well... as for now i've got a 'concept' ready (well... its more a collection of 3 orthos as i suck at proper sketching of perspectives and stuff). Made it in photoshop using a mouse [no tablet]:
[sorry for the big image size...] NAME: General Bayne Yu-Dye Nau SPECIALITY: Assault WEAPONS: Ion Gun "Lux" ; Dark Matter Gun "Nox" ; Ax [or] cricket bat (dont think i should do cricket bat...) BACKSTORY:
As a young boy, Bayne [a Brit adopted to a Japanese family] had suffered a head injury that had caused him to suffer mental retardation. Unable to lead a normal life, he was sent to a "special" institute after his parents were assured that everything would be safe. The institute was nice... that much couldn't be denied. But when word spread that the Enemy was preparing an attack and after the institute came under military control; all kinds of inhumane experiments took place.
Bayne is the only of his kind. Under the experimental codename "Enemy of Intelligence," his head had been drilled, and two wires were used to send electrical shocks into the Frontal Lobe of his cerebrum. The current had the desired effects: the neurons in charge of "Logic" and "Common Sense" were completely numbed. This massive hulk was now unable to fear and cower. He... "it" didn't stop the augments from being added to his body which allowed him to carry extreme weights. It didn't mind having his heart replaced by another, stronger one... it didn't mind having parts of his brain exanged by the brains of former Generals. It even didn't mind having parts of his body replaced my metal completely. And the painful 'reskinning' procedure was no problem for it. Living in complete isolation, Bayne was able to hone his skills as the skin slowly began to grow on his body. He became accustomed to wearing his heavy leg armour, and still being able to charge down a mile in less than a minute.
Then, only three years after the rumours... the war began. Though his skin wasn't completely healed, and some other procedures were still remaining, Bayne was released into the battlefield, to wreak havok on all that stood before him.
i was a bit crazy wit the backstory... but is it any good?
first of all, it turns out that i'm probably going to come to India after all--so hopefully, if everything works out, we can sit down for a little drawing session one on one, and i can help you out with your entry or other projects in a more direct way.
but until that happens, and it'll definitely be a while (at least several weeks), let's talk about what you've got going on here.
your backstory is alright; i'm glad to see you thinking about history, about why the character is the way he is. that's great. what isn't so great is the ortho, which really doesn't have a whole lot of information to go on. i know you don't have a tablet, which makes things tough, but you should definitely be busting out the old pencil and paper and working out some interesting designs that way.
also, in terms of the character you have now and the backstory--be sure to visit dominancewar.com again and read the briefing more carefully. i don't think an assault-type guy is going to fit the criteria all that well; you'll probably need to make him into more of a surgical, precise sort of fighter. but he is powerful, which is an element that you'll want to retain.
so keep working at it--you've got a good start, but as i've been telling everyone else, quick sketches and thumbnails are a good way to keep your options open and find your best idea, not just your first.
honestly though, thanks for ur response. always helpful! i have, in fact, just done a few pencil doodles (none are too good yet) which i guess i should pay more attention to?
also, i've made 'suitable' changes to the guy to fit the sharp-shooter range *more on this below.*
once again: thanks... and i look forward to seeing u (plz don't come in march... i have finals and it would be unfortunate if i got 'so close, yet so far' from meeting ya).
okay, made a few changes to the orthos.. these will probably be the last ones for a while as i'll try pencilling out the character now.
[only front view]
how are the irrelevant glowy bits?
a few changes to the character to suit the specs.
- arm augments include small gears that become active whenever a gun is unholstered. these gears aid in reducing recoil (if he's "going in" or, if he's discovered, and he needs to use the afformentioned Ion/dark matter guns).
- Alternatively, when using his sniper rifle, these gears along with the microprocessor in the arm are able to calculate minutest of movements, and cancel them out. Breathing doesn't ruin THIS guys aim!
- i am designing a slide-over helmet with thermal + night vision
- leg augments help carry extreme weights while still being quiet. He's not too quiet though (that'd be unfair).
okay... i'm actually studying science at the moment, but an idea just struck me as i sit in front of my 'internet only' computer.
so i turned on MS Paint, and tried to represent this idea. ill do it later using Photoshop, but how is the 'silhouette' looking. it still needs some work, but im keepin' it simple for now...
[im aware that these aren't pencil sketches, and i guess i went too far again?]
okay, now i've done a few pen/cil sketches, and im gonna post them up before i go to bed. there were many ideas, and i've thrown away hundreds of pieces of paper (i think i can score 3-pointers now)... but these three (2 really) were my favorites so far...
first off is a modified version of the same character:
kinda' looks like the guy in the post just above... made him a bit sleeker, and changed his armour.
and then there is this one:
i think i'm starting to like this one more and i might move away from the bulky human. go for the sleek alien look instead? i might do this character if i don't get an even better idea... as i try to sleep tonight, i can bet ill come up with an 'interesting' story for this guy (its in progress at the mo'.)
so any suggestions, comments, crits would be awesome... hoping to wake up tomorrow to see a handful of responses that i can use to work off of.
well, i was doing some more sketches and stuff this morning, none were really nice, and i just couldn't get my mind off of the alien above. So i started adding some rough details, and thinking out some stuff about him, and i think i'll be doing him for the contest. So, i took out my 'official' sketch-book, and began the planning... following below are the new sketches, and pointers about this character... if by 1900hrs {indian standard time} i do not get any complaints on this guy... i'll be submitting him as a thumbnail etc. etc... NAME: Kanchchh Igliksk GENDER:Unknown AGE:Unknown WEAPONS: Retractable blade, Ion Gun (lux) Dark Matter Gun (nox), Sniper Rifle (caedo) BACKSTORY:
On returning to his home planet from a distant solar system (as a part of his initiation into adulthood) Kanchchh discovered that everything was destroyed. Using the psi ablities that are a part of his race, he communicated with the lost souls of the destroyed system. What he learned, angered him beyond the anger of even the gods! In a war over 50 years past, a certain "CGChat" had destroyed some "Polycount" planets in the system. The resulting explosions had wiped out the entire solar system, leaving it with a Half-Sun orbited by rocks.
In his rage, Kanchchh flew to the homeplanet of Polycount, the Emperors of the Stars, and swore an oath of fealty to them. He expressed his desire to aid in the destruction of CGChat (rumors spread that they were preparing for another war) but he was denied. The Emperors claimed that his body wasn't suited for the task, he was too weak, and he was incapable of helping. He would only be a burden in the war...
A determined Kanchchh, however, spent the next 50 years of his life in isolation, slowly modifying and improving his body using his knowledge of the "Life Sciences" and "The Energies."
The next time he presented himself to the Emperors, they were impressed by his determination and his new abilities, and allowed Kanchchh to become a Shadow in the new war that had started only days ago.
