For about 2 weeks now, many places have been selling the OEM versions (32 & 64bit) of Windows Vista Ultimate. I was wondering if anyone here is using it, and how driver/application compatibility is. I ran RC1 for a while, but that was some time ago.
I'm specifically interested in compatibility with some standard artist apps and drivers right now:
- Photoshop CS2/CS3
- 3ds Max 8/9
- Mudbox
- Modo201
- Wacom drivers
- Graphics card drivers (nvidia)
I want to switch relatively soon, but I wanted to get any feedback I can, before moving forward. I know that Creative still hasn't released Vista drivers for their sound cards yet.

Anyways, any info you guys had would be great. Thanks.
There's the Vista beta driver for Audigy cards right there.
I ran the beta of Vista for a while also, but didn't mess with it too much. The games I did play on it ran slower than under XP. Hopefully that'll change soon. I didn't have any trouble really finding at least beta drivers for any of my hardware then.
From what I've heard, the final version of Vista's DX9 is supposed to run existing games faster than XP's DX9. So lets hope you only experienced beta issues.
Thanks, Hollowmind.
What they should have done in my opinion is created a shell system for xp. A dumbed down user interface system engineers could create/edit to reduce user error and restrict privs, because frankly thats all Vista is. It's pretty, but nothing you can't do with Stardock's line of eye candy toys for windows, and stardocks performance is much faster than any ridiculous non-productivity enhancing gadget I've used in Vista. Given the horrid restrictions this is going to create for software and hardware developers, I would be surprised if this is'nt investigated as some kind of monopoly ploy.
My prediction is that google will create the next OS masterpiece. Until then. Windows XP.
My rig is fully HDCP compliant though, so I'm not worried about that (actually, I'll need a HDCP compliant monitor). I don't plan on running HD-DVD or BluRay on my PC anyways. I remember there being a lot of crap about XP. That MS was constantly monitoring your PC through XP's "backdoors" and all sorts of 'media restriction' crap. What happened to that? It never existed, that's what.
A lot of that article is white wash crap. They made these same grandiose accusations about XP, and it turned out just fine. Vista RC2 runs perfectly fine on my machine. It doesn't hog memory, it doesn't "eat up extra CPU cycles". It runs great. Unless they completely rewrote Vista in past the 4 months to add this insurmountable pile of apparent crap code, I think it will be just fine.
Basically everything I heard was wrong. XP works great, and I have faith that when I get my hands of Vista it will be just as good.
Motz: have you even used Vista's new tools or features? Netmeeting? Office 2008 integration features?
Not sure why, just felt wrong.
Anyways, that's all I can remember to comment on. I haven't messed with it for over a month now. I'd suggest if you have an extra partition on your hd or are planning on formatting and reinstalling XP anytime soon and want to try Vista to set it up as a dual-boot system.
SO much faster than XP x64
on top of that, after my pc monitor suffered an unfortunate accident moving to my new place a few months ago (hence why i haven't been online). i have been using a 37" HDTV for my monitor, and source of all things computer entertaining. and vista has instant support for the right resolutions, even using the same driver as i was using on xp, which is weird o_O
this is how it looks.
Here are a couple screenshots I took that don't show a whole lot about Vista actually. :P This was still the RC1 build though from a couple months ago.
This one shows the nice little preview window that pops up when you hover the mouse over things that are minimized to the status bar:
This just shows the useless "3d" cascade view or whatever of all programs and windows you have open. It's one of the buttons in the quick launch area: