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Dominance War ][][ - Matt22181

polycounter lvl 18
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  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Eh..Hes made out of the skin of fallen foes. I still need to work out armor and weapons. I have a few sketches worked out but im not exactly happy with them yet. Any ideas would be great. I was thinking rusty sheet metal for the armor.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    I'd imagine that a patchwork of stitches all over his skin would look hawt!
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    i like his smile :>
  • indian_boy
    i actually was trying a similar teeth thing for my concept... i couldn't do it as well as u did...
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Bit of an update. Ive gone through a bunch of different armorsets with this guy, but Im not totally set on one just yet. Heres the one I like best so far.


    Heres some of the other designs I've been playing around with.
  • indian_boy
    this one is definately the best. i think at least...

    EDIT: mongo... lol!
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Ok I think this is it. Just imagine it dirty, with more burns, faces mixed into the skin, and babies trying to claw their way out of the stretch holes. Pretty standard stuff really. Ive started Mudboxing, I'll get you an update in a day or so.

    [Edit] Also, much thanks to Gauss, mixed a bit of some of your concepts into this one when I saw your concept post.

    [Edit] Another one, what would you guys suggest doing if I know my computer cant handle me having this whole guy in mudbox at the same time; not to any significant detail level anyways. I can split it up but im not sure if thats the best way to go, since he should be all in one piece...
    anyways. Later

  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Okie doak just made a base mesh to get started with in mudbox. I kind of think it looks a bit boring but i dunno. Might need to add a lil guy or something like in Gauss's concept here.

    ***Gauss's Concept***

    Heres the Basemesh
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    haha... great stuff man, and i'm glad the concept thread was helpful (despite my inability to actually do concepts atm).
    i think you've got a solid base design, but also that it's worth investigating further wrinkles into it. like i've been saying a lot today, try and avoid the obvious choice. if it's the first thing that comes into your head, it's probably the first thing that other people have thought of as well, which means that the design is going to end up not quite as interesting as it could be.
    in this case, let's take the stitches for example: it's usually a cool idea, especially if you're going the skin-of-fallen-foes route, but let's try and think of a way to execute it in a style that hasn't been rehashed a million times already. i'm absolutely certain that you'd be able to name me two or three characters right off the top of your head that have stitched skin in almost exactly that same kind of manner.
    not that a good design means completely defying expectations and convention at every turn, but for the big stuff it's important to do it if you can. and since he's a big, fleshy guy, the stitching is more prominent than it otherwise might be.
    so play around with different solutions. i enjoy how the mouth/face looks "pinned up" from the teeth, it's really quite gruesome... instead of doing the random stitching type deal for the rest of his body, what if it were sewn in a more ordered fashion? like buffalo bill in Silence of the Lambs, sewing a dress of womens' skin? it'd make your guy look like some hideous, oversized doll, if he had the seams running in a more orderly fashion.
    but that's just an idea--you might try a paintover and find it doesn't work in this instance. the point is that when you're making calls about how you should design your character, try to stay away from the obvious solution. good stuff though, and please keep on updating the thread with new iterations and paintovers! smile.gif

    edit: very cool to see that concept find some use smile.gif oh, and have you thought much as to how to harmonize this concept a bit more with what the brief states? i'm not one of those that harps on being to-the-letter about these things, but without at least a little bit better justification, i think you might be in a spot of trouble. just sayin'.
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Gauss thanks a bunch for the reply. I am trying to rework things a bit.. not happy with either concept below. I cant remember what the Buffalo Bill suit looks like..and google dosent seem to want to show me do you have a reference picture.. or maybe someone could just describe its stitching for me. I dont see how it dosent fit with the brief maybe you could elaborate a bit for me. It dosent necessarily have to be a stealthy character. Anyways thanks a bunch everybody for the posts. Im going to keep working see if I can't push this guy farther.

    [Buttons / Zippers]
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    The strangest thing just happened.. I alt tabbed back into photoshop and Mongo was wearing a new skin. If anyone is missing their skin or knows someone who is please email me at fakeemailaccount@gmail.com and I'll be sure to have Mongo return it to you or its proper owner immediatly. Thanks


    Hehe not sure I like this one but this was one of my earlier ideas.

