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Halo 3 Gameplay videos

polycounter lvl 18
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Fuse polycounter lvl 18

some new videos, the beginning is halo2 gameplay while somewhre towards the middle it shows halo3..

well it definitely looks nothing like what they demonstrated in the e3 demo .. looks like halo 2.5 really ..

animations are jerky, environments look a little weak (consistent with halo 1 and 2) and the frame rate is questionable.

It'll turn out to be a fun game most likely, but it looks like it really hasnt brought the presentation to a new level.

opinions ?


  • cep
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    cep polycounter lvl 18
    I lost the faith I had pre-halo 2, but I think it's only fair to wait until it's done.

    It sounds and looks like they're going in a better direction.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    alot of the animations looked jittery as hell, and i guess they're still not using mocap, just have 4 guys keyframing stuff. i love how they bring out all these points about what they wanted to do and what was bad in halo 2 and then they show those brutes in the game and nowhere did i see them solve any of those issues, except for visuals, the guys looked like bags of health that charge at you, ok maybe some pack mechanics, but does it read like a pack? i mean it just looked like a bunch of things you had to kill, and the cool thing about it is oh no they're BIG, didn't look very big to me at all, and when you go around the corner there's gonna be another one right in your face... i mean they said why its not good gameplay but nowhere does it show what they did to make it more fun, from what i saw its just a bunch of bags of health standing there pointing that stupid looking gun at you and shooting... stand and shoot then dodge and charge... i dunno ... doesn't look like a whole lot of fun to me. and no it doesn't look anywhere near as good as Gears of war.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    graphics wise aside from the slight increase in character quality everything looks about the same as halo 2, with a little more partical effects going on maybe.
    gameplay wise it looks the same as halo 2, but i've never beeen into halo for the single player, its when you get into he multiplayer that things get interesting.
    but as time goes on its looking more and more like the same old overhyping with content that is better than what the final product will have. although its still early in development, so perhaps i am wrong.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Its good thats its the last one, any more and it would really start showing its age. That and as its the last one it cant fail. I'll buy it and beat it once then play it online for the next 6 months.
  • EarthQuake
    why would they even show the untextures video? That makes no sense what so ever, just showing off thier painted bump maps on lowpoly models with crappy shading, looks pretty bad.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I actually think its already really showing its age TGZ. In terms of the gameplay, it all feels very mediocre. I'd say about the same for tech and Art too, except perhaps maybe the concept work. The modeling and animation (in particular) is still pretty weak imo and their quality levels just dont seem to have kept up with the improvements made throughout the industry.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I would just like to point out .. and this is just my personal observation, bungie has really developed good pacing for both games, especially Halo2.

    Similarly to UT2k7 it's risky to tamper with a good formula when you are an established franchise.

    Let's be honest, story and visuals aside it is the most unsophisticated and accessible shooter there can be. Everything in the game (shields, ammo, weapons) is designed around maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

    They do have a lot of good things going for it, I personally find their attention to producing original orchestrated soundtrack impressive and definitely very effective, their plot does get you involved if you like to suspend your disbelief, and the voice acting is pretty solid. They have a lot of interesting and bold character designs and there is a nice contrast between realistic and fantasy. Their colour pallete may be a little too playful but i think it's what separates it from the other titles. At least it's not all brown and grey.

    I found the Visual refreshment in Halo 2 pretty pleasing, it wasnt groundbreaking but it looked pretty good considering it was running on xbox hardware. At this point though it looks too much like halo 2.5 There wasnt as big of a detail/quality jump as between halo and halo2 ...
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Halo 3 doesn't need to be anything but Halo 2, so it won't be. Halo fans are numerous and rabid. Really, it's very comparable to Twilight Princess. Zelda fans wanted Ocarina of Time again. That's what they got, and they were happy.

    Hype can't and won't hurt this game. Halo is the success it is today mainly because of hype. Let's face it: if there had been anything else as good on the xbox for the first couple years, Halo would have never gotten so much attention. But because there wasn't any competition on the platform, Halo grabbed all the attention for itself. It's already decided that Halo 3 is the 360 game to get in the public eye. Nothing is going to change that.

    The average gamer can't tell that it looks worse than Gears of War. The average Halo fan thinks it looks 10x better. 10x being about how much more saturated the colours are.
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    It looks like they are working in stages with the art and animation; not finalizing anything until the gameplay and levels are complete. I think that's a pretty sensible way to work.. if that is what they are doing. It could explain the rather large untextured part of the game and basic animation.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    they have some nifty shaders regarding reflections on those meat bags , still looks very unapealing to me , i see it very cliche , gameplay wise. The music is awesome , nice...
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    looks like a steaming pile of the same old turd, though in honesty I've always had a bias against the halo fps games.

