for me:
1. take game art less seriously, have more fun with it
2. gain weight, by getting in shape

3. play more games, continue to avoid WoW
4. get rid of old junk, make room for new junk
5. play well with others
6. make wiser choices in life, appreciate what I have already
7. avoid doctors
8. work harder, spend less
9. buy a Wii
10. find new friends and hobbies
11. ask for help more often
12. help others
...overall just have a good time and be proud of what I accomplish.
1. Lose a little bit of weight by exercising and doing more things in the "Outside World."
2. Be more positive.
3. Work on more personal projects (have more fun with my work.)
4. Move to a new apartment :P
5. Get my first tattoo completed, possibly start on a second.
6. Play a wide variety of games and watch more movies.
lay off jiang-shi
and get my birthday celebrated this year
I'd like to lose some weight and step up on my work / productivity. I felt like I did nothing this year!
1) Continue drawing sessions
2) Don't worry too much
3) Sell the music stuff, buy a decent tablet with the money
4) Replace the 15" tv with a projector or an LCD tv
5) Actually try to get better grades at the university
Oh! I have only 50 minutes to start working on these
To go along with that...
1) Move out of the south...for the love of god
2) Bring my Portfolio up to a presentable level
3) Get organized, stay dedicated and kick some ass
2.Cut back on sweets
3.More sleep
4.Fix mountain bike
5.Invest money
2. Further pursue art, ideally become a somewhat competent painter.
2. I now own a sketchbook. I should draw in it now and then.
3. It's portfolio time again! Life is so enjoyably cyclical. Work on portfolio, maybe plug the yawning abyss that is the past two years with something that implies -- ever so sneakily -- that I have not been in an art coma this whole time.
4. Finish Bully. And God of War. And San Andreas. Resist buying new games for awhile.
5. Keep in touch with friends. I've been bad about this.
1. Learn Japanese
2. Speak more Spanish
3. Spend more time paying attention to school
4. Keep grades up
5. Draw every day
6. Spend less on games, more on living space
drink more, eat more so i put on weight, don't be so productive with my time, smoke more cigarettes, make more half hearted promises to myself and keep to them for a month before slipping back into old habits.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds good to me! I think I'll use that as mine too.
drink more ahhaha
do more/better art (traditional and digital)
make more friends
dont let the past drag me down
be positive
be kinder to people (some would say i do too much for them now :O)
swear off Windows and go Mac full time
get a Wii
get a DS JUST for Pokemon
start a webcomic like ive been wanting to for 6 years
watch more anime
listen to more music
embrace my inner geek more
trying to complete my stuff
lose weight
order as much anime series possible
getting rid of the succubus that haunts me in my residence.
learn to say "NO! get the fuck outta my way"
Make my parents understand that my future is in my hands and what i do isnt dead end.
playing wind waker after beating ocarina to then playing twilight princess.
learn japanese.
[*]give up smoking
[*]get my shit hole of an apartment into shape
[*]fire my clients
[*]pay my tax
Spend more time playing games with my kids.
Start racing motorcycles.
Get off my butt and finish a model someday.
Win the lottery
drink more, eat more so i put on weight, don't be so productive with my time, smoke more cigarettes, make more half hearted promises to myself and keep to them for a month before slipping back into old habits.
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa, talk about setting yourself up to fail
* be faster in modelling
* make portofilio
* learn ZBRUSH
* drink less beers
* loose some kg
* take more care about my wife & my son
* play again badminton
2. Learn Japanese..more
*Improve my 3d highpoly modeling/texturing/rendering skill
*Finish my short film project
*Put my new portfolio online
- Spend more time conceptualizing levels before diving in.
- Strangle people who make changes to art that has been finished for weeks.
- Archive and organize my reference pics, and maybe MAYBE put it up online for others to share.
- Create a few tutorials about making lvls with Max.
take someones virginity,
learn to walk on my hands,
figure out how people manage to get shit on the walls of public restrooms.
learn to program
goto more foreign countries and make everyone remember why they really hate americans.
finish reading the 200 books i have started.
buy new socks
-Get myself weekly to the gym to loose some weight and get in shape;
-Practise more drawing;
-Improve myself on highpoly without Zb or Mb shit, just polys
-Get my self a step futher in my 3d, i mean, stop doing half models just for the fun and do something more productive...
-Buy some art/drawing books;
-And last one, study more and get better grades (this is actually a continuation of what i start doing last half year but it is going to be hart to keep it)
-Fulfill my dad's rule of 100 driving hours so I can achieve above resolution.
-Draw a lot more.
-Get acquainted with oil paints.
-Be more motivated in school art class (so far I haven't finished a single project, but am always motivated on personal stuff).
-Be more motivated in a few school classes, get those few 80s grades into the mid-high 90s like the rest of my grades.
-Be less of a complete cock to certain people.
Oh and to get enough money from work so that I can buy an HDTV and start saving for a car.
- prep up for another marathon.
- laugh at myself more.
- possibly get settled in somewhere and stop this nomadic lifestyle
- draw till my hand falls off.
- Sketch more
- Buy and learn Mudbox
- Start and finish some decent personal work to have on my folio site
- Get a new girlfriend!
*not to sleep with lots of supermodels.
-Make more friends
-Get back on track with my diet
-Get a girlfriend over 6 foot and blonde if possible.
-Improve my modeling
-Make a new portfolio
1. Win the biggest looser competition at work, a bunch of us over weigher's have a competition going starting Jan 2nd ending when the game ships.
2. get back to the gym after 2 months of not going. start a new routine, and sign up for boxing.
3. complete 3 UT2004/UT2007 maps by june'07
-Get a girlfriend over 6 foot and blonde if possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like this one, and would like to add it to my own list. Although living in hobbit land as I do, it may well be more of a challenge than I thought.
_find my six pack again
_get everything i have to do done for the wedding
_get married
_go out and explore more and go camping
_get to work earlier
Those are my goals
-Get a girlfriend over 6 foot and blonde if possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like this one, and would like to add it to my own list. Although living in hobbit land as I do, it may well be more of a challenge than I thought.
[/ QUOTE ]
my friend they grow like leaves(plentiful) here,my guess is all the dairy products.
otherwise I would have moved to the Netherlands years ago!
-Get job in Games Industry
-Get appartment with the gf, hopefully downtown Van
-Get my Xbox 360 repaired, Microsofts taken since Nov. 10th so far
-Get cooler shoes
-Do more snowboarding
more sex
[/ QUOTE ]
good call
My other one is the same one I have every damn year. Lose weight. Might be possible this year, since I'm depression free and all.
- Actually finish a polycount comp!
- Do more work
- Lose 50lbs
- Be more creative, less structural
-No more art whoring, finally get those personal projects done!
-At work, be more diplomatic
-Get super abs
-Experience my first Singaporean Christmas and New Year
get in shape - bench 200 lbs, and 100 pushups. (working on pushups, also starting to do some other body weight exercises)
start doing regular doctor visits and checkups