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ps3 graphics VS Xbox360 ( no flamewars )

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Joao Sapiro sublime tool
ok, so i was browsing info about actual comparison screenshots between xBox 360 and sony , and came across this page , first screenshots are 360 , when you put your mouse ps3 ones appear...


my opinion is that its too early for developers to be familiar with ps3 developing and with time new technology will be unveiled in both ...anyway ..im kinda disapointed.


  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Seems those pictures are trying to prove that the PS3 has weaker bloom. They fail on this alone.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Xeno - See Tony Hawk's comparison.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    technically speaking the 360 is more powerful than the ps3.... but these images prove nothing, if it does prove anything it proves the developers who were in charge of the ps3 version had more of an eye to not overuse bloom (atleast for fight night).

    edit: and the bloom in tony hawk is freaking stupid, "my eyes!!!!!!!!"

    edit-2: i think gamespot needs to grow a brain, the differences in the graphics are from different settings, not graphical capabilities. looking at the at the others though it seems there were some minor differences, probably due to differences in the game settings used before the game was put out for each system, but this doesn't really show anything for either system. its a horrible comparison. some screenshots just look washed out becuase they didn't adjust the brightness for each system to be equal, which will happen if you use two different sources and compare them.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    the thing is tho that they did it again with PS3 - create a machine and dev-environment that are simply more of a pain to work with than anybody else's. also you could say that PS3 does not exactly have a hell of a lot memory available to it, just look at how it'S split up and how much RAM their OS consumes alone...

    given the rather lame game lineup on the 360 even with their headstart and easier dev-environment, it will be interesting to see if sony can pull it off again and end up with the largest marketshare, they certainly do not have the far more powerful hardware that was expected.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    tiger woods looks a bit nicer on ps3 to me, or at least the trees do. I liked their conclusion of how the 360 was better- his belt buckle was slightly more visible
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    to me though a lot of the comparisons could have been done better. and some of their other conclusions (besides texture res differences) were flatout not really related to the power of each system. or perhaps i am just missing soemthing.
  • EarthQuake
    oh wow it looks like on the ps3 they're using sprites, or unlit models for the crowd. UGLY.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I'd love to judge on the graphics, but the bloom is making my eyes hurt too much. Seriously, the guy who thought of bloom in the first place should be very, very ashamed of himself and his creation.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    The NFS Carbon comparison is funny. The PS3 looks much better, including reflection on the car-- but 'it's HDR is not as good' Lol.

    Still, fuck Sony. They can take their giant expensive ulgy system and shove it up their ass.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, we got a PS3 at work on thursday, and I have to say thus far I'm not terribly impressed. First of all it looks like a damn, shiney, chromed up George Forman Grill. Ridge Racer looks like complete ass, even whizzing down the road I can see the aweful tiled textures. Resistance was nice looking for the most part, but it didn't look any better than HL2 I thought, and certianly wasn't doing anything gameplay wise that was using the power of the PS3. Anyway, I think it'll be 6 months to a year before anything comes out that is going to really start looking or feeling "next-gen"
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    On the Madden player close-ups, you can definitely tell the PS3 normal maps are much lower res (especially if you look at the middle of the helmet and the jerseys). And on the last Tony Hawk shot, the street and dirt looked lower res.

    When I went back and looked at them a second time, I noticed something strange about the 360 version of Madden: the numbers on the players' jerseys don't have any shadows. What's going on there? I wonder if that was intentional, to make the numbers more visible, or did someone screw up the normals map?
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    I think comparing the same title on different consoles is not really a good thing since developpers usually aim at one platform and then port to the other(s) (sometimes in the mean time, but there's still a main target)

    what would be more interesting would be to compare exclusive titles to each system, where all the effort is put to get the best out of the system (which can't really be the case so early for the ps3, the launch and christmas certainely rushed a few games), so I'd say wait a little and see how it goes once big exclusive games are released.

    I haven't been impressed at all either by the ps3 so far (only played resistance and saw dark kingdom), but I also remember perfect dark zero on 360, which was a big shame...
  • Justin Meisse
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Hilarious. I would bet my left testicle that that Tiger model is the exact some one DaZ built YEARS ago
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    justin : LOOOOOL
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think comparing the same title on different consoles is not really a good thing since developpers usually aim at one platform and then port to the other(s) (sometimes in the mean time, but there's still a main target)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Vahl brings up THE most important point here and its exactly what hit me when I saw this on Gamespot last night. This kind of comparison is UTTERLY pointless, because the platforms are close enough that companies are *highly* unlikely to do anything too much thats specific to each platform. Sure, it looks like on Madden they ran out of vid ram for the PS3, and reduced some stuff compared to the 360, but other than that all the Art assets used in the likes of Tiger Woods I can pretty much guarantee are gonna be the exact same for both.