Kanchchh has only one objective now: to ensure that all enemies of Polycount (particularly CGChat) are destroyed. He will ensure that, for generations to come, enemies of Polycount will tremble in fear at the mention of his name... He will have his vengance... and more!
particular information and major pointers/features of Kanchchh will come up in the next post... after i've planned them out better...
used photoshop to ink the outlines... i realised that they weren't too easy to see... oh... and i bumped the thread
- using knowledge of biology, and their extensive understanding of their own bodies, Kanchchh has been able to modify his bone growth. eg. he now has an external ribcage aswell, along with an external shin-guard. He has modified other parts into potential weapons (i will make knuckle bones jut out, and some parts will be spiky). Plus, his right lower arm bones have been modified into a weapon.
- he has made an internal link between his lungs, thoracic cavity and arms. The movement caused by his breathing is automatically countered by his muscles (steadiest aim ever for a sharp shooter).
- the small pipe entering his chest is connected to a Cell mounted on his back. it is linked to his heart, and his brain (i'll show the back view later) and it increases the rate and efficiency of the activities carried out.
- being a noctunal being, his eyes can see perfectly in darkness, however, if he is needed during daylight, then he has retractable 'day-vision' goggles. Attached to these are also thermal vision goggles.
- The back of his head has an extra organ (the second brain) which is covered in bone. This second brain is wat allows these creatures to talk, through telepathy. It also gives them slight telekinetic abilities.
- I'll add some metal on top of this bone. This metal piece will be used in case Kanchchh gets captured. He simply has to trigger the thought, and immedieately the bone and second brain will be crushed by the metal. This way, even extensive torturing couldn't extract information. Repairing this damage takes only a few months (after Kanchchh has already gained so much experience that is...)
that's all for now... more as they pop into my head!
good to see you nutting this out.....make sure to develop further the head etc, or when you come to actually build this guy, it will be a pain making up details that fit in well with the overall design...
hmm looks good so far i geuss.. I was actually liking the fat dude.
Blue is refreshing but try a daring color, a color no1 would try.. Yellow or something
u preferred the fat dude? hmm... i guess i'll be making him in the future... i liked him too, so i definately won't be getting rid of him entirely...
as for yellow... it seems slighly impractical for the purpose of a Shadow. I even need to darken the blue i think! or add a layer of gray on top of it...
well, apart from that, i've coloured in the bones and stuff, and im posting it up again as i try to figure out how to make glows like Rawkstar in his concept sketch...
also working on a head idea... i have it looking awesome in my head.. let's c if i can translate it with a pencil!
any c and c is awesome,
looks cool so far, good shapes, agreed with shady, try playing with different skin colors, never know what might look awesome. Then again, I'm sure you'll be painting more contrast and shadows into it, so we'll see. I like the ribcage vest kinda thing. It'll be easier to crit as you get further into the details, keep going!
thanks ogle...
i guess ill try out some other colours later on... but is there a way to replace a whole range of colours with another range easily?
ie. one click will make all dark blues into dark browns and light blues into light browns and everything in between
now, sorry to practically double post, and i know it seems like im just watching my thread, but i had to post up my 'head' idea: (perspective and stuff is kinda' screwy....)
this is the head when the mouth is closed. seeing that we have 6k polies to work with, i'm gonna make the inside of the mouth 'special.' he will have a second layer of all-canine upper teeth, and the lower jaw will split apart sideways to reveal them. Apart from this, he will also have 3 sucker-mouths dangling inside of his mouth. Trying to draw that is a real pain at the mo'... but if i can't draw it, i'll at least figure out how to model it.
so how's the head? looking for any c and c on it, and the previous posts too... thanks
I've been meaning to post in your thread, and now I'm going to
I really like the second last concept (blue and off-white). I think there is some potential there to make an awesome character. I think at this stage it is looking a little generic in the silhouette. If you were to colour the whole thing in black, it would pretty much look like a human man with a strange shaped head.
I've done a really crap paintover (mainly using the the liquify filter to pull out shapes and move things around). I've even done 2 really quick and random silhouettes to show you even the smallest things could improve the shape. The one under the 2 is just the base silhouette, feel free to use that and paint over it a few times to come up with your own ideas.
Hope this helps you push your ideas a bit more, the key is to experiment as much as you can while still in the concept stage. Keep at it dude.
thanks, caseyjones, for taking the time out to make a paint-over. and despite what u think, it ain't crappy.
funny thing is that, after reading the comment, i filled in the whole thing in black, and when my mom walked in and saw, she was like: "Head is waay wrong! looks like the man got smacked by a hammer"
so, u are right about that too! now i'm working on changing about the silhouette and adding more features... after working at it some, and bringing in the new head, here's what i've got:
keep the comments and crits coming... doesn't matter if they aren't 7 paragraphs long... cuz:
even the smallest things could improve the shape
[/ QUOTE ]
where things are comments, and shape is concept/model/tex etc.
design is looking nice i like the colour scheme you have going on the desing reminds me a little of lord z out of power rangers
i like the 'hammered' head it makes it more alien. you get the impression that its more violent I guess your shadow is humanoid but not a human
i had the same thoughts Dave... i think i _will_ use the hammered head. Just need to make some modifications on it to make it "nicer." thanks for the comment...
on another note, i had sketched up the gun this morning, but i didn't post it cuz i didn't want to ruin the flow of this thread, ie: all character concept first, then all weapon concept etc. etc.
then i realized that that is simply stupid! so i'm gonna post up the sketches i'd made, and i wanna know what u guys think:
[sniper rifle]
i'll post details about the gun tomorrow, cuz now my eyes are droopy and i'm not thinking right... as of now, the only thing i'm sure about the gun is that, if it could talk, it would say, "small bullet-holes are for wussies!" and i'd like it to stay that way... so i'm definately not "small-ifying" the gun.
so: lookin' for c and c on the sniper rifle, and the previous posts aswell!
thanks guys.
bumping it for now... i'll post some updates later in the day... i wanna see some crits if i can... please... thanks u...
update on the drawing...
i think i only changed the head here...
more updates soon! (May even begin modelling the gun?)
hi there. let's get right to business, eh?
first off, stop using that fuzzy brush, in whatever package you're painting in. unless you want to show that your character is meant to be seen in soft focus all the time, or is covered in very short fur all over, use a hard-edged brush from now on. it might take a little getting used to, but you need to be more decisive in placing lines, more confident--even if it comes off sketchier.
and on the subject of sketching, what have i been saying about concepts and marriage? okay, so you realized your first girlfriend was ugly, but then you went out and bought the next girl a diamond engagement ring--what gives?
you need to stop indulging your tendency to do the zoom-ins and the call-outs and the special detailing; all that good stuff should come much later. once you started on this vaguely predator looking fellow, you've been honing details, when the larger, more fundamental aspects of the character are completely undecided--you should still be doing thumbnails. little doodles. not silhouettes, but little doodles of cool looking guys.
and another thing to restrain: write your stories later. now is not the time; we're artists, not writers, and ultimately the quality of our work will always be judged on its visual presentation, no matter how much we've thought it out and written out those clever little ideas for his spike-shooter or jetpack or alien mouth-parts. the backstory and the naming and all that, much like the visual detailing, can and should come later.
think of it like sculpture: what does a sculptor do? before he even gets carving or chiseling at his wood or stone or whatever, he first makes sure he's got decent materials. does it make any sense to grab a piece of wood and immediately start carving out a hand, only to look up and realize the wood's rotting at one end, and not nearly big enough for what you want to carve?
