Warner Brothers having a crack at bringing the Roadrunner cartoons into 3d. Result is surprisingly decent. I wouldn't mind seeing them try more of these. http://vimeo.com/19272529
"If we were to draw a graph of my process of my method, it would be something like this... Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian, *action* WIZARD! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!, *cut* Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian." HAHA
I dunno, I'm all for Tricia Helfer in just about anything, but that just looks like its trying way too hard to be hip.
Pendulum. Keeping it consistent.
Bit of nostalgia.
Bill Dance. A fishermans bloopers.
HAHAHAHAHAHH dude at like 1:22.... i fucking lost it. "WHEWW!"
Brandoom, ... YEAAAAah!
It is a bit of a simple production, but the concept is awesome, and it cracked me up.
The trailer does spoil too much
Hmmmm.. I wonder if they'll localise the UK release to read 'Mars Needs Mums'. Yeah, that's likely.
EDIT: Had to add the Sir Ian video too hahaha
"If we were to draw a graph of my process of my method, it would be something like this... Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian, *action* WIZARD! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!, *cut* Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian." HAHA
Maybe a little warning for sensitive on this one:
LOL. Damn, bubs.
Witcher 2
Damn it's gonna be a good year for gaming.
Never saw that before. So beautiful...........GAH!
Haha, lookit the label.. Pussy in a Cok jar? The mind boggles.