    Ultimately then, there's really no discernable difference in the choice you make, until you get into games that are truly native to the platform. Then of course you need to realise how much harder the PS3 is to develop for than the 360. Add to that the library advantage that the 360 already has over the PS3, AND the fact that in the above games the framerate is faster and more stable on 360, and I think Microsoft have a damn good stab at dominance this time around. For value for money the far better choice is the 360. Unless you really want and value Blue Ray I suppose.
    Either way, in light of their original ludicrous claims, personally I think Sony look pretty silly right now and their arrogance has bitten them in the behind. In the words of SCEA vice president Jack Tretten from E3 2005 "Next gen doesn't start until we say it does" rrrrriiiiiiggghhht.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    what i cant understand is if video ram is such an issue, why no compression? i have talked to several people working on next gen titles and everyone is going full 24 to 32 bit uncompressed with the textures.. there are several amazing compression algorithms from last gen, optpix image studio comes to mind.. square uses it, and they get more resolution out of the ps2 than most games i see..
    i use optpix all the time now for personal stuff, and really i cant tell the difference between full 16-32 bit and 8 bit with it and thats zooming all the way in.. depending on the settings i have even squeezed out 4 bit textures that look pretty good. now why on earth is every person i talk to going full bit depth when it seems video ram is still an issue? you could be getting twice and sometimes even 4 times the resolution with good compression..

    anyone out there working on next gen titles and using any form of compression?
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Because more is better? Duh.
    Would you rather date a girl with 2 tits? Or one with THREE?
    Think about it.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Really, I don't give a shit. Either way, I want both, and will end up with both within a few years. (360 already, ps3 when price drops.)
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    And really, on some of those, the ps3 one just looks a tad bit brighter, and nothing else really seems changed...
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    And really, on some of those, the ps3 one just looks a tad bit brighter, and nothing else really seems changed...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    exactly what i was trying to say. when you're changing video sources but comparing the same source image you will see a difference in brightness. however gamespot interprets this as the image looking worse and more washed out... i actually took two of the images and lowered the brightness... and they look almost identical. alwell though.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Please, please, SOMEONE TELL ME YOU'VE PLAYED THE GUNDAM GAME FOR THE PLAYSTATION 3!!!! Holy shit! Me and some friends tried to play this just to see how unbearable it was after reading the reviews, and I seriously almost threw up after about 5 minutes of playing. I seriously got no more than 12-15 FPS the entire time, even when there would absolutely nothing on screen. It even dropped to around 6-7 during battles. I swear it was like watching a slideshow of flies fucking. The combat was absolutely horrible too! When I hit someone with the beam saber thingy, their death animation was to rotate the model 90 degrees and explode 5 seconds later!

    Also, has anyone played the Tony Hawk game for the PS3? Besides the Gundam game, it takes my #2 spot for WORST GAME EVER. Me and my friends played the game for hours just because the ragdoll is so horrible and we were trying to glitch it out. We found this area where you transfer from a ramp to this little bowl thing and if you crash you can fly hundreds of feet across the level. The crash sequence is actually a combination of animations and ragdoll, sort of like Halo 2, but of course they pulled it off horribly and it looks like a retard going into convulsions.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    So far the ps3 is shit for me. The video card is like 0.1% faster than the 360 so you don't get any gain there and than it has all these shit spu's that are supposed to make up for it but they're only really good at doing weird stuff like rendering cloth sims. Getting the ps3 to run at 60fps is quite a problem too and you will notice almost all their games are dipping below 30 even at 720p. To top it off ps3's gamma curve is different than 360 and the shit hardware does not support a cheap way to adjust it so you have to tune the gamma curve on the 360 to match the ps3. Also Resistance looks like a current gen game and that is supposed to be the flagship title. That being said I will wait to see what happesn in a year from now as these were all the same problems the ps2 had and the later games look and play quite good.
  • Penzer
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    Penzer polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    Xeno - See Tony Hawk's comparison.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    [ QUOTE ]
    anyone out there working on next gen titles and using any form of compression?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yep, we're using compression, use color channels to store different map types in a single image file, etc.
    now look at how much larger textures these days have to be and how you need many more maps per asset than you used to on last-gen and your videomemory still fades away quickly.

    never developed for xb360 but if i understood it right, not only does it have an UMA architecture that allows you to allocate RAM as you see fit, the OS that has to stay in the background all the time these days consumes way less memory than sony's (maybe they can improve on that front tho?).
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Because more is better? Duh.
    Would you rather date a girl with 2 tits? Or one with THREE?
    Think about it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly, the gaming press is full of journalists who rate graphics only by the spec sheet.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    which console has the best FUN?! :P
  • jec1183
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    jec1183 polycounter lvl 18
    The problem with this debate is no matter what happens if the game is on both systems their will not be to much of a general difference. As we all saw the ps3 games seemed to have to much light but then again those were most likely all ports from the xbox360 version. We will be seeing the same issue when it is made for the ps3 first. We all remember what King Kong looked like on the 360 compared to the xbox and pc. The only time we will really see the graphic power of either system is when developers are only creating a game that is going to be played exclusively on that system.