that's what i'm talking about. you need to set your priorities straight for how you go about conceptualizing the character. yeah, i know it seems like holding off the fun parts, and to some degree it is... but it isn't necessarily. forcing yourself to make sure the good stuff is there, very early on, before any detail shots or backstory or whatever, means the rest of the process won't be a headache. repeat after me: garbage in, garbage out don't start with garbage if you want to end up with gold!
so here's your assignment, mr indian. do 12 thumbnails, each only a few centimenters tall--and only give yourself a minute per thumbnail drawing. i'm serious about that, get a watch or clock handy and make yourself draw one-minute character sketches. after you've done the 12 in 12 minutes, and think you dont have any other quick little character sketches left, do 12 more. then you'll start getting something good--you've got to mine for the gold. don't pick up whatever comes up first and then start refining it; it's lost effort.
so there you go.. hope that's martial enough advice for you
sir yes sir!
now i've got to rip that girl's finger off and get that ring back!
wait, i've got a few questions:
1)if i use a hard brush, how do i get colour blending to happen? (i use photoshop CS2)
2) @ gauss in particular: will u hurt me if i do less than 12?
3) if i were an alchemist, couldn't i change garbage to gold?
BUT, since i'm not an alchemist:
i am doing little doodles. unfortunately, only got time to do 7 (in 6 and something minutes) when my mom told me that i should study as i have a party to attend to"night" and won't have time bla bla bla...
anyways, thought i'd post up at least these... see wat types of comments i get...
NOTE: after a while (like right away really), i kinda' started doing only wolf legs, which might seem annoying to some.
NOTE2: i personallly don't like "4"...
Gauss you're awesome in case no one has said thank you for being such a big part of this war effort, thank you. Your comments and your attitude are inspiring and helpful.
Indian_boy, it keeps getting better and better, Gauss is whippin' you into shape and its paying off.
3 looks like your best bet at this point but I would say if you have a few more thumbs left in you, your best one might be in that next bunch. Its the law of artists, your greatest piece is the one you do next. With as much as you keep improving I really think 1-2 more rounds of quickies would get something really solid, and you would say "yeah thats the one" instead of "I'm not too hot about 4".
Nothing wrong with wolf legs, they might be over used in bad guy characters but its a signature of evil. Polycount is evil so there ya go, one step closer.
Consider posture. Quite a few of your thumbs have the same proud, chest out posture not a bad thing at all. Evil henchmen and underlings often have bad posture (lack of a good health plan I guess). You might want to think about trying out a few thumbs who are hunched or more in a predatory mode.
I would try making #3 in a hunched pose with larger attack spikes that come around the front farther. Kind of like Manga Spawn, a carnifex or spider legs. Right now they aren't that imposing and would only be able to hit what he bear hugs.
I think you're close to nailing something down and I think by the end of the weekend you'll be ready to start modeling. Keep up the good work, its paying off
yes Gauss is awesome... i even awarded him with a prize here! hope u like it Gauss!
thank you, Vig, for ur pointers and the references... always helpful! i see what u'r saying about #3's shoulder spikes... will definately get something with those babies in a more threatening position!
as of now, i think i've become an anti-social element! i was at the party last night, and i hardly talked to anybody or stuff (they weren't my friends or anything... just my dad's colleagues and their kids... so i wasn't obliged ) and just thought about the competiton.... is that a good thing?
lol, anyways... got home around 2 this morning and churned out 3 or 4 more thumbs before sleeping... this is what i got:
now that i've seen you comment... i'll try to make some more with slightly hunched stances and stuff... but in this collection, i like number "9" (bottom middle)where i got the shoulder spikes bending under him and moving forward. I don't know if it looks a bit jumbled in the small sketch, but of all the thumbs so far, that's my fav. I'd just put in the lower legs from #3 of the first batch!
I'll c if i have any more shapes and forms that i could put on paper... but if i can't, i'm looking for comments and crits on these ones.
thanks to you all! and don't leave Gauss to all the whipping! don't u guys want a chance to whack me! bring in salt aswell! I don't mind...
uh oh... generic? gotta do something about that!
third thumb refers to the #3 on the first batch?
cuz i personally like #9... blended with a #13 which i'll post up soon...
as of now, just bumping it... i was hoping for some more comments... want to gain some speed over here....
i want to incorporate the back of #13 onto #9... i think it would look nice that way. btw: in 14, the back spikes are modified into jointed spikes...
so.... any c and c is good (as always)
okay, feeling kinda' guilty for bumping the thread, but i'm about to go to bed, and i just wanted the thread to be seen and commented on. i was hoping to get some comments and then move on to the "next stage". ie. get some bigger sketches and stuff in...etc. etc.
once again, sorry for the bump...!
i figured out what i wanted, and i'm starting to do it in phtoshop using a :gulp: hard brush only!
comments and crits please! even just a "hey dude, you suck" would be nice, just so i know people don't find it utterly boring (unless u post: "dude ur idea is so boring!")
Now you're cookin with gas! I missed your other post and the bump this forum moves too fast sometimes for its own good. I like 14, be mindful of the spider-man-ish chest piece and the odd sizes between the legs, might just be a rushed thing or it could be on purpose?
I like the insect theme you have going that could play out pretty well in a few ways, the first that comes to my mind is the tyranids from Warhammer 40k. They have some pretty great boney plate armor references you might be able to pull from.
I like the arms/weapons on the back. For some reason I imagine him using them pierce and hold onto live prey as he travels, weird thought I know, don't ask me where it came from or how it got there...
Judging by the concepts you've laid out I think you have nailed down what you have in your head. Unless you aren't happy with it or someone else comes up with some pretty solid crits I don't see, I think you're ready to start modeling?
I noticed that you have made a decission on your character, after reading the last couple post. Looking pretty good. Below I have answered some of your question it seemed other people didn't answer, or I didn't catch answering as I skimmed through the comments. I have also added my two bits worth of suggestions.
...try to figure out how to make glows like Rawkstar in his concept sketch...
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont know how Rawkstar makes his glows but when I make a glow in PhotoShop is I draw the part that I want to glow on one layer, give it the glow effect (double click on the layer to bring up layer styles) and after getting the colour, spred, and stuff were I want it with its editors I close it and the improve it with smug, blur, dodge/burn and liquify.
Another trick is to draw it out, duplicate the layer, play with the layer options (overlay, Colour Burn, Soft light, etc) and smug, blur, dodge/burn and liquify until I get the desired effect. This is alot easier if you have a table but is still possible with a mouse.
...is there a way to replace a whole range of colours with another range easily?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are aways, that is if all your colours for each part are on different layers. One is when on the layer go Image > Adjustments > Variations and mix colours until you get the colour you want. Second is select the layer, Ctrl+A, V, Arrow key Up then Down to put back into place. You just grabbed the colour's shape. Then make a new layer and use your pain bucket to full in the layer and play with your layer options to overlay if desired. And the last to to paint from scratch. Though this method takes time it usually by far looks the best.
he really.. really.. REALLY reminds me of a generic halo soldier..
