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Mudbox, random questions thread.

polycounter lvl 18
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_Shimmer polycounter lvl 18

after Mudbox seems to leave some open questions I figured, I open a Mudbox Q&A Thread. Feel free to post questions in here.

I´ll start right away.

Whats the deal with the "small file size" option in the Preferences?
No description in the help. It cuts down the file size from 400 to approx 50 megs. I think it takes a bit longer but cant say that for sure. Why is that not on by default? Any downfalls or disadvantages?
And these Mudbox files got huuuge in the full version?! Did I miss something?


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    hm...i have some face meshes for work that are like 1 gig of data...an option like that would be cool , i guess it inda zips it ? never checked it wil do now thanks shim !

    Question : everytime i select some faces to subdivide it "cuts" the mesh instead of subdividing it and keep it continuos like the vids in the mudbox site. Th original model becomes green and the subdivided polys become default colr

    P.S - yeah its a n00b question still...
  • thyroid
    You can subdivide by selection which lets you be more efficient with you subdividing. When you step back down the mesh will return to normal.
  • CopperHaze
    When The Mesh turns that greenish/blue color that is just showing the faces that were not subdivided. You can still sculpt that area though. You can turn off this function in preferences .
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    I think I have the same problem as johnny. When I do what he just said. Select faces and sub-divide they are actually cut from the mesh and a seam is created and if I sculpt around it a hole will develop.
  • indian_boy
    umm, i just installed mudbox, and was trying it out on a non-direct x9 compliant graphic card... i'm getting my models looking like this:
    and it is really distracting... what is the problem? why am i getting this strange variety of colours looking all jagged? Also, if i turn the view around, the back of the mesh is completely unlit... i can't see anything! how can i fix this?

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    dx9 or not should not make the slightest difference. mudbox is opengl all the way afaik. looks like graphics driver problems tho, probably outdated ones - you are not using an ATI by any chance?
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    that happens sometimes to me too, like 1 in each 15 times, i just tend to repaint something ontop of what gets fucked and it will return to normal, then control Z.
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    i get that error all the time when using the "move" tool. Something with the normals. you can just go over it with any sculpting tool set to 0.01%, then the normals will be displayed normal again. Or just sculpt ahead...
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    The seam between subdivided selections and non-subdivided is there because mudbox doesn't try to create any kind of transition subdividision between the two different sub-d levels. That would give you very messy geometry and you'd have no way of getting rid of it after that. Instead it just breaks the subdivsion off cleanly and remembers what edges were attached where. This allows it to reconnect everythign when you match all your subdivision levels up later on.

    One thing I do early on is create a bunch of selection sets, then use those for subdividing pieces of my mesh up for detailing. This also allows me to step my sub-d levels back down or quickly hide geometry chunks in order to maintain performance as I continue to detail specific areas up.

    You also shouldn't sculpt around open seams. Make sure you match your sub-d levels in the areas where there is a seam first, then sculpt.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    The only real issue I have with Mudbox is when I work on certain models, and after a while it starts to behave strangely, as shown in the image below:


    It masks out everything but the cursor and the trail when I sculpt with my tablet, and as I lift the brush (or sometimes I have to rotate the camera), the rest of the model reappears. Seems to happen mostly when the tool is very small.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I think my 3DS Max 7 wavefront OBJ exporter is buggered. Anything I export to OBJ from Max doesn't import properly in to Mudbox. It goes through the Import motions (loads up, etc.) and even shows the object in the Object List, however its not visibly there.

    I've tried others' .OBJ files for import to Mudbox and they load fine.

    I even tried to load their working OBJ in to Max 7, then re-export to a new .OBJ and it won't work.

    So I am wondering if..

    a.) I am doing something wrong with my export. The model is all quads and the OBJ is set to export to quads.

    b.) There's an alternative OBJ exporter than Wavefront?

    Any help would rock, thanks.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    do you have silo? you could try importing/exporting from there, it takes a few different formats
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    Hey guys, thinking about purchasing MudBox or Zbrush for my contract work. I'm looking to step up my texturing, I saw some cool plugins for Zbrush that basically bridged PS and Zbrush. I can't remember the name of it. Anyway, on the flip side, I have heard good things about Mudbox. Does anyone have experience with both applications for use in highpoly creation for normal maps and texture painting in 3d space? If so, I would like to hear your thoughts and recommendations on a purchase. Thanks guys!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Hmm I've only got 3dsmax and mudbox right now. I'd like to fix this problem before trying out other apps as well, ya know?

