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1024x512 textures - how?

polycounter lvl 14
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East polycounter lvl 14
Part of my process of trying to get better at all things 3D involves trying to fix a severe character flaw of mine: not being able to ask questions because fear of being laughed at, and thought of as a complete newb (which in some ways is true).

So here goes.

I don't quite know how to make 1024x512 (or 512x256, etc, you get the idea) texture layouts. When laying out UVs I always fill the positive 0-1 X,Y space, and that gives me a Z^2 layout. But for a 1024x512, I don't know how I should go about doing this.

Do I lay things out between the X-1 and X+1 space, and still use the Y0-Y1 space? You can call me a newb if you like, it's all part of my "therapy" wink.gif but I would also appreciate some help in regards to my question smile.gif


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    What program you using?

    In max's Edit UVW's window, click Options, uncheck Use Custom Bitmap Size, and the texture will be whatever size you made it isntead of forcing it into a square.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    I switch between Maya and Modo, and I have browsed through the UV section of Maya's help, but I might be too thick to grasp everything in there.

    Oh, and I realised I used X and Y, when I'm supposed to use U and V :P
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    The way I work in maya is I lay out my uv's in a rectancle (-1 to 1), take my uv layout screenshot, then scale them into a square. I then make my rectangle texture, which when applied maya will also squeeze into a square. Then on the top tool bar there is a button (second set of buttons from the right) which turns image aspect ratio on/off. Click it and the texture and your uv's in maya will be stretched to the correct size automatically.

    Dunno if it's the best way to work, but it does the trick for me. smile.gif
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    what i do in maya, and this probably isn't the best way to do it, is unwrap across two squares. when i'm done, i scale them down by 50% across whatever axis is longest, then just export at the correct size with maintain aspect ratio turned off.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Thank you for the replies, I think I got what I needed to figure things out, and you were a great help smile.gif

    I was doubly at fault. Not only did I not know how to do what I ask, but I was also perceiving the problem incorrectly. So again, many thanks smile.gif
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I recommend always mapping in the 0-1 range, if you want to see the non square texture in the uv editor just click the button that looks like a squished face it will toggle between square and unsquare but I always work in square mode even if I am making a rectangular texture.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Does Maya still do that thing where if you work in a non-square UV range, it stretches UVs when you rotate them? frown.gif
  • Eric Chadwick
    Max does that. Can't avoid it AFAIK, since you're still just moving verts around in 0-1 UV space, not 0-2 texture space.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Eric: Surely when you're working on a non-square texture in Max, you just set the texture range (custom bitmap size options) to be stretched to the correct aspect ratio? Then everything rotates/scales correctly...
    I'm working on unwrapping models using 512x2048 textures a lot, it's a lifesaver... I'd hate to have to work in a square or manually squash stuff up to fit into the square afterwards.
  • Black_Dog
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    Black_Dog polycounter lvl 17
    The math to avoid that is trivial, it's just that Max doesn't do it. Edit: or does do it after you fiddle with some buttons.

    Blender is an example of a 3d app which rotates uv coordinates in screen space regardless of texture dimension.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Max does do it! I'm using it right now!
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    hey MoP...if you don't mind(i know, i ask a lot of questions..haha), could you elaborate a bit on why that's more beneficial than the regular ol' squares?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, if I'm working on re-using a sheet of modular textures (walls, trims, etc.), and the texturesheet happens to be non-square, I'd like to be able to view and lay out UVs over that texture in a non-square manner smile.gif

    However last time I tried to do this in Maya, if you use a non-square image ratio, it actually distorts all of the UVs by that amount, and doesn't take the scale difference into account when rotating UV shells, so they get stretched twice as wide when rotated 90 degrees, rather than staying consistent relative to the texture size. That means you then have to scale them back, which is not only irritating, it's slow and unnecessary.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Yes you are correct mop, that is why I always work in square mode so if you rotate your uv's they don't get fucked up. I have not checked in maya8 if they have fixed the problem as I don't really care I'd still work in square mode even if it was fixed.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    No, it's not fixed in 8.0 and its a royal pain in the arse. I was only moaning about it a couple of days ago. I understand that its mathematically correct to skew a UV shell on rotate, but I dont care. Id rather there was a decent workaround.

    And I dont see how insisting on always working square can be practical. Sure, you can get away with it most of the time, but I had to UV a very long, thin object mid week and in that case I really dont see how you can comfortably work like that.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Doesn't bother me since I can see in the texture view a squished version of the texture and I preview in 3d any ways, perhaps I have just gotten used to looking at squish after 8 years of making rectangles for environments.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, since I only started doing environment stuff and non-square textures last year, I'm pretty sure my brain would melt if I had to cope with trying to squash UVs down to an 8th of their size in one axis smile.gif
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