[/ QUOTE ]
I would have to agree that your character when I first looked at him reminded me of Halo. but then again your Alien Character design is pretty cool, I personally would go with the thinner look that <font color="green">caseyjones</font> suggested. I like the backwards knee and the gun on one arm and I am guessing the hand blade on the other, though I personally think it would be better holding a gun so you dont run into over polying your character (a thought).
Here are my <u>suggestion</u> in a picture (hope you dont mind). If you like you can use them, other wise take it with a grain of sault
I notice you were fooling around with wings/jets/rockets I thought something more monsterous like bone wings, just a suggestion (Dont mind my WarHammer 40K infulance its a habbit). Also to pull away from the Halo style character try adding a tail. I tried adding a tail to some of your concepts and it looked pretty cool try it out and see if you like it. And I added a gun cause I notice besides your arm energy blade he lacked outside weaponry.
@ Vig: whoa!... ur thoughts about the back "arms" aren't weird... they're just like mine! [wait, in that case they r weird!]i'm glad somebody thought the same thing as me without me pointing it out! Also, i think i am being influenced by the tyranids subconciously (had a friend who used to collect the table top pieces...) I'll definately be looking them up for references further down the line!
@cridder: thanks for answering the questions... funny how even i forgot that i'd asked them! Other than that, i'm glad u liked the design, and i'd like to thank u for the sketch u did! After looking at the drawing, i think i wanna incorporate a tail, and maybe a few tubes (not precisely where u placed them though). Don't mind me not liking the wings, i want to try out the bony pincer-like thingies i've got going...
just slapped on some colours, gave him a holster (its the brown thing) for his close range gun, and added a _very_ rough tail idea. I'll add the huge sniper-rifle soon, and hope to god i can stay under-budget with everything.
any c and c is awesome... i felt awesome having two crits given in a row... w00t! (lol)
keep 'em coming! thanks in advance!
added the sniper rifle... don't think i'll keep these colours... they don't match with his overall colouring...
thinking of starting the basemesh tomorrow? this feels like the direction i wanna go with... dont see anything stopping be so...
'k... so i just did a bit more on the drawing up there... didn't really feel inspired at the moment... thinking of going and making the basemesh? nobody really claimed to hate this idea... so... u can't stop me now!
lol... okay, any and all c and c is welcome.
well before i forget, stop bumping. it's generally obnoxious practice in any forum, but particularly frowned upon here at polycount. you've got frequent enough updates to not have to resort to bumping--if people want to check out your thread, they'll find it
and while "nobody really claimed to hate this idea," i would like to point out that even after i harped on you going back to the drawing board, you really didn't even try to play with any other ideas, now did you? you were married to this design before you even knew it. not that it's a problem here, i think this design will serve well enough for your entry, but just remember that for the next model you make.
i agree that you look ready to tackle the basemesh. otherwise you'll just keep spamming away with tiny little changes to one picture, won't you? i wish you'd keep those earlier "hammered" helmet details though, those were my favorite design bit so far. in any case, get going on modeling so people can help you through the long road ahead. keep us posted, but remember, no bumping without proper updates!
keep in mind that the head and hand i haven't done cuz they r really difficult for me, i'll do them soon. i know i shouldn't post up an incomplete basemesh, but i know i have problems with meshflow and the like, so i'll need guidance here...
at the moment, symmetry is on, so i haven't made the shoulder piece or retractable blade... will do that later.
once again: i'm posting this to check if my mesh flow is good, among other things...
thanks in advance!
edit: wow, gauss posts fast!
lol, okay i guess u r right... i didn't really deviate from the basic idea of the alien, im sorry... i guess i need to learn to be less commited! as for bumping, u r right... it is obnoxious, and i won't do it again... feelin' a little ticked at myself for bumping.
i will keep ur words in mind for my future models... i'm finding it kinda difficult... but i must take ur advice seriously... and i suppose i woulda kept spamming with little adjustments if i hadn't gone forward with the basemesh.
okay, made a bit of progress (kinda' happy at my speed really!) and i'm posting it up to get some feedback. I've added the tail, the hands, the "back-protrusions" and the head. The head, however, is not entirerly done yet.
please guys, i need some confirmaiton on the meshflow, shape etc. etc. any feedback is good feedback.
What if they are canine type legs? I'll admit the concept looks more goatlike, while your mesh is looking more werwolf like. What are you shooting for here Indianboy?
Hey Indianboy, I really have to agree with Gauss here and can't help but think you missed something really sweet by getting stuck to this design. As you said, In the future... Hehe.
Your base mesh looks pretty decent, but remember to keep your polygons spread out equally. You dont wan't any big gaps so that when you subdivide one area becomes overly dense while another doesn't have enough geometry to support your sculpt.
Indian_Boy, I'm glad you started meshing around and moving forward, it already puts your concept to shame and will allow people to see what you see a lot easier. It will also keep the project moving forward and give people more to crit/comment on. It's coming along nicely, keep at it
[vig] puts it to shame in a good way, right? lol, thanks btw. and i was hoping that i could generate some more interest, c/c by putting a mesh up... that's mainly why i was in a rush...
[snowfly]the legs: i understand that the concept is showing goat legs, but later on (when i was making the mesh) i felt that goats = cute and fuzzy ; canines = friggin' scary. That's my point of view (though i _have_ been charged by a goat, lol). Also, with the wolf-legs, i figure i could add some details like tendons etc.
oh, and thanks [nacire] for the tips about polygon spreading-out. I'm not entirely sure how sculpting/subdividing work, but i'm interested in trying some mudboxing out for this mesh... so thanks for the warning. and yes... will be listening to Gauss' advice in the future...lol
now for the update:
as u can see, it consists of 2 images... image number 1 is the usual 3-orthos + 2-perspectives that i post. and number 2 is a focus on the head (is it understandable?).
here's what i got so far:
1) base-mesh (syymetrical parts) is complete. now i will collapse stack, and do assymetrical stuff.
2) head is almost complete; need to make second set of canine teeth, and three suckers on the inside.
okay i see what you're going for, but its not that they don't look like wolf or goat legs per se. they just look like regularly proportioned human legs, calf muscles and all, with the feet stretched out. simply not believable at this point.. i think nacire and i posted some pretty good reference that you can extrapolate from? take your time to figure out the structure. i feel the legs are really hurting your model and you definitely don't want that.
also another suggestion is to either give the slouch a sharper bend, throw the shoulders forward, or don't model the slouch at all and take care of it in the posing stage instead.
hmm... i think i'll keep him without the slouch until the posing stage...
as for the legs, i think i'll have to look at mop's last year's entry, cuz i think his entry's were similar?
as of now... this is my knowledge of wolf hindleg anatomy (i know that the lower-leg bone is not split into 2 like lower arm... i made a mistake in photoshop, and im too lazy to fix it )
i guess i need to meat up his ankle-toes section? any advice would be great, thanks.
okay, i see wat u mean there, i guess... i did this to the legs before i could come onlineand c the advice:
its still wrong that means - nonetheless... how r the toes looking?
