That has to be the worst thing you can say about your system. "Nobody will ever tap full potential of PS3" Thats not something to boast about. I think they lack the understanding of if you want better looking games, they need to start making it easier to tap into the systems potential. Boasting about something like that makes you want to steer clear of it.
To go with that the new your times calls the PS3 a bust.
Sony is just making this much harder than it needs to be. They already have soccer moms who think it badly of the PS3. At stores i see 5 times as many kids watching people play the wii's vs the PS3's...
What this really sounds like, "oh crap Nintendo was right, cancel the plans for the PS4, we need to start making good games instead of trying to push blue ray on everyone"
I think their success with Playstation 1 & 2 made them arrogant, and let them think they could sit back and rest on their laurels, and the PS3 was ill conceived from the start.
What concerns me a little is how EA have put so much into backing the PS3 , and I still have a ton of stock. So yeah, I kinda dont want the PS3 to fail. But I kinda do, really. It's weird. *edit* scratch that, I really do want to see it fail.
Goes the other way too, wanting to see the wii do well yet not because they are not making anything for it.
You guys ought to learn how to pust a positive twist in these kinds of situations. Example:
"Wow. No one will ever tap all the PS3 has to offer? Man, that's one powerful console. Maybe someday I'll work on a game that will get close to it!"
See? Easy.
That doesn't mean they aren't full of arrogance though. Although I think the PS3 will still be a great machine, I think Sony has already killed it with the flawed release and the unwillingness to drop blu-ray. Blu-ray should have been an optional add on like the 360 did with HD-DVD.
/me hands Sony a shovel.
[/ QUOTE ]
What good is that going to do them? They're already trying to dig themselves out of a hole... what they really need is a very tall ladder.
After reading this thread, it's funny to see such a drastic change in opinion. I remember about a year ago when the Nintendo "Revolution" was first unveiled, I said I thought Nintendo had the winning formula (i.e. attempting to expand and evolve interaction, instead of just increasing hardware specs). I mentioned how the general public doesn't obsess over graphics or technical prowess nearly as much as we artists do, and that hardware specs aren't going to determine the outcome of this nextgen console war. Not many people seemed to agree at the time.
You're totally right notman, punching someone in the gut is a good way to woo them back to you, its a perfect strategy they can't lose! heh
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lol, just a theory... not saying it's fact
...yep, they really nailed those target renders
I feel bad for the folks who were waiting in line for their Killzone game machine.
I think the main thing about Sony's machines has always been third party support with exclusive titles, the PS and PS2 both had the largest game libraries of their generation of consoles. Wasn't the PS2 the hardest console to code for compared to the Xbox and Gamecube? Seems like Sony is losing ground on their exclusives list and I think if Square started doing Final Fantasy for the 360 and/or Wii, Metal Gear Solid getting ported to other consoles, etc etc would put the last nail in the coffin for Sony. With their current work ethic it seems they could easily go the way of Sega in the next few console generations...
What concerns me a little is how EA have put so much into backing the PS3
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Hi PSP, how ya doing?
I'm giving them 1 year until the "oh whoops we just realized the Wii is where the money is at" announcement comes.
In an interview with MTV, Sony's Phil Harrison put each of Rick lumpy milk sacks full potential into perspective. Harrison stated that Ricks nads maxed out the first PlayStation, God of Rick II, coming early 2007, is "about as good as it gets" on PS2, and Sony's games currently use "less than half" of his ultimate juice.
Regarding the limits of Ricks thick cock, Harrison stated that "Nobody will ever use 100 percent of its capability" due to consistent firmness, developers better learning and understanding the system, and the uniqueness of the sexy controller.
Do I win £5?
PlayStation 3: Late, expensive, and incompatible
When it was announced in spring 2005, the Sony PlayStation 3 was going to be the greatest thing to hit home gaming since a hedgehog named Sonic. Then came the delays. By the time the PS3 arrived, it was six months late, and Nintendo's cheaper and more innovative Wii had stolen much of its thunder. At $599 for the 60GB model, the PS3 is twice the price of the original PlayStation 2, yet research firm iSupply -- which describes the PS3 as having supercomputer qualities--estimates that Sony still loses more than $200 per unit.
Thanks to manufacturing delays, Sony shipped an estimated 150,000 units for the North American launch, or less than half the number it had originally planned. And the PS3 was incompatible with more than 200 PlayStation and PS2 games, though Sony is addressing that problem through online updates.
The good news? Game-crazed youth are buying up PS3s and reselling them on eBay for double the asking price. And unlike, say, Sony batteries, they don't catch least, not yet.
