Apparently, will be more like Pitch Black. In a way that's good. but I hope this doesn't mean another baron planet with night beasties (which i very much doubt). I loved all the concepts and art direction of Chronicles though. So I hope to see more of that.
im sorry Harada-san, I got to post this in polycount,
it just too hilarious
Here's some more
I got to the 13th boss of the internet.
Ultra Combos #1 - Thousand Pounds
Ultra Combos #2 (Femme Fatales) - Thousand Pounds
Ultra Combos #3 (Final Round) - Thousand Pounds
(little long, skip to 6:00 to see the deed done. Guy cracks me up)
The little respect for bono i had is completly gone.
Also, this:
Complete article (in portuguese)
Hell yeah Ferg! But you're missing one key ingredient...
If you left on rainy mood, not only did the dog F up the shot, but he's about to ruin that camera.
Eli dies in episode 2
Russian Nazi Robot-Dogs!
This really is deserving of the word awesome!
Link to the full size image.
And camera guy sits still, hah.
No I'm wrong, camera shakes until everyone runs away, so the camera guy did too.
Vhils takes it to a whole new level, this time using explosives to create his images.
STS-133 "Star Trek" Wakeup Call
Apparently, will be more like Pitch Black. In a way that's good. but I hope this doesn't mean another baron planet with night beasties (which i very much doubt). I loved all the concepts and art direction of Chronicles though. So I hope to see more of that.
This should be a public service announcement on TV and not on youtube.
The Old Spice commercial, how was it shot?
Best use of the kinect, ever (from a visual standpoint, looks better than the others I have seen)
Another one