here's my plan then: shorten the thigh, lower the 'ankle' to kinda' flatten the ankle-to-toe bend... and elongate the actual foot? that should make it seem more correct?
thanks guys, further c and c is welcome
do either of these seem more correct? i just modified the second pic that sectaurs gave me (thanks for them by the way...)
i think the one on the left looks correct? should i go with something like that?
once again, thanks guys!
in both pictures sectaur posted, the metatarsal part of the foot is not vertical as in your model.
the digitigrade looks good to go for a biped. why don't you model over that instead?
the study on the left you did looks like it's getting there, stance-wise it is fine. just watch where you place the musculature, i.e. the knee should be covered in less flesh than the back of the knee. also watch where you place the center of balance. as a general rule, don't let the knee stick out further than the toes.
i sketched this out to illustrate some points yesterday, but my internet connection crapped out and i couldn't post it...the red lines are there to show how each bone hooks slightly.
hmm... i think i see what ur getting at... excuse my lack of anatomical knowledge and whatnot... but i guess something like these would be more correct:
only thing i'm confused about is whether to do the one on the left or the right. I like the look of the left one, but is it okay structurally?
many thanks for the help... getting an understanding of wolf-legs now...
first off, the head which i shoulda', coulda', woulda' posted yesterday... but forgot... so here it is, with both sets of teeth, jaws, but missing the sucker-mouths:
[one jaw is open only]
now, onto more pressing matters:
nice paintover... thanks alot for it... i kinda' did that in max, and in that case, should i be saying: et voila?
here it is....
thanks again for all u help... lookin' forward to more
i won't call this a bump, cuz i have honest questions :
how should i go about making the high res character. Should i make the assymetrical base in max, move into mudbox, high-res him, bring him back and then conform the low-res to high-res...?
also, my comp can hardly handle a million polies... any way to optimize desktop/win xp to churn out more from the comp? (i neeed un upgrade)
and finally: can bodypaint see the effect of a normal map on a model as i paint the diffuse on it? how can i use the normal map as a ref for painting the diffuse?
thanks guys...
i might not get an update in today... got a cricket match to watch and a maths final to study for !
Good luck with the comp.
well... as for now i've got a 'concept' ready (well... its more a collection of 3 orthos as i suck at proper sketching of perspectives and stuff). Made it in photoshop using a mouse [no tablet]:
[sorry for the big image size...]
NAME: General Bayne Yu-Dye Nau
WEAPONS: Ion Gun "Lux" ; Dark Matter Gun "Nox" ; Ax [or] cricket bat (dont think i should do cricket bat...)
As a young boy, Bayne [a Brit adopted to a Japanese family] had suffered a head injury that had caused him to suffer mental retardation. Unable to lead a normal life, he was sent to a "special" institute after his parents were assured that everything would be safe. The institute was nice... that much couldn't be denied. But when word spread that the Enemy was preparing an attack and after the institute came under military control; all kinds of inhumane experiments took place.
Bayne is the only of his kind. Under the experimental codename "Enemy of Intelligence," his head had been drilled, and two wires were used to send electrical shocks into the Frontal Lobe of his cerebrum. The current had the desired effects: the neurons in charge of "Logic" and "Common Sense" were completely numbed. This massive hulk was now unable to fear and cower. He... "it" didn't stop the augments from being added to his body which allowed him to carry extreme weights. It didn't mind having his heart replaced by another, stronger one... it didn't mind having parts of his brain exanged by the brains of former Generals. It even didn't mind having parts of his body replaced my metal completely. And the painful 'reskinning' procedure was no problem for it. Living in complete isolation, Bayne was able to hone his skills as the skin slowly began to grow on his body. He became accustomed to wearing his heavy leg armour, and still being able to charge down a mile in less than a minute.
Then, only three years after the rumours... the war began. Though his skin wasn't completely healed, and some other procedures were still remaining, Bayne was released into the battlefield, to wreak havok on all that stood before him.
i was a bit crazy wit the backstory... but is it any good?
first of all, it turns out that i'm probably going to come to India after all--so hopefully, if everything works out, we can sit down for a little drawing session one on one, and i can help you out with your entry or other projects in a more direct way.
but until that happens, and it'll definitely be a while (at least several weeks), let's talk about what you've got going on here.
your backstory is alright; i'm glad to see you thinking about history, about why the character is the way he is. that's great. what isn't so great is the ortho, which really doesn't have a whole lot of information to go on. i know you don't have a tablet, which makes things tough, but you should definitely be busting out the old pencil and paper and working out some interesting designs that way.
also, in terms of the character you have now and the backstory--be sure to visit dominancewar.com again and read the briefing more carefully. i don't think an assault-type guy is going to fit the criteria all that well; you'll probably need to make him into more of a surgical, precise sort of fighter. but he is powerful, which is an element that you'll want to retain.
so keep working at it--you've got a good start, but as i've been telling everyone else, quick sketches and thumbnails are a good way to keep your options open and find your best idea, not just your first.
honestly though, thanks for ur response. always helpful! i have, in fact, just done a few pencil doodles (none are too good yet) which i guess i should pay more attention to?
also, i've made 'suitable' changes to the guy to fit the sharp-shooter range *more on this below.*
once again: thanks... and i look forward to seeing u (plz don't come in march... i have finals and it would be unfortunate if i got 'so close, yet so far' from meeting ya).
okay, made a few changes to the orthos.. these will probably be the last ones for a while as i'll try pencilling out the character now.
[only front view]
how are the irrelevant glowy bits?
a few changes to the character to suit the specs.
- arm augments include small gears that become active whenever a gun is unholstered. these gears aid in reducing recoil (if he's "going in" or, if he's discovered, and he needs to use the afformentioned Ion/dark matter guns).
- Alternatively, when using his sniper rifle, these gears along with the microprocessor in the arm are able to calculate minutest of movements, and cancel them out. Breathing doesn't ruin THIS guys aim!
- i am designing a slide-over helmet with thermal + night vision
- leg augments help carry extreme weights while still being quiet. He's not too quiet though (that'd be unfair).
how is it turning out?
thanks in advance...
so i turned on MS Paint, and tried to represent this idea. ill do it later using Photoshop, but how is the 'silhouette' looking. it still needs some work, but im keepin' it simple for now...
[im aware that these aren't pencil sketches, and i guess i went too far again?]
first off is a modified version of the same character:
kinda' looks like the guy in the post just above... made him a bit sleeker, and changed his armour.
and then there is this one:
i think i'm starting to like this one more and i might move away from the bulky human. go for the sleek alien look instead? i might do this character if i don't get an even better idea... as i try to sleep tonight, i can bet ill come up with an 'interesting' story for this guy (its in progress at the mo'.)
so any suggestions, comments, crits would be awesome... hoping to wake up tomorrow to see a handful of responses that i can use to work off of.
good night...
well, i was doing some more sketches and stuff this morning, none were really nice, and i just couldn't get my mind off of the alien above. So i started adding some rough details, and thinking out some stuff about him, and i think i'll be doing him for the contest. So, i took out my 'official' sketch-book, and began the planning... following below are the new sketches, and pointers about this character... if by 1900hrs {indian standard time} i do not get any complaints on this guy... i'll be submitting him as a thumbnail etc. etc...