    I didn't read through the whole thread but I am sure someone pointed out the monetary issues concerning the development of one game over 2-3 consoles and the pc. Especially when each have their limitations.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i think the main problem with the debate is that the ps3 sucks balls..

    flame war!!! flame war!!! go go go
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    teabagging on YOU ! just hold a bit until flamewar guys frown.gif
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    The first game I saw for the PS3 was some Basketball game at bestbuy....It looked like crap...the normal mapping looked like crap..the textures looked like crap..The only thing I am excited to see is Assasins creed...I just hope it lives up to its hype..and the final product isnt some half assed tech demo that runs like ass
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I heard Assasins creed looked and ran better on the 360, actually. laugh.gif
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    360 version apparently has better crowd AI and a few other things
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Cool...for some reason I thought assasins creed was a ps3 exclusive
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    /brings difribilator for sony.

    ok, start flaming if you really want.
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    The sales associates at microcenter set up Need for Speed Carbon on the 360 and PS3 after a few customers asked about the graphical differences between both systems and from what i saw, the PS3 is not worth the extra money. Things looked generally lower res and not as clean or crisp as the 360 version of the game. The brightness levels carried over into night races pretty badly to boot. Microcenter also has specials on their stock of 360's and the sales people made it a point to sell people on the fact that they can buy a game or two and an extra controller or peripherals for the cost of the basic version of the PS3.

    Needless to say i was unimpressed with what i saw on the PS3, but i want to see what will come out from japan in the next few years.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Id like to point out that to sony next gen is games running at 1080p, not better looking games. Thats something that i think was a huge mistake. Games running at that high of a resolution is pointless when the textures have to be made smaller to keep the performance the same as when running a lower res. Also it means that people have to have a new and expensive TV to see the difference. This is akin to ps2 game dev's making games that require the hard drive, something that not many ps2 owners have. Couple those two together and you end up with very bad business strategy.

    I don't see anything on the PS3 that makes me want to get one. They had me walking away at the $600 price point, i looked back but all i saw was an over confident and lack luster system.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i have the arse end of a ps3 pointing at me now, and appart from the nice blow dry i get everymorning (nice in this cold weather (wont like in summer)) i havnt seen anything particularly special.

    i think the push towards 1080p is too soon for the hardware, and games often look worse off for it,

    resistance of man is possibly the best thing ive seen but everyone at the office is distinctly unimpressed.

    with the europe launch 6 mnths away i think they might be on a back foot.

    plus the pad really is tooo light
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    TheGodzero I think the idea of Sony having a good business strategy was left behind in their PS1 development meeting. I think Nintendo WII might do the best this time around. Let's charge what kids pay for their first cars to prove our product is GREAT! If it's that expensive it must be. Heh... 600 usd talk about being high. Back on topic though, probably the graphics are going to be about the same to a player I mean. I didn't really see a huge difference between the graphics on Xbox and PS2 for example, but I prefer gameplay.

  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i was in line with cholden at eb today picking up viva pinata and i mentioned this thread, and the point that it was silly to try and compare a systems graphics by looking at a dual release game (as has been pointed out in this thread) when some older grey haired guy in a buss driver suit in line in front of us busted in with the " well i own a ps3 and i can tell you it totaly kicks the 360's ass" i told him i disagree and that graphicaly nothing i've seen on ps3 can touch gears of war.. and he countered buy telling me how beautifull tiger woods was for ps3, which i told him i believed him to be incorrect."

    it really seemed to me that he was really quick to defend that ps3 , even tho no where in my original statement before he interupted did i say anything about either systems graphics
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    i was in line with cholden at eb today picking up viva pinata and i mentioned this thread, and the point that it was silly to try and compare a systems graphics by looking at a dual release game (as has been pointed out in this thread) when some older grey haired guy in a buss driver suit in line in front of us busted in with the " well i own a ps3 and i can tell you it totaly kicks the 360's ass" i told him i disagree and that graphicaly nothing i've seen on ps3 can touch gears of war.. and he countered buy telling me how beautifull tiger woods was for ps3, which i told him i believed him to be incorrect."

    it really seemed to me that he was really quick to defend that ps3 , even tho no where in my original statement before he interupted did i say anything about either systems graphics

    [/ QUOTE ]
    its called fanboyism...
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I haven't seen anything on the PS3 so I can't judge how things are meant to look. I have only seen about 10mins of Gears at work on the 360 (on a sketchy QA TV might I add), but that look really nice.
    Personally... I wouldn't buy either console at this point in time. I only recently picked up a PS2 (mainly for Street Fighter III), so it goes to show how up to date I am in the console department... I still play my NES confused.gif
    But I have noticed that towards the end of the life of the console, games graphics tend to improve dramatically. Developers push the console to the limits, so really I guess the quality of the game is up to the developer. I wouldn't say one console is worse than the other, because they are very different. Both with advantages and disadvantages, in the end it just comes down to the titles that are released for that specific console to say which is better.
    But then again... I could be wrong laugh.gif

  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Little off topic, but...

