wow, Pixar must have been listening to Poop! I've tried to convey the same message for my daughters, for other reasons (just dealing with life in general). It's hard for teens to understand, that the social issues from high school will not exist once you reach adulthood. There will always be assholes in the world, but as people mature, a majority of them become more understanding and less eager to hurt others just to impress peers. Kudos to Pixar for supporting Poop's video idea
hell yeah, 'It gets better' should be expanded to alienated teens in general.
If this had been done a few years ago we might have dodged the Emo bullet.
y tell them that ittl get better instead of teachin them how to deal withtheyr problems now... i dont get it, they eventually have to deal with them anyway in order so its "get better"
Because there isn't really a good answer for dealing with it now. It's the people around them who need to change. The whole point is to help stop teens from killing themselves, and to realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
@lampekap, It's to give them hope. You can try and deal with problems all you want, but if you don't have hope, what's the point? It Gets Better is really the best campaign of this sort I've ever heard of. No offense to anyone, but that FCKH8 campaign is pretty stupid. It's insulting, it's childish, and it's attempt to grab attention by being shocking isn't helping anyone. The It Gets Better campaign is respectful to everyone, adult enough to recognize the problems, and be realistic enough for everyone to maybe start a REAL dialogue about it. That FCKH8 crap is just what the homophobes need to point at and say "look at that!! They're so bad, they're corrupting our kids." That's why gay and lesbian teens should have the It Gets Better campaign.
I was thinking of how great something like that could actually be (multiple kinects in one room). I would not be surprised if someone finds a way around this.
My thought was, it would be cool to create a house system, like Jarvis from Ironman. It would identify objects in the room, and could react/respond based on those objects. Like turn on equipment, based on the individual that enters the room.
"The Ministry of Silly Games will be the first Monty Python game for 13 years, and the first ever to allow multiple players to personalise and interact with a whole new world of Python. It will be completely free - you'll just have to log in to Facebook to play it. It will also introduce a host of new "mini games" which bring the Monty Python characters, sketches and locations to life like never before."
wow, Pixar must have been listening to Poop! I've tried to convey the same message for my daughters, for other reasons (just dealing with life in general). It's hard for teens to understand, that the social issues from high school will not exist once you reach adulthood. There will always be assholes in the world, but as people mature, a majority of them become more understanding and less eager to hurt others just to impress peers. Kudos to Pixar for supporting Poop's video idea
If this had been done a few years ago we might have dodged the Emo bullet.
I think if we get him more views he will continue! Also make him feel good
nice, i've seen that guy out at car shows around here a few years back
I am batman!
lol wow..
watch the deer's tail at 0:13 in cue with the sound..
o.O I can haz holodeck?
haha that's so lame, we have BLAST searches for that
i have a very mature sense of humor
It just needs and engine and a few other little bits. Nothing major....;pgid=MieqQ4wkQg8000ArvQ_8K1sp0000giKn52gz?ProductUUID=38jAqBIQwVwAAAEsaApaBWLN&CatalogCategoryID=VaLAqBELPagAAAED8GeasfoP&JumpTo=OfferList
Action starts at 0:50.. NO idea whats going on, but its awesome.
BTW lol @ pink fluffy unicorns.
oh and if you didn't already know most of the actual bear grylls shit is fake.
For 1 MONEY .... give or take.
The Ministry of silly games. Sign up for the Beta
What is the Ministry of Silly Games?
"The Ministry of Silly Games will be the first Monty Python game for 13 years, and the first ever to allow multiple players to personalise and interact with a whole new world of Python. It will be completely free - you'll just have to log in to Facebook to play it. It will also introduce a host of new "mini games" which bring the Monty Python characters, sketches and locations to life like never before."
Supercomputer made with 1760 PS3s!
so cute!