NAME: Kanchchh Igliksk
WEAPONS: Retractable blade, Ion Gun (lux) Dark Matter Gun (nox), Sniper Rifle (caedo)
On returning to his home planet from a distant solar system (as a part of his initiation into adulthood) Kanchchh discovered that everything was destroyed. Using the psi ablities that are a part of his race, he communicated with the lost souls of the destroyed system. What he learned, angered him beyond the anger of even the gods! In a war over 50 years past, a certain "CGChat" had destroyed some "Polycount" planets in the system. The resulting explosions had wiped out the entire solar system, leaving it with a Half-Sun orbited by rocks.
In his rage, Kanchchh flew to the homeplanet of Polycount, the Emperors of the Stars, and swore an oath of fealty to them. He expressed his desire to aid in the destruction of CGChat (rumors spread that they were preparing for another war) but he was denied. The Emperors claimed that his body wasn't suited for the task, he was too weak, and he was incapable of helping. He would only be a burden in the war...
A determined Kanchchh, however, spent the next 50 years of his life in isolation, slowly modifying and improving his body using his knowledge of the "Life Sciences" and "The Energies."
The next time he presented himself to the Emperors, they were impressed by his determination and his new abilities, and allowed Kanchchh to become a Shadow in the new war that had started only days ago.
Kanchchh has only one objective now: to ensure that all enemies of Polycount (particularly CGChat) are destroyed. He will ensure that, for generations to come, enemies of Polycount will tremble in fear at the mention of his name... He will have his vengance... and more!
particular information and major pointers/features of Kanchchh will come up in the next post... after i've planned them out better...
once again... any c&c is welcome... please...
used photoshop to ink the outlines... i realised that they weren't too easy to see... oh... and i bumped the thread
no just kidding!
- using knowledge of biology, and their extensive understanding of their own bodies, Kanchchh has been able to modify his bone growth. eg. he now has an external ribcage aswell, along with an external shin-guard. He has modified other parts into potential weapons (i will make knuckle bones jut out, and some parts will be spiky). Plus, his right lower arm bones have been modified into a weapon.
- he has made an internal link between his lungs, thoracic cavity and arms. The movement caused by his breathing is automatically countered by his muscles (steadiest aim ever for a sharp shooter).
- the small pipe entering his chest is connected to a Cell mounted on his back. it is linked to his heart, and his brain (i'll show the back view later) and it increases the rate and efficiency of the activities carried out.
- being a noctunal being, his eyes can see perfectly in darkness, however, if he is needed during daylight, then he has retractable 'day-vision' goggles. Attached to these are also thermal vision goggles.
- The back of his head has an extra organ (the second brain) which is covered in bone. This second brain is wat allows these creatures to talk, through telepathy. It also gives them slight telekinetic abilities.
- I'll add some metal on top of this bone. This metal piece will be used in case Kanchchh gets captured. He simply has to trigger the thought, and immedieately the bone and second brain will be crushed by the metal. This way, even extensive torturing couldn't extract information. Repairing this damage takes only a few months (after Kanchchh has already gained so much experience that is...)
that's all for now... more as they pop into my head!
well, since there have been no negative crits in so many hours, i've decided to take the plunge with this character... title = Kanchchh Igliksk
well, anyways... this is my base, then, and now i'll try to really figure out each part of him before i get to modelling...
as of now, i'll ask again:
how's the concept?
and add a new question:
how's the skin colour looking? :
Blue is refreshing but try a daring color, a color no1 would try.. Yellow or something
as for yellow... it seems slighly impractical for the purpose of a Shadow. I even need to darken the blue i think! or add a layer of gray on top of it...
well, apart from that, i've coloured in the bones and stuff, and im posting it up again as i try to figure out how to make glows like Rawkstar in his concept sketch...
also working on a head idea... i have it looking awesome in my head.. let's c if i can translate it with a pencil!
any c and c is awesome,
i guess ill try out some other colours later on... but is there a way to replace a whole range of colours with another range easily?
ie. one click will make all dark blues into dark browns and light blues into light browns and everything in between
now, sorry to practically double post, and i know it seems like im just watching my thread, but i had to post up my 'head' idea: (perspective and stuff is kinda' screwy....)
this is the head when the mouth is closed. seeing that we have 6k polies to work with, i'm gonna make the inside of the mouth 'special.' he will have a second layer of all-canine upper teeth, and the lower jaw will split apart sideways to reveal them. Apart from this, he will also have 3 sucker-mouths dangling inside of his mouth. Trying to draw that is a real pain at the mo'... but if i can't draw it, i'll at least figure out how to model it.
so how's the head? looking for any c and c on it, and the previous posts too... thanks
I really like the second last concept (blue and off-white). I think there is some potential there to make an awesome character. I think at this stage it is looking a little generic in the silhouette. If you were to colour the whole thing in black, it would pretty much look like a human man with a strange shaped head.
I've done a really crap paintover (mainly using the the liquify filter to pull out shapes and move things around). I've even done 2 really quick and random silhouettes to show you even the smallest things could improve the shape. The one under the 2 is just the base silhouette, feel free to use that and paint over it a few times to come up with your own ideas.
Hope this helps you push your ideas a bit more, the key is to experiment as much as you can while still in the concept stage. Keep at it dude.
funny thing is that, after reading the comment, i filled in the whole thing in black, and when my mom walked in and saw, she was like: "Head is waay wrong! looks like the man got smacked by a hammer"
so, u are right about that too! now i'm working on changing about the silhouette and adding more features... after working at it some, and bringing in the new head, here's what i've got:
keep the comments and crits coming... doesn't matter if they aren't 7 paragraphs long... cuz:
even the smallest things could improve the shape
[/ QUOTE ]
where things are comments, and shape is concept/model/tex etc.
design is looking nice i like the colour scheme you have going on the desing reminds me a little of lord z out of power rangers
i like the 'hammered' head it makes it more alien. you get the impression that its more violent I guess your shadow is humanoid but not a human
on another note, i had sketched up the gun this morning, but i didn't post it cuz i didn't want to ruin the flow of this thread, ie: all character concept first, then all weapon concept etc. etc.
then i realized that that is simply stupid! so i'm gonna post up the sketches i'd made, and i wanna know what u guys think:
[sniper rifle]
i'll post details about the gun tomorrow, cuz now my eyes are droopy and i'm not thinking right... as of now, the only thing i'm sure about the gun is that, if it could talk, it would say, "small bullet-holes are for wussies!"
so: lookin' for c and c on the sniper rifle, and the previous posts aswell!
thanks guys.
update on the drawing...
i think i only changed the head here...
more updates soon! (May even begin modelling the gun?)
any c and c is welcome!
first off, stop using that fuzzy brush, in whatever package you're painting in. unless you want to show that your character is meant to be seen in soft focus all the time, or is covered in very short fur all over, use a hard-edged brush from now on. it might take a little getting used to, but you need to be more decisive in placing lines, more confident--even if it comes off sketchier.
