I thought I would start one of those threads where I post some loose stuff I make, instead of starting new threads for every bald-headed bust I make. I realise I am new here, and I
will share some constructive thoughts to other people's stuff, as soon as I feel I have something interesting to say. So much awesome work around here that it both inspires me, and makes me feel rather insignificant. A lot of the time I just think, "what could
I possibly contribute..?"
So, the first thing I have is this here bald guy with a plate at the back of his head. It's made out of a base mesh I modeled in Maya, inspired by Pedro's
awesome Ben character (maybe you can see the influence). He was fleshed out in Mudbox to the best of my abilities, and while doing an asymmetry pass I got carried away and added a metal plate at the back of his head. Hence the name.
I wasn't going for total realism, but something you might call exaggerated reality, or some such. No references were used for any musculature.
Right now I'm blocking out the shapes. Pretty much nothing of the shirt will be visible the way I'm figuring it out at the moment. Hands will be covered in gloves, so I will be modelling them separately. Anatomy of the arms isn't exactly stellar, but most will be covered up anyway.
I'm still messing with scale on the low mesh level, trying to find a nice balance in proportions. The legs look a bit short at the moment, but they are cut off halfway down the shins as high boots will be over most of them. Pants have lots of detail left to be added.
Right now I'm thinking of whipping up some concept art so I can find a direction and stick to it
Dont know why but i love the arms.
Right now I'm working on getting the folds on the clothing worked out just to get a basic flow going. Nothing too detailed as equipment is going to change it (for example the way the knee armour does - still haven't adapted the right leg to it).
The head is temporary and will be replaced once I get around to it. Right now I'm focusing on the body. Next step will be to do some paintovers over the 3D model to see what kind of gear will work..
Arms and hands look great
Other than that, Mudbox is by far some of the best money I've spent. Only second to the Luxology modo license (which I wouldn't trade for any other modeling package in a million years).
Just select a couple of faces on the side that you want to mirror to the other side of your mesh and chose Layers > Mirror > X.
Good luck, hope that helps!
So, I started added some equipment and a few placeholder containers. Skipping the concept stage so far as it's just not working for me at the moment. There's some straps and buckles missing here and there, and I need to make it clear that the collar of his shirt is in fact an extra padded one.