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Maya 8 features that I like.

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malcolm polycount sponsor
Apparently Autodesk for the win? I'm trying out Maya8 today and I'll post the features I find useful for those interested.

1. alpha textures now sort correctly in the viewport so you can model trees.

2. the split polygon tool can now jump past edges and split right across them.

3. normal maps can be rendered in mentayray now, contrary to what Cody told me fucking bastard. Unless I'm missing something you just turn the feature on, I did a lame test but I would imagine it works since it is a new feature in the what's new doc.

4. layout uv's now works and gets tighter packs.

5. overlapping uv's are now rendered red in the texture view.

6. there is a select uv shell button for easy organization.


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    My favorite part is the price :-)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nice, good to see they're fixing some of the big issues I have with it.
    Do you know if there's a "preserve UV" feature yet, that lets you move geometry around but keep UV positions relative? I think XSI calls it "Texture Swimming", Max calls it "Preserve UVs"... I think that's one of the features I'd really miss if I had to switch apps.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    The mesh transfer attributes is sweet, as is the Transfer maps stuff for quick and easy normal and occlusion generation.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    alpha textures now sort correctly in the viewport so you can model trees.

    [/ QUOTE ]We'll be upgrading our entire team for this feature alone.

    It does seem to be a bit light on for exciting features though.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Anyone using a gaming card having problems with high quality mode in the viewports?
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Yes, ATI x800 and 9800 series do not support high quality rendering, black patches and shit all over the model. I have not tried the x1600 series yet but I have one in my closet that I have not had time to install. Nvidia anything newer than 6800 gt is not supported by Maya, like their whole 7800 series and above I don't think you can even use the interface. Quadros and FireGL's are officially supported.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    Nvidia anything newer than 6800 gt is not supported by Maya, like their whole 7800 series and above I don't think you can even use the interface.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's fucking ridiculous.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Calm down. Whilst far from an ideal situation, just because a card is not officially supported does not *necessarily* mean it wont work. Alias *never* officially supported anything other than workstation cards for previous versions of maya actually. You can check release notes.

    Once I set maya.exe to win2k compatibility mode, Im running high quality rendering with a 7900 just fine.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    Is there any noticable viewport slow down?

    I'm using a 7900 and Maya 7 right now and everytime I have the UV editor open in UV mode the perspective viewport crawls. I've heard some nasty stories on the CGsociety Maya forums too which have kept me from switching over. Well that and it doesn't seem worth the switch right now (the enhanced split polygon tool looks great though).
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Personally I feel like an upgrade is only usually worth it if the new version has something in it that significantly improves workflow for you. Since we were starting a new project it meant we might aswell go with 8.0. Besides, the transfer maps stuff makes normal mapping extremely painless. I fixed a lot of issues switching my compatibility mode, including slowdowns. I'm not noticing any slowdowns with the UV editor window but it's not exacly as smooth as a babys arse when it comes to UV manipulation either. I dont have 7.0 here to compare it to, but I can check later.

    As with a lot of graphics intensive software, a lot depends on individual pc configurations and setup. I'm really not having any issues running maya 8.0 and a 7900 at all, but that could well be just the luck of the draw.
  • Phopojijo
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    Phopojijo polycounter lvl 18
    Ran Maya 6 in both Vista Beta2 and XP Pro 32-bit, and Maya 8 x64 in XP x64; the prior two were on a GeForce 5700-Ultra, and the latter was on a GeForce 7900GT.

    All worked like a charm.

    Alias just didn't want to *support* not workstation cards for nVidia's buggy drivers... they knew it would work... but if nVidia frigged 'em up over some stupid Battlefield2 patch, Alias didn't want to have to deal with Maya users over it.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Actually this is not true, I know quite a few people that are having viewport errors with the 7900 series and Maya, like everyting in the viewport becomes invisible and when they try to update their drivers it says their card is not a quadro? And the viewport running at 5fps when a cube is displayed. Nvidia is so random because they don't manufacture cards just chip sets so as Daz says it's luck of the draw if your card works or not, I've given up on nVidia due to the fact my last card burned out and getting tech support from some sketchy company in Taiwan that built the thing was a pain in the ass. Also nvidi costs twice as much. I got ati x1650 pro 512meg for 149.99 at futureshop.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    I have an Nvidia 7800 GT in my PC and while I run into a few quirks with high quality rendering, it works fine for the most part.

    The only display issues I have are when I turn on viewport shadows. With the shadows on the lighting will constantly flicker in the viewport, so it's really only useful for taking screenshots. If I leave the shadows turned off everything displays as expected though.

    As far as slowdown, the only time I get noticeable slowdown is when I have transparent objects overlapping each other.

