol
It's basically a book reviewer giving a book a bad review and the author of the book gets a bit upset in the comments section.
~ holy CRAP, that lady blew the fuck up
Yeah she did. Have you checked her Amazon reviews since then? WOW... So sad, if it wasn't so funny
I clicked that link thinking I would get to see an exploding lady...
srsly watch it ...
Game of Thrones LCG > Magic The Gathering any day.
(Beethoven wins)
Or perhaps the extending platter is vibtrating side-to-side at a silly rate??
But he's right. ahahaha
That is Blender being repackaged and sold by ass holes.