    Thanks though
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    theres always the demo, it might help narrow down the problem at least
  • Daedalus
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    Daedalus polycounter lvl 19
    got the same prob with max 7 obj exporter.
    We swithc to max 9 at work and it solve it.
    Expensive way to solve problem but it worked laugh.gif
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    Adam, you may trying setting your number of digits to 6 or 7 and unchecking the two checkboxes under the spinner, in the obj exporter.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm I've only got 3dsmax and mudbox right now. I'd like to fix this problem before trying out other apps as well, ya know?

    Thanks though

    [/ QUOTE ]

    adam I just use wings as a mediator, seems to work fine smile.gif
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think my 3DS Max 7 wavefront OBJ exporter is buggered. Anything I export to OBJ from Max doesn't import properly in to Mudbox. It goes through the Import motions (loads up, etc.) and even shows the object in the Object List, however its not visibly there.

    I've tried others' .OBJ files for import to Mudbox and they load fine.

    I even tried to load their working OBJ in to Max 7, then re-export to a new .OBJ and it won't work.

    So I am wondering if..

    a.) I am doing something wrong with my export. The model is all quads and the OBJ is set to export to quads.

    b.) There's an alternative OBJ exporter than Wavefront?

    Any help would rock, thanks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sounds like a beta bug, i know that problem from the very first beta i've tested (it was r1213), but i never had this problem with the Release Version.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Adam, you may trying setting your number of digits to 6 or 7 and unchecking the two checkboxes under the spinner, in the obj exporter.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shimmer has the right answer. Anything over 7 is too many decimal points of accuracy for Mudbox. Took me forever to figure it out when I first got the beta.

  • Dusty
    So here's my deal, I keep importing my mesh which is all quads..and when I subdivide in mudbox it does this funky ass smooth. How do I fix dat?!

    I have exported from max 8 as an .obj with every possible setting too.

  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i think they fixed problesm like indian boys with newer builds,

    i had a problem like east had for a while, but i think its cause my mesh was to big, or something else. don't have it any more.

    dusty old versions of mudbox would do that if you had some tri's
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    So here's my deal, I keep importing my mesh which is all quads..and when I subdivide in mudbox it does this funky ass smooth. How do I fix dat?!

    I have exported from max 8 as an .obj with every possible setting too.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    You might think it's all quads, but mudbox only did this in the beta, and with a mesh that has triangles. Try running a tesselate modifier on your object before exporting, if that works, than you have a triangle somewhere (tesselate makes everything a quad).

  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    I'm currently having the same problem as East here... I reckon it's to do with having an ATI graphics card, it sure wouldn't suprise me.
    This is what happens when working with tiny brushes or pretty much anytime when using a tablet.


    EDIT: Ok, I've found a temporary fix after trauling the mudbox forums, a post by an admin says it is indeed an issue being worked on, but for now, turn your Camera FOV down to 20 and as if by magic... the issue ceases.
    Now I can rest easy.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I've been importing to layer a lot and importing objs, and I seem to have ended up with a massive list of selection sets that are for the most part useless junk and get in the way of the actual ones I saved. is there a way to avoid that?

    its particularly annoying since it seems you can only delete one at a time mad.gif
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    anyone else having the mesh suddenly explode or vanish from your screen? happened to me quite a lot, actually. i found that exporting the scene into an obj and reimporting it fixed the problem but it's very annoying nonetheless.

    the wire paint stuff happened to a colleague as well. we couldn't figure out what the problem was but thanks for the heads up, will try that FOV trick. overall - is it just me or does this thing have more issues than your regular italian car? truly amazing. wink.gif
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    How do you smooth an object like say a box without it losing its form. I know in zbrush its the smt option box.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    RazorBladder, the FOV trick worked like a charm, thanks for the info. It never occurred to me to check the official forums *forehead slap* I tend to never visit official websites for support, even though it's the most logical place to go to first.
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Jesse - click the star next to the "subdivide selection" command, this will bring up a small submenu.
    If you uncheck "Smooth Positions" then the object will subdivide while keeping it's form.
    You'll get a nice lookin fine, bevelled hard edge.
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Dusty i'm not into Mudbox but got sometime ago a similar error using Zbrush after importing my model back to max and try to re export it to Zb. All it was very simple and idiot at the same time, as 3dsmax imported the *.obj as editable mesh, no matter what sittings you got on the exporter it will export everything as tris. Probably it is a different thing with you, but i did the same error several times before getting it out right laugh.gif
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Jesse - click the star next to the "subdivide selection" command, this will bring up a small submenu.
    If you uncheck "Smooth Positions" then the object will subdivide while keeping it's form.
    You'll get a nice lookin fine, bevelled hard edge.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Blade you are the man. I'll give it a go today. Thanks man
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I got a quick question. I layed out my UV's then sculpted in mudbox like crazy. Now that i bake out my normal map i have obvious seams where i layed out the uv's (on the low poly). Am i baking it out wrong or something?
  • cgjeff
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    cgjeff polycounter lvl 17
    When i try to set the topological axis on my mesh it gives me an error like this....