    It's annoying, but I'll take it if that's what needed to be done for them to display alpha properly.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    I don't have Maya 8 yet, but "viewport shadows"? So you can have a model cast shadows in real time? Self shadow? If so, yay! laugh.gif
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    It's kind of shit broken feature that's been in there since Maya6 I think? It was an extremly slow depth map solution I believe and nothing close do what you would get in a game so it was kind of useless.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    the viewport shadows is useless and breaks often when I use it. Sometimes it just stops working too if you have too many lights on an object and start using negative lights.

    by the way : 8.5 features revealed...

  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    i seriously thinks this upgrade franzy is getting out of hand.. maya 8 has been out how long? i mean.. when one of the key features in the upgrade is japan localization then wtf. Im sure they are happy over there but how bout something substantial? Rather than a few halfassed functions that barely works anyway. Sure being able to split across edges with the split polygon tool is nice but not worth $900 in my book.

    and for the record im totally gonna install it when we get it at work tongue.gif
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    [ QUOTE ]
    Once I set maya.exe to win2k compatibility mode, Im running high quality rendering with a 7900 just fine.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Are you serious? I suppose I ought to try that, as nothing else has worked for me. Normal Maps showed in the view port in older versions, but not in maya 8 for some reason. Thanks for mentioning that, I was about ready to give up.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    can anyone explain to me how to set it to win2k compatibility mode? (i have windows xp home edition and a very sloooow computer which belongs to my parents blush.gif)
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    right click maya.exe>properties>compatibility>tick 'run this program in compatibility mode for' and pull down to win2k.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    aww too bad, it isn't working but thanks anyway! (it sais: warning: high quality rendering mode is not supported by the graphics card. switching to default rendering mode.)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Mild bump, but Maya 8.5's bonus tools pack contains a preserve UV's option.


    Nice to see them getting around to adding such a handy tool. Some of the Maya guys here nearly died when I showed them how useful Preserve UVs is in Max smile.gif
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    i take back everything i said in my last post smile.gif

    not thats a update worth having!
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    The compatability didn't work for me either. I think I'll install 7 and work with them both. If I could just find the cd...
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    mirrored normals works! can't get it to work on imported meshes yet, but for meshes created in maya, it's just a tick box away
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]

    Taken from an Autodesk press conference earlier in the week:
    "we changed the load screen, on both Maya8 and Max9 which constitutes a version change under the current US anti-piracy laws. NOW GIVE US MONEY!! oh yea and we also spent more money last year than we should of so... we-laid-off-our-R&D-team. Bob, the mentally handicap night janitor will be in charge of thinking up new features for the next two versions until we can pull in enough cash to actually start thinking of new features".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wasn't too impressed with the Max9 features either, I'm not sure if they are just being lazy or what but I can come up with 10 things that need fixing in Max above the hair tools. For the love of all that is holy when are they going to fix the atmospherics load/unloading issue. Or how about making a decent camera queue list that remembers post production settings? How about an optimize modifier that works on polys instead of just tris? And doesn't effect UV's... I'll stop now before the headache starts...
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    EDIT : understood max 8 , sorry !
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Know what feature I like? The one where Maya randomly shuts the fuck down for no fucking reason. No fucking error, not even lag from the computer. Just gone. Mother fucking piece of shit.

    (Sorry, needed to vent after a full days work lost because I forgot to save and Maya fucking sucks).
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    Fun Maya feature: select anything in the outliner , double click on it to rename (but leave it edittable) and use the mousewheel to scroll in the 3d view (or in the outliner itself).
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Tulkamir that's not a new feature! Usually happens when you are fucking around with uv's or have done an illegal operation it was not expecting hence it's gone instantly with no crash and save to file. I seriously ctrl + s like every 10 min at work and at home, it's just not worth the frustration.

    fmnoor, none of those are new features they've been there since maya 2.5, how else did you rename models before you double clicked them in the outliner.

    new feature I found last night, when merging verts if you only have two verts selected there is a toggle to merge these without a max distance, handy when you like to set the merge distance to 0.001 like me but also like to have the ability to quickly merge two together without opening the options box.
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    malcolm - it's a way to make Maya crash every single time. It hasn't been fixed yet as of 8.5 I believe. If you try to use the mouse scroll while editing the name in the outliner it will always crash.

    Let me share some of the things I've been pleasantly suprised at finding:

    1. Double click on the scale tool and select discrete scale. Now you can scale the space between a set of vertices down to 0 almost instantly, great for getting edges straight.

    2. Right click and a a quick flick in the general direction will work when you need to switch components (no need to way for the menu to show up).

  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Sorry I misunderstood what you were saying, but I can use the scroll wheel after double clicking to rename without it crashing, although scrolling in that mode does nothing.
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