    The only things in this vid that I particularly liked were the concept art and some of the shader effects.
    I love Orchestral scores, they aren't particularly uncommon in games these days, hell even a few mods get the opportunity with the right people.
    However, this soundtrack irritates me, I much prefer the Jeremy Soule style, less cheesy, Movie Epic! and more atmospherical. But eh, that's my own personal taste.

    I disagree that the average gamer isn't gonna be able to tell that Gears of War looks much better.. Halo fanatics on the other hand.. well yeah, quite.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    im no halo fanatic smile.gif but i thought that was nice looking.

    yeah it doesnt have the attention to detail that GOW has, but their engine is probably geared towards epic size environments, it definatly doesnt look like a steaming pile of turd, but it isnt ahead of the competition like on last gen

    ill still buy it probably.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Wow is all I have to say, that was UBERshit . I can't seriously believe the art director looks at those character models and says " yes sir AAA quality " Those models/textures looked like something a n00b might make say if he was making his first model. Razor you seriously liked that concept art ? Look at the stuff Hawk Prey did for Epic and then that stuff it's like not even in the same realm of quality. Complain,Complain,Complain but it's like I think Halo has so much potential that is wasted I mean it's a flagship title they have a budget other better dev houses could only dream about and it's wasted in my opinion.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Alrighty, since the pile-on is nearly unanimous... I'd like to hear some thoughts from the Illuminati here as to why Halo3 is turning out to be such a disappointment. Anyone care to speculate why, with Bungie's track record and resources, this game looks the way it does?
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    the same reason as all hyped games tend to fail , bullshots , etc...
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    I liked the non-textured video. I hope one day someone makes a game that is all that style. (soft shadows, ambient occulsion maps, but no texture) I think that would be awesome.

    From the video it was sad to not see the brutes monkey hair not move around. Take ff12 for ps2. EVERYTHING on those characters is simulating, I dont care if its real time or faked, all I see is simulation.

    Japanese developers really like to simulate things in-game.
    Western developers seam to put it in the back seat. imo.
  • Michael Knubben
    haha, swampbug. Pior and me said pretty much the same thing when a programmer showed us how to turn off textures in the testbuilds. It looks awesome!
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    you guys should watch the documentary short underneath the new gameplay video. it gives you a context for each gameplay cut.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    hmmm i've never been a big halo fanboy, i've enjoyed the previous games enough to play thru them once, but no more.

    but to me this doesnt look that bad.. sure its no gears of war but it looks as good or better than i would guestimate 75% of the shooters i've seen advertised, and in my opinion looks a lot better than halo 2. i guess i'm not cynical enough
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow is all I have to say, that was UBERshit . I can't seriously believe the art director looks at those character models and says " yes sir AAA quality " Those models/textures looked like something a n00b might make say if he was making his first model. Razor you seriously liked that concept art ? Look at the stuff Hawk Prey did for Epic and then that stuff it's like not even in the same realm of quality. Complain,Complain,Complain but it's like I think Halo has so much potential that is wasted I mean it's a flagship title they have a budget other better dev houses could only dream about and it's wasted in my opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think for the future, it's best to keep such substanceless comments to yourself, many developers from all kinds of studios browse these forums and i think they'd appreciate critiques with a little more volume than "uber-shit, n00b, and wasted franchise"

    This thread was for people to share their opinions on the aesthetic quality of the early halo3 shots, not spit out verbal diarrhea.

    In short, if you have no valueable comments to contribute, dont waste the oxygen of the thread. smile.gif
  • Mark Dygert
    I've never really been impressed with Halo's world design. I think they are stuck in a rut of designing an early xbox title. I'm not sure if they use their own level editor and it is holding the team back or if they keep shifting the poly budget in favor of the characters. But everything in the world around them looks like it was made for an early xbox launch title not a 2nd gen AAA 360 title. It looks like they have the base hull of the world in place but are lacking the finer props and detail that really make it pop.

    I wouldn't count this as final art by any means. Word on the street is that Bungie is hiring contract workers to do props to help fill up the space. I almost jumped at the chance but it was contract and I would have to quit my full time job, and with a kiddlet on the way I'm not so sure thats a smart move. Still tempting to someone looking to fill out the resume before settling down. I hope they find some talented people before it becomes too late and they have to ship it with an uninteresting world. If they do, the backlash could be pretty harsh especially when they keep showing off "in engine" footage of the game running on a twinked high end PC, that doesn't really match what it will look like on the actual hardware.

    In the end as long as the Halo Fans are happy that is all that matters. Fans could be in for a rude awakening unless they have been living in a cave and have not played more recent titles ...>COUGH<... Gears of ...>COUGH<... War.

    But I'm a picky art snob and I have to assume that the normal joe is much too stupid to grasp the concept of what looks good.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    But everything in the world around them looks like it was made for an early xbox launch title not a 2nd gen AAA 360 title

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well put. The characters looked great, but the environments were sorely lacking. frown.gif
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I'll agree that the environment art they showed wasn't really all that impressive. It never has been, and id never expect it to be. After two games its become part of the look of the halo universe. Thats what i meant when i said it was starting to really show its age. One more iteration after this and gamers would not be able to look past that anymore. At this point gamers will look past it still because they still have the gameplay they KNOW and love. Yes to some the gameplay is mehhh to the enth degree but to the fans its that sweet spot where its not too hard but not too easy.

    I'll play it to see how it all ties up then play friend online for many months to come because i know that the MP gameplay is fun and will make for good times. Part of that has alot do to with the bright colors. It keeps me happy even when i'm getting my ass handed to me.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I disagree that the average gamer isn't gonna be able to tell that Gears of War looks much better.. Halo fanatics on the other hand.. well yeah, quite.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Perhaps you still think the average gamer is a Quake fan from polycount who makes PPM's and closely follows gaming news.

    He isn't.

    The average gamer doesn't have any clue what looks better and will believe whatever he's told. If Halo 3 is the title being hyped the most, he's going to think it looks the best. Especially since by the time it comes out, GoW will be an "old" memory while Halo 3 is new and shiny and colourful and exciting!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    its easy to say that but just because average joe doesn't have a clue what normal maps are and isnt an artist, doesn't mean they don't recognise what looks good.
    its mostly about the gameplay for average joe though, and as long as something goes flash and looks like its had some effort put in they're happy, which is different to blindly buying into hype. the 'gameplay' footage showed f- all gameplay when you look at it though, its just flying cameras in-engine
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Gamers do notice grafics but only up to a point, that point being rite about where halo3 and GoW are at, they see they look different but couldn't tell you why. Good example of this is GoW as it looks very different from what they were shown, but no one other than us noticed. What they do notice and bitch about is gameplay features, you remove them and they notice that very quickly.

    Just as long as they dont hype some gameplay thats not in the final release the gamers will eat it up.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    i think for the future, it's best to keep such substanceless comments to yourself, many developers from all kinds of studios browse these forums and i think they'd appreciate critiques with a little more volume than "uber-shit, n00b, and wasted franchise"This thread was for people to share their opinions on the aesthetic quality of the early halo3 shots, not spit out verbal diarrhea. In short, if you have no valueable comments to contribute, dont waste the oxygen of the thread. smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey FUSE thanks for the input buddy but why dont you just put me on ignore if you don't like what I have to say it's that easy . I don't tell anyone what they should and should not say . I don't care what you think this thread is about or what you think should be in it . Anybody can write anything they want im not insulting or attacking anyone in paticulare it's my opinion about Halo so go do your policing somewhere else .I could care less what you think that I should be writing or if my comments add or detract from a thread i'll write whatever I want to write unless a mod steps in and asks me to stop ..mmmkkkkk
  • Mark Dygert
    Did anyone notice any LoD on the models that are far away? If they are displaying 100% of the model/texture at great distances that could be why they have to keep the world so low poly and ug-ish.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    Did anyone notice any LoD on the models that are far away? If they are displaying 100% of the model/texture at great distances that could be why they have to keep the world so low poly and ug-ish.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    quite possibly true. our game doesn't have lod ( frown.gif ) and since we have a far way chase cam for the character most of the polys go to the environments (good for me). but since halo is an fps and since they're doing quality characters this could be taking away the poly budget for the environments...
    which if that is the case it doesn't make much sense, when i am playing an fps i notice the environment a lot more than the characters.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i think for the future, it's best to keep such substanceless comments to yourself, many developers from all kinds of studios browse these forums and i think they'd appreciate critiques with a little more volume than "uber-shit, n00b, and wasted franchise"This thread was for people to share their opinions on the aesthetic quality of the early halo3 shots, not spit out verbal diarrhea. In short, if you have no valueable comments to contribute, dont waste the oxygen of the thread. smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey FUSE thanks for the input buddy but why dont you just put me on ignore if you don't like what I have to say it's that easy . I don't tell anyone what they should and should not say . I don't care what you think this thread is about or what you think should be in it . Anybody can write anything they want im not insulting or attacking anyone in paticulare it's my opinion about Halo so go do your policing somewhere else .I could care less what you think that I should be writing or if my comments add or detract from a thread i'll write whatever I want to write unless a mod steps in and asks me to stop ..mmmkkkkk

    [/ QUOTE ]
    its just a bit unprofessional. i am with fuse, if you want to make a negative comment you don't have to be all like "noob art!" and "uber-shit"...
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    Seeing the models without the textures on impressed me a lot more than I expected, I wonder if they halved their saturation levels and balanced out their light and dark values, how many people here might be impressed more than they expected to be.

    As much as its clear that Bungie is going for its own look and that this is the smarter move than trying to shift focus and compete in the Gears arena, I can't avoid noticing how stark the environments look so I hope their contract prop builder teams can give them some love.

    It's still early days though, I don't think we've seen enough yet to make any absolute statements like 'uber-shit' while something is in production. Gears looked like a checkerboard city for a loooong time.

  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    "wonder if they halved their saturation levels and balanced out their light and dark values, how many people here might be impressed more than they expected to be."

    Exactly what i thought at first. It doesn't look great, but not as bad as some said. I think it's mainly a question of make it look good all together, needs some more "post-production" and it will look way better. Thou i'm not really a Halo fan. Just played the first, the first levels were great, the others were the most boring. I didnt finish it even once... but the problems are in the gameplay, not in graphics or art style, needs a lot more epic fell and imediate action to buy me... but looking to the success it was, that is probably just me.

    Metal shaders reflecting sun light is great =)
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I honestly think they used H2 environment art as a placeholder until they finished all their H3 material. I mean, look at the untextured sequence and you'll see normal mapped characters, trees, rocks, and other props next to low poly blocky pieces with no normals that look just like H2 work.

    Give it some time!
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's still early days though, I don't think we've seen enough yet to make any absolute statements like 'uber-shit' while something is in production.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quoted for truth. Every one of us who works in a creative field knows what it's like to have his work judged before it's complete. Nothing agitates me like an art director telling me that my assets aren't production quality when I'm still temping things out or testing for functionality.

    Bungie is releasing footage of untextured models, clearly work that's in-progress. I might get on them for that (the untextured models in a PR release is so 'mod-team') but I'm not going to judge the final product until a final product exists. I'm actually surprised at the rush to judge, I'd think Polycounters would know this better than anyone.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Seeing the models without the textures on impressed me a lot more than I expected, I wonder if they halved their saturation levels and balanced out their light and dark values, how many people here might be impressed more than they expected to be.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Couldn't agree more Ror, I loved seeing it without color, and shows how much will amount of it further along. While I'm not too big of a Halo fan, no one can deny the impact they've made on the console market and will continue to make regardless of the industry's perspective of the quality in the art. The animations were very neat to see too, and I hope they keep with the 'brutality' of the Brutes, as the Covenant always seemed a bit playful in comparison to other games' enemies. I mean, what other game could you feel a slight guilt in killing the little enemies as their running for their lives helplessly (until they plasma you of course grin.gif).
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]

    its just a bit unprofessional. i am with fuse, if you want to make a negative comment you don't have to be all like "noob art!" and "uber-shit"...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok I probably did cross the line a bit but you know nobody wants someone one else to tell them what they can or cannot write . If it's r13 yeah because it's his board and I respect that . If in the future I feel someone is crossing the line i'll send them a PM and do it in a way that's a little more mature then " quit wasting the threads oxygen " that's just being a juvenile prick
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    its no gears for sure, but it looks better than most games still. some weird lighting issues, but still almost a year away from the ship date. it can only get better.

    i remember reading that they made all the bumpmaps and added bumpmapping to the engine for halo 1 with like 2 months left till the release date.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    i remember reading that they made all the bumpmaps and added bumpmapping to the engine for halo 1 with like 2 months left till the release date.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    if so that would be a bad workflow decision. it would be more effecient to have them make each normal map with each prop/envinment/character. atleast it seems like it would be.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I still don't quite get their design philosophy. Wasn't the entire charm about the old Halo enemies (Grunts and Elites) the fact that they were not the classic 'kill, kill, kill!'-enemies, but, to a point, tried to show emotion, humor and some sort of society that worked beyond the struggle against the hero? I mean, Brutes may have fancy suits now, but they're still the mindless enemies that we know from just about every other game.

    As for the graphics, I don't think that's ever what Halo has been about. Though some props on the maps might get rid of that awful, awful, awful 'haven't I been here before?'-feel that ruined the entire first game for me.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I suppose they want an alien race to counteract that, now?
    But, given that at the end of halo 2, you had all the races, grunts, elites, and hunters with you against the brutes, meaning that they must be the new main enemy.
    Which fucking sucks.
  • Slainean
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    Slainean polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    If in the future I feel someone is crossing the line i'll send them a PM and do it in a way that's a little more mature then " quit wasting the threads oxygen " that's just being a juvenile prick

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow is all I have to say, that was UBERshit .
    Those models/textures looked like something a n00b might make say if he was making his first model.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sweet, sweet irony.
  • solar
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    solar polycounter lvl 18
    Can you post a few examples of what games you think are making improvements and keeping pace Daz? I'd be curious to hear anything outside of gears of war (which is ofcourse stunning but at the same time a very different game with small closed off areas).
  • EarthQuake
    [ QUOTE ]
    As for the graphics, I don't think that's ever what Halo has been about. Though some props on the maps might get rid of that awful, awful, awful 'haven't I been here before?'-feel that ruined the entire first game for me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you remember the macworld video 99 of the first halo game? Tell me anything around that same period that looked even half as good. When halo first started generatig hype it was THE BEST looking game out there. So saying it was never about grahpics is a little off base, i think it was a lot less about graphics for halo2, because they knew that they could sell it no matter what it looked like. I think the same is true to an extent for halo3. IMO they fell off quite a bit artisticly if you compare them to the rest of the industry. I think the arguement that it still looks better than many games out there is pretty moot, compare it to most high-budget high-profile games out there and you'll be hard pressed to find anything released on the same type of systems that looks worse(GoW, fear, the new Splinter Cell, etc etc etc). Of course some low budget ps2 game probablly wont look better than halo3, but what is the point of that arguement?

    We all know that halo's gameplay is what sells it, but to expect people on a forum like this not to be overcritical of the graphical aspect is just retarded.
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]

    Do you remember the macworld video 99 of the first halo game? Tell me anything around that same period that looked even half as good.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not looking to start anything because I agree with your core point. It was pretty good looking to those who had not been playing games on the PC. For console people it was the greatest thing slice sliced bread. However Half-Life looked better than Halo and it released a a year prior (Nov 16th, 1998) to the mac world announcement. Personally as far as stories go, HL told a story in a nice new way, where Halo kept to the Doom/Quake formula of run and gun, and run some more.

    Halo had the hottest graphics around but then it became a MS only title for the Xbox and was pushed back again and again. The graphics didn't get an update but the release date did =/

    I'm not saying it wasn't a good looking game for its time, I'm just saying it came out a little past its time to be the graphical darling of the gaming world. If you want to say it was the greatest looking/playing game on the Xbox, yeah it was.
  • EarthQuake
    hl, q3, and ut all looked pretty good for that time, and really, all of those games have had graphical overhauls since. Probablly the most comparable being UT, people say lame shit about not being about to compare halo3 to GoW beacuse the style is too different, blah blah, compare it to UT2k7 then, it definately has a much similar style and is worlds better. I really hope we see something more out of bungie than the quality of art that we're seeing right now for halo3, i mean really they've only made small improvements graphically in the last 7 years. It seems like this generation is just a port of the old games with a few new things thrown in, but we'll see.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I guess what's got us game art folks up in arms about the Halo series and it's in-game art is that the art isn't top notch, yet it's a triple A title with one of the biggest budgets of any game ever. Imagine an iD game, or Epic, or Final Fantasy game that didn't have the best of the best art style?

    The Halo series has always had above average but not top notch art, some of the best scenes of the game were the wide open out door vistas of the halo rings, whereas anything indoors quickly degenerates in much a level designer's copy and paste ethic, and the characters have decent looking armor but muddy looking flesh.

    I won't make the same mistake of waiting in line for midnight madness as I did for Halo 2, it'll find its way to my shelf eventually because of the fun factor and little interest I have in the storyline.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    hopefully after halo3 bungie will move onto some new ip that can get their artists inspired again. They've gotta be bored as hell working on nothing but halo for the past 50 years or so.
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