    "this tool can only be used on full level 0 or 1 objects"

    anyone get this at all, or know why that's happening?
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I get this a lot yeah, I don't know whats up because I'm usually on level 0, but I found going to level 0 on *every object in the scene lets it work.. kind of annoying though I'd love to hear a proper solution
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Does anyone know if its possible to load a new uvmap into a model?
    My problem is that I exported a version of my file out to mudbox, but the uvs were screwed up because of changes I'd made before exporting.

    Mudbox also gives an error when I load the sculpt of my hi-res with the uvmap error into my corrected low-res scene through "Import as Layer"

  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    Whenever I import a model into Max 9 that I made in Mudbox, the materials are super shiny and I have no idea how to turn that shiny effect off. Anyone?
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    apply smooth modifier, smoothing group 1...or just assign them in your edit poly......
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    [ QUOTE ]
    apply smooth modifier, smoothing group 1...or just assign them in your edit poly......

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dunno if you were talking to me since you replied to my post but the problem was that the OBJ file set the ambient light for the renderer to white.

    Any way, I had another question. I was wondering how you guys make hair in mudbox. My current method(it doesn't work too hot) is to use a soft brush to pull up the hair geometry and then pinch it and pinch inbetween the strokes. Am I on the right track?
  • EarthQuake
    pinching geneally destroys your geometry, play with the brush flaloff presets and you'll find that the first 2 settings have a very good look for hair. atleast more sctulped-looking hair.
  • hyrumark
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    hyrumark polycounter lvl 12
    [ QUOTE ]
    Whenever I import a model into Max 9 that I made in Mudbox, the materials are super shiny and I have no idea how to turn that shiny effect off. Anyone?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Select the model and open the maxscript listener and type "selection.material=undefined" without the quotes. That will remove any material assignment from the model.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Is there any way to export "level 0" wihtout dropping levels? mud keeps crashing whenever i press page down frown.gif (probably thanks to my shit computer).

    I've tried export levels but it only exports the current selected level.
  • EarthQuake
    Yes, go to the objects panel, expand the tree, and select the level you want to export, then go to file -> export levels.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Tried that, when i highlighted level 0 and hit export, it said "you must select a level to export" and of course when i selected it exported the highest.

    After a few tries i managed to "fix" the file by moving levels data to the HD and rebuilding the octree.
  • Delaney King
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    Delaney King polycounter lvl 18
    Heres what I get on my M70- I am told there are no latest drivers, so basically I cant use mudbox... hmmm.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    anyone help here.. from maya all my meshes keep coming into mudbox triangulated (from obj) but they are in quads in maya. importing the objs into maya shows them in quads

    edit: the wireframe in mudbox shows quads too but they are selected as tris

    ok fixed it: looks like by accident an edge somewhere was deleted, which meant maya triangulated the whole thing. fixed it and import is in quads yay
  • Shady-D
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    Shady-D polycounter lvl 17
    Trying to get my first normal map working..
    I can't seem to get a good quality normal map out of Mudbox, are there any configurations i should pay attention to in particular?
    I got it all set to 16bit, ray to 20, the rest is pretty much default. I tried setting up 2 lights in the scene, didn't really make a difference.
  • Shady-D
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    Shady-D polycounter lvl 17
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    shady, invert green or red channel of the normal map
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    [ QUOTE ]
    I get this a lot yeah, I don't know whats up because I'm usually on level 0, but I found going to level 0 on *every object in the scene lets it work.. kind of annoying though I'd love to hear a proper solution

    [/ QUOTE ]

    try hiding all the objects that are not level 0
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    pretty sure I've tried that will give it another shot
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