and on the subject of sketching, what have i been saying about concepts and marriage? okay, so you realized your first girlfriend was ugly, but then you went out and bought the next girl a diamond engagement ring--what gives?
you need to stop indulging your tendency to do the zoom-ins and the call-outs and the special detailing; all that good stuff should come much later. once you started on this vaguely predator looking fellow, you've been honing details, when the larger, more fundamental aspects of the character are completely undecided--you should still be doing thumbnails. little doodles. not silhouettes, but little doodles of cool looking guys.
and another thing to restrain: write your stories later. now is not the time; we're artists, not writers, and ultimately the quality of our work will always be judged on its visual presentation, no matter how much we've thought it out and written out those clever little ideas for his spike-shooter or jetpack or alien mouth-parts. the backstory and the naming and all that, much like the visual detailing, can and should come later.
think of it like sculpture: what does a sculptor do? before he even gets carving or chiseling at his wood or stone or whatever, he first makes sure he's got decent materials. does it make any sense to grab a piece of wood and immediately start carving out a hand, only to look up and realize the wood's rotting at one end, and not nearly big enough for what you want to carve?
that's what i'm talking about. you need to set your priorities straight for how you go about conceptualizing the character. yeah, i know it seems like holding off the fun parts, and to some degree it is... but it isn't necessarily. forcing yourself to make sure the good stuff is there, very early on, before any detail shots or backstory or whatever, means the rest of the process won't be a headache. repeat after me: garbage in, garbage out
so here's your assignment, mr indian. do 12 thumbnails, each only a few centimenters tall--and only give yourself a minute per thumbnail drawing. i'm serious about that, get a watch or clock handy and make yourself draw one-minute character sketches. after you've done the 12 in 12 minutes, and think you dont have any other quick little character sketches left, do 12 more. then you'll start getting something good--you've got to mine for the gold. don't pick up whatever comes up first and then start refining it; it's lost effort.
so there you go.. hope that's martial enough advice for you
now i've got to rip that girl's finger off and get that ring back!
wait, i've got a few questions:
1)if i use a hard brush, how do i get colour blending to happen? (i use photoshop CS2)
2) @ gauss in particular: will u hurt me if i do less than 12?
3) if i were an alchemist, couldn't i change garbage to gold?
BUT, since i'm not an alchemist:
i am doing little doodles. unfortunately, only got time to do 7 (in 6 and something minutes) when my mom told me that i should study as i have a party to attend to"night" and won't have time bla bla bla...
anyways, thought i'd post up at least these... see wat types of comments i get...
NOTE: after a while (like right away really), i kinda' started doing only wolf legs, which might seem annoying to some.
NOTE2: i personallly don't like "4"...
so.... gun me down! be ruthless!
Indian_boy, it keeps getting better and better, Gauss is whippin' you into shape and its paying off.
3 looks like your best bet at this point but I would say if you have a few more thumbs left in you, your best one might be in that next bunch. Its the law of artists, your greatest piece is the one you do next. With as much as you keep improving I really think 1-2 more rounds of quickies would get something really solid, and you would say "yeah thats the one" instead of "I'm not too hot about 4".
Nothing wrong with wolf legs, they might be over used in bad guy characters but its a signature of evil. Polycount is evil so there ya go, one step closer.
Consider posture. Quite a few of your thumbs have the same proud, chest out posture not a bad thing at all. Evil henchmen and underlings often have bad posture (lack of a good health plan I guess). You might want to think about trying out a few thumbs who are hunched or more in a predatory mode.
I would try making #3 in a hunched pose with larger attack spikes that come around the front farther. Kind of like Manga Spawn, a carnifex or spider legs. Right now they aren't that imposing and would only be able to hit what he bear hugs.
I think you're close to nailing something down and I think by the end of the weekend you'll be ready to start modeling. Keep up the good work, its paying off
thank you, Vig, for ur pointers and the references... always helpful! i see what u'r saying about #3's shoulder spikes... will definately get something with those babies in a more threatening position!
as of now, i think i've become an anti-social element! i was at the party last night, and i hardly talked to anybody or stuff (they weren't my friends or anything... just my dad's colleagues and their kids... so i wasn't obliged
lol, anyways... got home around 2 this morning and churned out 3 or 4 more thumbs before sleeping... this is what i got:
now that i've seen you comment... i'll try to make some more with slightly hunched stances and stuff... but in this collection, i like number "9" (bottom middle)where i got the shoulder spikes bending under him and moving forward. I don't know if it looks a bit jumbled in the small sketch, but of all the thumbs so far, that's my fav. I'd just put in the lower legs from #3 of the first batch!
I'll c if i have any more shapes and forms that i could put on paper... but if i can't, i'm looking for comments and crits on these ones.
thanks to you all! and don't leave Gauss to all the whipping! don't u guys want a chance to whack me! bring in salt aswell! I don't mind...
reminds me of a generic halo soldier.. not good =/
Maybe the color scheme will change that
third thumb looks bad-ass btw
third thumb refers to the #3 on the first batch?
cuz i personally like #9... blended with a #13 which i'll post up soon...
as of now, just bumping it... i was hoping for some more comments... want to gain some speed over here....
i want to incorporate the back of #13 onto #9... i think it would look nice that way. btw: in 14, the back spikes are modified into jointed spikes...
so.... any c and c is good (as always)
once again, sorry for the bump...!
i figured out what i wanted, and i'm starting to do it in phtoshop using a :gulp: hard brush only!
comments and crits please! even just a "hey dude, you suck" would be nice, just so i know people don't find it utterly boring (unless u post: "dude ur idea is so boring!")
I like the insect theme you have going that could play out pretty well in a few ways, the first that comes to my mind is the tyranids from Warhammer 40k. They have some pretty great boney plate armor references you might be able to pull from.
I like the arms/weapons on the back. For some reason I imagine him using them pierce and hold onto live prey as he travels, weird thought I know, don't ask me where it came from or how it got there...
Judging by the concepts you've laid out I think you have nailed down what you have in your head. Unless you aren't happy with it or someone else comes up with some pretty solid crits I don't see, I think you're ready to start modeling?
...try to figure out how to make glows like Rawkstar in his concept sketch...
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont know how Rawkstar makes his glows but when I make a glow in PhotoShop is I draw the part that I want to glow on one layer, give it the glow effect (double click on the layer to bring up layer styles) and after getting the colour, spred, and stuff were I want it with its editors I close it and the improve it with smug, blur, dodge/burn and liquify.
Another trick is to draw it out, duplicate the layer, play with the layer options (overlay, Colour Burn, Soft light, etc) and smug, blur, dodge/burn and liquify until I get the desired effect. This is alot easier if you have a table but is still possible with a mouse.
...is there a way to replace a whole range of colours with another range easily?
[/ QUOTE ]
There are aways, that is if all your colours for each part are on different layers. One is when on the layer go Image > Adjustments > Variations and mix colours until you get the colour you want. Second is select the layer, Ctrl+A, V, Arrow key Up then Down to put back into place. You just grabbed the colour's shape. Then make a new layer and use your pain bucket to full in the layer and play with your layer options to overlay if desired. And the last to to paint from scratch. Though this method takes time it usually by far looks the best.
he really.. really.. REALLY reminds me of a generic halo soldier..