    [Edit] Just in case my concepts really badly painted.. Mongo's wearing Mr Kite's General from last dominance war.
  • Noonie
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    Noonie polycounter lvl 17
    Diggin what you got going on here. Cant wait to see what you decide upon.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 20
    Love the motuh...that is great...
  • indian_boy
    gee... i wonder where i recognize the coat from?

  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guess got a few more paintovers. The baby one I think is alright but the mobster one well... thats poops influence. So you guys think I should go with the Mr Kite Suit? I just dont want to be ripping off his design or anything although I had planned on doing it in a more realistic style than my concepts.

    For the baby one I was thinking something like the "Nothing But Trouble" twins. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102558/

  • solvalou
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    solvalou polycounter lvl 17
    Something Barlowe stuff I stumbled upon that might help. 0005.jpg
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    hey dude i was thinkin' about this design here:

    I really think you could pull of the "skins of his foes" look if you were to make each patch of skin different. One could be green and scaled, the other could be purple and have a sheen, etc. etc.. instead of a bunch of human flesh. Know what I mean?
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Adam, yeah Ive been thinking about that for a while. I was just worried it would be to busy. But hey I'll do up a concept tomorrow and we'll see how that looks.
  • indian_boy
    don't overdo that though.. then it will look too busy... mybe one or two pathes here and there... and not necessarily of different species... they could just be different colours...

    nice work by the way... im lovin' it
  • Squirrelsquid
    great concept! I like the zipper-version a lot, maybe a zipper somewhere would be cool, like the Top of the head, so the brain could be "exchanged" easily.

    I also love the smily in your armored version...
    Kinda reminds me "Invader Zim"... There's one episode where there's a character with an enormous Happyiness Brainprobe... maybe your creature could have one too, that chaines the Icon from smile.gif to >:(

    just my 50 cents though...
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    HAAAHAa how coooooo!! i love them all *G*
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    And going and going and going..

    The stuff on the guy on the right is supposed to be black electrical tape.
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    he looks so playful in that concept lol! love it.
  • MadGaz
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    MadGaz polycounter lvl 17
    I Love this guy, you should get him a sitcom!
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Omg guys I came up with the best concept. Its so scary check it out.

    Hehe, ok ok. I promise no more messing around. Im going to do real concepts from now on smile.gif
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Nice, looks too much like a real hooker, though. Nice butterfly boob tattoo, classy. Really like the shapes you've got goin on, feels really masive.
  • xysdf
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    xysdf polycounter lvl 17
    eeeeeeehh, great!
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    i cant stop laughing. u sir are a genious.
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    [EDIT] Dead babies.

    Hey again Guys I am feeling really confident about this one. As far as the skin goes, I am going to make it as close as I can to the dead baby skin in the pictures below. I like the bluish skin tone and kind of faded red blood next together. Anyways the pictures are pretty gross below I just think I need them to demonstrate exactly how I want my model's skin to look. Here goes.

    *****Last Chance*****

    [Edit] Damn it forgot to put his ears in there

  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19

    Add a more to the point warning will you? there's a difference between "graphic content" and "deceased diseased babies."

    ****WARNING! PICTURES OF DEAD BABIES!***** <- like that.

    Looking cool tho.
  • GravyTrain
    My slug will eat your babies! bwahahaha
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Hahaha, yuck. I have to say, you've got some balls posting dead baby pictures after the whole cat fiasco.
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    So you guys think im ok to run with this one? Not to generic or anything. I mean im definately liking it... I just want to be sure everyone else is diggin it.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, red/blue is a good colorscheme and the shades are good. If you are going for nasty, I think you are going to nail it.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Personally I must say that I preferred the zipper suit version, simply because it was funny in a macabre way. This is gross and has potential, but the other one just did more for me.