    Personally i don't feel the need to get an HDTV rite now its too early still. I'm waiting until the dust settles and HDTV means it can do everything from 480p to 1080p. That and when the battle between blue ray and HD DVD is over and one of them has won.

    The price of the HD DVD player for the 360 makes me want to get it and a HDTV but until i see blue ray is dead and all movies move to HD DVD i'm not buying.

    I think alot of people feel the same way they don't want to buy another beta max player or lazer disk. They want to know what is safe to buy then they will get the HDTV and player. So to make a console thats sole point is to push HD gaming is too early.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Resistance fall of shit looks like shit, it looks like a ps2 game developed at 480i and then at the last second they tried to rush it to 1080p but didn't have time to upgrade the environment art so the texel density is way too low. If you develop with 720p in mind there is no problem going to 1080p without loss of texture quality, the only problem becomes the fps hit for rendering at 1080p. 360 supports 1080p now as far as I know so right now all the ps3 has going for it is blueray dvd which I could give a fuck, I play games on my console.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Well right now EA is saying they are only using 20% of the PS3's power, and Bethesda is saying it's a myth that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360.

    Frankly, I think they both are incapable of making a well optimized game and therefore what they say on this topic is pretty much worthless.

    If you compare the first batch of PS3 and 360 games, they all look like crap. Aside from Gears, the best looking stuff is on the PS2 right now smile.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I hadn't heard that quote so I had to google it. Glen Entis is clueless. He personifies the problem of the 'l33t' group at EA canada which is a bunch of out of touch overpaid ex movie guys that tinker around with useless tech (cough cough UCap) that's not realistically applicable to realtime applications and gets forced onto dev teams that know their shit just so the leet peeps can justify their existence.

    EA as a company have NEVER been on the cutting edge of 3D engine technology, so wtf would they know on the subject? 90% of their games have framerate/performance issues and they have no proprietary in house engine of their own that counts. And no, Renderware sure as FUCK does not count. And no, making two hi poly boxers jump about in a cube doth not constitute a 3D engine either.
    Not to mention the fact that If its so goddam time consuming to tap into the PS3's power, EA and their 18 month dev. cycles are at odds with that, and all the 'untapped mythical power' in the universe cant create video ram that isn't there.

    I dont agree that all 360 games look crap though. As well as Gears of course, R6, Fear, Cod3 (much stronger framerate than its PS3 counterpart), Viva Pinata, Dead Rising and more were all impressive in their own way.

    Methinks this is gonna be one of those posts that I'll look at tomorra and regret those couple of wee drams of whisky I had tonight.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Ha ha no your not doing to bad yet !

    Yeah Daz it's so weird that EA pays well enough to get movie talent level artists but don't seem to have any of the major programming talent out there. As far as EA internal studios the only stuff im really impressed with is Spore and Lord of the Rings rts. You would think with all the money they throw around they would want to be able to say " we have the best artists,programmers,musicians and the best technology" but it's far cry from the truth .

    As far as 360 vs PS3 i'd buy both. I'd buy 360 right now but in a few years i'll buy a PS3 also . I love Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy and Lair will be awesome. Can't pass up Metal gear 4 or Tekken 6 either but it's going to have to wait until the system comes down a few hundred bucks .
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I never *EVER* understood why instead of a room full of ex Weta and ILM artists up north, they didnt plough that energy and money into hiring top drawer engine programmers. It was a huge conflict I had with them for a LONG time, and one of the 746 reasons I finally could take it no more.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Ha wow I was just looking at Gamespot and they have a 360 vs PS3 article going with comparison images . The difference between the 2 is very small . Seems to me that the Ps3 can draw more polys ( models have higher poly counts ) and the draw distance is maybe a little better but the 360 has a bit better lighting and a little but higher texture resolution . Though the difference between the 2 in those shots is so small who can justify paying 200$ more now ? Like I said before it's going to have to wait for some really killer ps3 exclusives before people like me go out and get it.

    Here is the Comparison link
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Just so you know those exclusives depending on PS3 sales may not stay exclusives. Alot of devs are walking away from being exclusive to one system as it means more sales. So i think well see that trend of games looking worse on the ps3 because of texture memory. Not a big deal to drop the texture res but making a new model for everything isn't going to happen. So multi platform games will look better on 360 because of that.
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