[/ QUOTE ]
I would have to agree that your character when I first looked at him reminded me of Halo. but then again your Alien Character design is pretty cool, I personally would go with the thinner look that <font color="green">caseyjones</font> suggested. I like the backwards knee and the gun on one arm and I am guessing the hand blade on the other, though I personally think it would be better holding a gun so you dont run into over polying your character (a thought).
Here are my <u>suggestion</u> in a picture (hope you dont mind). If you like you can use them, other wise take it with a grain of sault
I notice you were fooling around with wings/jets/rockets I thought something more monsterous like bone wings, just a suggestion (Dont mind my WarHammer 40K infulance its a habbit). Also to pull away from the Halo style character try adding a tail. I tried adding a tail to some of your concepts and it looked pretty cool try it out and see if you like it. And I added a gun cause I notice besides your arm energy blade he lacked outside weaponry.
@cridder: thanks for answering the questions... funny how even i forgot that i'd asked them! Other than that, i'm glad u liked the design, and i'd like to thank u for the sketch u did! After looking at the drawing, i think i wanna incorporate a tail, and maybe a few tubes (not precisely where u placed them though). Don't mind me not liking the wings, i want to try out the bony pincer-like thingies i've got going...
just slapped on some colours, gave him a holster (its the brown thing) for his close range gun, and added a _very_ rough tail idea. I'll add the huge sniper-rifle soon, and hope to god i can stay under-budget with everything.
any c and c is awesome... i felt awesome having two crits given in a row... w00t! (lol)
keep 'em coming! thanks in advance!
updates to come soon!
added the sniper rifle... don't think i'll keep these colours... they don't match with his overall colouring...
thinking of starting the basemesh tomorrow? this feels like the direction i wanna go with... dont see anything stopping be so...
lol... okay, any and all c and c is welcome.
and while "nobody really claimed to hate this idea," i would like to point out that even after i harped on you going back to the drawing board, you really didn't even try to play with any other ideas, now did you? you were married to this design before you even knew it. not that it's a problem here, i think this design will serve well enough for your entry, but just remember that for the next model you make.
i agree that you look ready to tackle the basemesh. otherwise you'll just keep spamming away with tiny little changes to one picture, won't you?
keep in mind that the head and hand i haven't done cuz they r really difficult for me, i'll do them soon. i know i shouldn't post up an incomplete basemesh, but i know i have problems with meshflow and the like, so i'll need guidance here...
at the moment, symmetry is on, so i haven't made the shoulder piece or retractable blade... will do that later.
once again: i'm posting this to check if my mesh flow is good, among other things...
thanks in advance!
edit: wow, gauss posts fast!
lol, okay i guess u r right... i didn't really deviate from the basic idea of the alien, im sorry... i guess i need to learn to be less commited! as for bumping, u r right... it is obnoxious, and i won't do it again... feelin' a little ticked at myself for bumping.
i will keep ur words in mind for my future models... i'm finding it kinda difficult... but i must take ur advice seriously... and i suppose i woulda kept spamming with little adjustments if i hadn't gone forward with the basemesh.
please guys, i need some confirmaiton on the meshflow, shape etc. etc. any feedback is good feedback.
Hey Indianboy, I really have to agree with Gauss here and can't help but think you missed something really sweet by getting stuck to this design. As you said, In the future... Hehe.
Your base mesh looks pretty decent, but remember to keep your polygons spread out equally. You dont wan't any big gaps so that when you subdivide one area becomes overly dense while another doesn't have enough geometry to support your sculpt.
[snowfly]the legs: i understand that the concept is showing goat legs, but later on (when i was making the mesh) i felt that goats = cute and fuzzy ; canines = friggin' scary. That's my point of view (though i _have_ been charged by a goat, lol). Also, with the wolf-legs, i figure i could add some details like tendons etc.
oh, and thanks [nacire] for the tips about polygon spreading-out. I'm not entirely sure how sculpting/subdividing work, but i'm interested in trying some mudboxing out for this mesh... so thanks for the warning. and yes... will be listening to Gauss' advice in the future...lol
now for the update:
as u can see, it consists of 2 images... image number 1 is the usual 3-orthos + 2-perspectives that i post. and number 2 is a focus on the head (is it understandable?).
here's what i got so far:
1) base-mesh (syymetrical parts) is complete. now i will collapse stack, and do assymetrical stuff.
2) head is almost complete; need to make second set of canine teeth, and three suckers on the inside.
or so i believe......
once again... any c and c is awesome!
also another suggestion is to either give the slouch a sharper bend, throw the shoulders forward, or don't model the slouch at all and take care of it in the posing stage instead.
good luck
as for the legs, i think i'll have to look at mop's last year's entry, cuz i think his entry's were similar?
as of now... this is my knowledge of wolf hindleg anatomy (i know that the lower-leg bone is not split into 2 like lower arm... i made a mistake in photoshop, and im too lazy to fix it
i guess i need to meat up his ankle-toes section? any advice would be great, thanks.
Take a look at nature's solution to the problem
both sport the 'extra' bend in their legs you'd want, and both have been well tested at supporting a variety of critters and weights.
its still wrong that means - nonetheless... how r the toes looking?
here's my plan then: shorten the thigh, lower the 'ankle' to kinda' flatten the ankle-to-toe bend... and elongate the actual foot? that should make it seem more correct?
thanks guys, further c and c is welcome
do either of these seem more correct? i just modified the second pic that sectaurs gave me (thanks for them by the way...)
i think the one on the left looks correct? should i go with something like that?
once again, thanks guys!
the digitigrade looks good to go for a biped. why don't you model over that instead?
the study on the left you did looks like it's getting there, stance-wise it is fine. just watch where you place the musculature, i.e. the knee should be covered in less flesh than the back of the knee. also watch where you place the center of balance. as a general rule, don't let the knee stick out further than the toes.
i sketched this out to illustrate some points yesterday, but my internet connection crapped out and i couldn't post it...the red lines are there to show how each bone hooks slightly.
only thing i'm confused about is whether to do the one on the left or the right. I like the look of the left one, but is it okay structurally?
many thanks for the help... getting an understanding of wolf-legs now...
[one jaw is open only]
now, onto more pressing matters:
nice paintover... thanks alot for it... i kinda' did that in max, and in that case, should i be saying: et voila?
here it is....
thanks again for all u help... lookin' forward to more
how should i go about making the high res character. Should i make the assymetrical base in max, move into mudbox, high-res him, bring him back and then conform the low-res to high-res...?
also, my comp can hardly handle a million polies... any way to optimize desktop/win xp to churn out more from the comp? (i neeed un upgrade)
and finally: can bodypaint see the effect of a normal map on a model as i paint the diffuse on it? how can i use the normal map as a ref for painting the diffuse?
thanks guys...
i might not get an update in today... got a cricket match to watch and a maths final to study for