Big mistake: Trying to turn a supercomputer into a gaming device.
Bigger mistake: Failing to drive a stake through the heart of Nintendo when the opportunity offered.
[/ QUOTE ],128265-page,1/article.html
So sure, 'on paper' the PS3 could be considered a bargain and a 'supercomputer' when you consider the sum of its components, but that's entirely beside the point when you factor in a) how hard it is to develop for, b)what kdr said c) completely shit launch titles, d) better framerates on the same games on the 360 and so many more reasons to boot. I could go on, but Im even boring myself with my PS3 hatin'.
played it at work the other day.. doesnt even matter if the game you're playing isnt amazing (sports..) its fun just to wave about like an idiot
sorry offtopic (kinda..)
I agree with Vig. I think the novelty of the wii-mote will wear off with time and they'll be left with their games to support them
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I'm sure there will be always very fun games for that console.
Will the Wii-mote's novelty run out ?
Sure, all novelty wears off, but i think it will take a long time. All you have now are the launch titles, i'm sure the Wiimote will get a lot more fun as devs figure out new stuff to do with it, before it gets worse.
I can also guess that Nintendo won't sit back and let it all fade away, but will rather do and innovate whatever it takes to keep it fresh...
i want a 3th party lightsaber Wiimote and a Jedi Knight game, NOW.
Saber in right hand, small new mini wiimote attacked to your left palm... move hand (like you had to do in Black and white) to cast different force powers... Force push and pull would never be that fun again in any other console.
i can see a lot of cool shit that can be done with wiimotes, from casting magic by 'drawing' shapes in the air to doing weird stuff in virtual rooms... not all uses have to be about firing or hitting something.
I hope there will be some weirdly cool stuff for it too.
And in 3 years from now, i think i'll still rather swordfight or shoot with the wiimote than with a PS3 controller.
...and maybe they'll add voice recognition too and we'll all stand in our living rooms screaming FIREBALL FIREBALL FIREBALL and simultaneously waving our arms like retards, awesome.
KDR : omg
I agree with Vig. I think the novelty of the wii-mote will wear off with time and they'll be left with their games to support them
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure there will be always very fun games for that console.
Will the Wii-mote's novelty run out ?
Sure, all novelty wears off, but i think it will take a long time. All you have now are the launch titles, i'm sure the Wiimote will get a lot more fun as devs figure out new stuff to do with it, before it gets worse.
I can also guess that Nintendo won't sit back and let it all fade away, but will rather do and innovate whatever it takes to keep it fresh...
i want a 3th party lightsaber Wiimote and a Jedi Knight game, NOW.
Saber in right hand, small new mini wiimote attacked to your left palm... move hand (like you had to do in Black and white) to cast different force powers... Force push and pull would never be that fun again in any other console.
i can see a lot of cool shit that can be done with wiimotes, from casting magic by 'drawing' shapes in the air to doing weird stuff in virtual rooms... not all uses have to be about firing or hitting something.
I hope there will be some weirdly cool stuff for it too.
And in 3 years from now, i think i'll still rather swordfight or shoot with the wiimote than with a PS3 controller.
...and maybe they'll add voice recognition too and we'll all stand in our living rooms screaming FIREBALL FIREBALL FIREBALL and simultaneously waving our arms like retards, awesome.
[/ QUOTE ]
An excellent example of positivity from Stfate.
Hold on, I have it for the cube, I should try it out see if it works with the mote.
I think the novelty of the wii-mote will wear off with time...
[/ QUOTE ]
Just like the DS, and it's silly stylus. Pfft, who plays those things?
I think it's more likely that, over time, the 360 and the PS3 may attempt to add motion sensing addons to their consoles to cash in on the fun market. And controllers with audio.
I think the novelty of the wii-mote will wear off with time...
[/ QUOTE ]
Just like the DS, and it's silly stylus. Pfft, who plays those things?
I think it's more likely that, over time, the 360 and the PS3 may attempt to add motion sensing addons to their consoles to cash in on the fun market. And controllers with audio.
[/ QUOTE ]
the famicom (Japanese NES) has a speaker in it's controller. nothing new!
pokemon just came out here, it's a Wii + DS game! nice
The PS3 is also gathering pace here now, mostly because of Gundam and HDGT
I think it's more likely that, over time, the 360 and the PS3 may attempt to add motion sensing addons to their consoles to cash in on the fun market. And controllers with audio.
[/ QUOTE ]
Doesn't the PS3 already have a motion sensing controller? Albeit it's not designed for the same kinds of things, but I absolutely hate the IR aspect of the Wiimote on sheer principal.
I think the novelty of the wii-mote will wear off with time...
[/ QUOTE ]
Just like the DS, and it's silly stylus. Pfft, who plays those things?
I think it's more likely that, over time, the 360 and the PS3 may attempt to add motion sensing addons to their consoles to cash in on the fun market. And controllers with audio.
[/ QUOTE ]
Honestly how does having a really shity low quality speaker in your controler add to the fun? It sounds horrible compared to the sound of any decent tv, let alont a real stereo system, yuck.
Hawken: why are you trying to argue my point with another Nintendo product?
I have to agree the low quality does kill its functionality and lead to an overall low quality opinion of the system. Still a good feature and they used it nicely in Zelda.
Hawken: why are you trying to argue my point with another Nintendo product?
[/ QUOTE ]
dude I'd argue anything from any point
The PS3 is also gathering pace here now, mostly because of Gundam and HDGT
[/ QUOTE ]
The Gundam that looks like it would run super fine on a Xbox or maybe even PS2??
I think the novelty of the wii-mote will wear off with time...
[/ QUOTE ]
Just like the DS, and it's silly stylus. Pfft, who plays those things?
I think it's more likely that, over time, the 360 and the PS3 may attempt to add motion sensing addons to their consoles to cash in on the fun market. And controllers with audio.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just a note.. technically the 360 (and xbox for that matter) already had this as an option with the headset, and the audio quality on those isn't exactly bad. Not to mention you have the option on the console's contol panel to adjust which audio outputs where.
Her main reason for getting it is final fantasy (the only japanese game they play more or less.) and because.. well... it´s playstation. Xbox? bah humbug, can´t beat a playstation!
We will see how it ends though but i think that the playstation will really seem interesting to the ones that are older and don´t check out the gaming world. Everybody knows what a playstation is.
I'm so mad at Sony right now, and I am determined never to get any more of its products. Firstly, my stereo that I got back in the late 90s had bad laser and I had to take it to the service to be replaced. Then the PS2 had issues with laser. Finally, my monitor here, 21" Sony CRT Trinitron, priced as professional grade monitor, is about to die on me, and it is only 3 years old! Nobody is supposed to be scared of their computer, but me - I have to step back a few steps when this monitor is starting up, because it does some crazy blue flashing and zooming stuff and I feel it could explode any moment. And so I don't care a bit about PS3, I sure will not going to get it.
What I wouldn't buy from Sony is an audio component. Their receivers are not as powerful as they are rated (in my experience) and their speakers are just crap. You can get a more powerful home theater or studio sound system by going a la carte with, say, Pioneer components and whatever brand of speaker you dig (I used to be into Cerwin-Vega, but whatever.)
I did have shitty luck with consoles. I went through three PS1s and a pair of PS2s. On the other hand, I've owned a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, GBA and GBA SP. None has ever needed replacing.
Sony Computer Entertainment's Research and Development Team
A copy of Sneak King so you can see just how ridiculous it is that we can play a game that comes with fries and a shake in 1080i, but not Resistance.
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saw this on 1up, had to post it... its what they should get for xmas.
Sony Computer Entertainment's Research and Development Team
A copy of Sneak King so you can see just how ridiculous it is that we can play a game that comes with fries and a shake in 1080i, but not Resistance.
[/ QUOTE ]
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That is soooo golden. No one will ever tap the full potential of the PS3, unless someone makes an noninteractive game, with pre scripted events and no AI, and stereo sound. Maybe Mono.
I've seen less bottlenecks in a brewery (rimshot!) Thank you!
merry xmas my wii digital bitches
oh and sony will have to make a huge loss at start of console production if theyre gonna want to NOT lose euro and american teritory domination as a cosole itll be okayn once the price halves andsome tasty software arrives, ill probably wait till GTA and play whit my wee in the mean time.
happy new year, this dial up is killing me, the only people in the entire world that have dial up this slowm is my parents.
illpress enter and wait five minutes now.
According to them, the configuration is really poorly designed so whoever designed the layout didnt follow instructions properly. Thus the processor has 25-30% yeild rate. Which basically means that only a fraction of the processing power can be harnessed for practical use on the wafer. With the rest of the processor's power only suitable for simple irrelevant tasks.
So while the idea may be really cool, the execution is lousy, at least according to the engineers. It seems that sony elected to go with quantity over quality hoping that they can supply more of a cpu than IBM for xbox.