    Suggest the guy has a penchant for wearing his victims too!
  • indian_boy
    its real good... slightly nauseating maybe (man i nearly puked a river) and it's lost the funny aspect...

    still looks cool... i was trying to imagine it in 3d and it could look real funky and bloody scary...
    go with skin of dead babies...

    what were the babies diseased with anyways?

    wait... on another note: where is "futuristic"?
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Dude. The chain and elctrical tape one. Yes. Ditch the nipple tape, beef up the legs and its all gravy.
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    [Defacto] Really.. the zipper one I think is just so boring. I dont think you guys would not have found it as gross if I hadn't of shown you the actual baby pictures. You probably would have just seen the blue / red color scheme. Anyways the concept isnt really ever really 100% final so I could play with some zippers. Might actually be a good idea. hmm.

    [Indian Boy]
    It was some radiation thing in Iraq. Heres the article I found them in.

    ****Caution Lots of Dead Babies****

    Abominations/demons/zombies, they're all timeless . And If that isnt good enough I could always say hes an Alien/Alien wearing that suit. Or he was in our planet's explosion and was mutated and now is just doing the standard eat skin / brains deal. BS'ing ftw smile.gif One thing I've learned how to do very well in Art School.
  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 20
    That pic is just wrong man...just wrong...I expect this from Killingpeople, but I thought you were different man...it is a shame...
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    I better clean up my act it would suck to be like killingpeople.

  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    the dead baby photos are rather unnecessary - i would have used a url tag rather than an img tag wink.gif arsh was wrist-slapped for posting images of dead cats, i'm sure a dead baby wouldn't be warmly welcomed. great ref though. impact is a powerful design element indeed.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I dont see a straight parallel between this *ref and the cats.. but jeez thats rank..
    if you can capture that look then he's certainly gonna be eye catching
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    glad to see you've removed the baby images from in-line, they were probably hurting traffic to people who'd otherwise want to check out your thread smile.gif
    but the new color scheme and detailing should serve you very well. i'd suggest heightening the contrast by making the skin very, very rough and dry and chapped, making the split-open wounds glistening and gross all the more by comparison.
    you still need a little something more, though, to turn him from more of a monster and into a character. Eric Elwell's been working through similar issues, in that he's got a very monstrous character that he needs to make look more intelligent.
    here's a random thought to add some interest and freakish utility to the character: since he's so big, he needs special appendages to deal with objects in a smaller world. so much so that the tips of his thumbs end in little hands. play around with it in a sketch, i think it'd look creepy and add a twist to what look like pretty standard claw-hands on a big shambler-like character. in fact right now your character resembles a shambler in several respects, so differentiation is a good thing.
    so hey, try out some thumb-hands. going with that might inspire certain other amendments and help you solve detailing issues--right now he's looking a bit "naked," not clothing-wise, but character-wise. he could probably use a good prop or two of some kind... a badge, a plate, a weapon, a little regulatory monitoring device of some kind on the neck or ankle, a totemistic item, a talisman, a trophy...
    again, try to avoid the obvious choice, like a skull or skulls. they're a shoe-in, but they're also pretty standard. tattoos are also out, given that the skin is already detailed enough.
    what you'll probably want is at least one futuristic-y item to place your character in the correct time period and not make him fantasy, and then something else, a "bit of flair". maybe scalps? scalps are good and timelessly brutal and revolting. hanging from the neck or shoulder or waist or something.
    alright, i've got other voices crying out to be heard laugh.gif you've done great so far, so take the time in refining the character now. maybe some close-up head study variations in the same sort of way you've already been doing?
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Thumb hands.. I like the sound of it. But I did a concept here, maybe it was just my execution of it but I really dont like how any of it looks :/ Are we not allowed to do frankenstein type characters at are just unleased onto an enemy?

    [EDIT] About the dry skin/shiney cuts. Definately.


    Just playing around with the base mesh for an hr or so. Probably just trashin this.

    Thanks guys. Eh time for sleep. Been in class/driving all day.
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Eh.. gd I am back to photoshop again.

    really did like the original baby one best
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    When in doubt..
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    heh, so true.

    regarding the previous sketch:
    I actually like the hands a lot how they are in 3d. The hands and drippy head are the highlight of the design as I see it. If you are going to rework something, I would suggest the chest and legs.
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