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hmm , things aint going to well

insane polycounter
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Ruz insane polycounter
well what can i say , since my missus let last year my life has been going crap. when i a doing my artwork i feeel good , butI miss my old life. things don't seem to be getting any better thse days. Whenever i bet a new job I feel good for while then all my motivation goes out the window and I get the urge to leave

I often think what the heck am i doing here , because when i come back 'home'.there is no one waiting .i have gone from being a contented middle aged geezer to a bloke living in a travel lodge
on the one hand i love my life as an artist , but miss the security of a relationship. nothing worse than going out by yourself. anyway , self indulgent rant
most guy my age have kids ,family etc, but I am pretty much on my own and that sucks so much. I can't even seem to talk to people these days for some reason, like some kind of autism or something
hhm, there is some one playing a drum outide my hotel room ha ha


  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    How old is "middle aged geezer"? Try to just take a different perspective on it. Make "lemonade" as the expression says.
    Think of it not as a loss, but as an opportunity. Newfound freedom! Its rare for life to genuinly "go crap", but common for an individual. Try to shake up your routine. Going out by yourself is, again, an opportunity to make new friends! Try new things, etc. Long story short, look on the bright side of life.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    hmm i tried that ,but it didn't work.I think my main worry is tha i can't seem to communicate any more . i see most people as my enemy.
    yeah i am 38 now, not too old, but oldish
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    .i have gone from being a contented middle aged geezer to a bloke living in a travel lodge
    on the one hand i love my life as an artist , but miss the security of a relationship.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shit dont say that mate. I've pictured your life as being just like Alan Partridge now! smile.gif

    If the relationship wasnt meant to be mate, it wasn't meant to be. No sense dwelling on it. Thats ironic coming from me, since I wasted years and years wallowing in my own self pity over a broken relationship, but now I sorely regret it. The thing is mate, the grass is always greener! Now I'm in a relationship again, I'm pretty happy, but it doesn't mean i don't get occasional selfish pangs for the time I used to wake up on my own on a saturday morning with absolutely no other human being to be concerned about other than myself.

    How long do you think you'll do the hotel thing for? Not having a stable home can make one feel pretty rootless and depressed. I think if you figure that out the other stuff could more easily fall into place.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    You sound co-dependent and im not saying that is a bad ( though most people think it's not a good thing ) because I think I am a bit co-dependent also. I mean I am much happier in a relationship . Some guys LOVE being single but guys like you and me feel better with a companion . You really start feeling like this when you are in your 30's ! Brother the only thing that is going to make you feel better is to find someone . That's my opinion anyways . Just jump back into the dating pool as scary as that might seem . The older you get the less likely that great someone is going to just coming stumbeling along your path . The interbet is a great resource for middle aged single guys use it !
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    i suppose the root of the problem is my missus leaving. been too hard. I lost too much ]
    bTW travel lodge bar is sooo crap.yea I feel bit weird living in a a hotel, bit of a gypsy really. i go home to my mums in durham on weekends , but I am really not my happy self right now. hopefully thngs wil change

    I am on the 3rd floor right now , amd i can get free broadband which is cool, but its a no smoking floor grr
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    perfect opportunity to quit smoking and hit the hotel gym then mate! smile.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I thijk you are right McIlroy , but i am not really your average joe . I am a bit flakey and I think it oould be hard for me to find a girl that I liked. my missus was a very talented artist and I like she was my soulmate.
    BUT yeah i think i am oo dependent but I somehow like being alone. its a weird mix really
    ah well I have spewed enough tonight time to sleep
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Daz the hotel doesn't have a gym, and I tried to quit smoking today but I failed entirely:)ended up buying 20 b&H.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with everything that Daz has said, and would like to add that if you are really down and lonely, try to open up to more people. Doesn't have to be a romantic relationship. smile.gif Just ask some work buddies or call up an old school friend or something out to a drink, or bowling, or whatever floats your boat.

    And yea, like scooby said, finding a more permanent residence might help you to feel more rooted.

    And of course, playing a whack load of video games is always good for the soul. laugh.gif

    Anyways, hope ya feel better soon man. Sounds like rough times. smile.gif
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    perfect opportunity to quit smoking...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I was going to suggest the same thing.

    Ruz, Chin up dude. Take what happened as a positive, the longer you spend thinking how shit things have become. The more you will come to believe that and the harder it will be to get yourself back on track.
    You're a lot older than I am, so you've obviously been through more than I have. But I have gone through a minor depression stage in my life, which sounds really similar to your situation at the moment. I virtually became a hermit and on the odd chance I went out I would never enjoy myself.
    I eventually got over it and realised what a waste of time that whole experiance was. You just really need to accept what you have and be greatful for it. Once you appreciate what you have, whatever else comes your way is a major bonus.
    Now for the cliche part... "There's plenty more fish in the sea".

  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    it kind of weird thought of late it seems that I am being beaten with a stick. it one thing after another ie one bad situation after another, almost timed to perfection.
    anyyay thanks for the advice guys, hopefully things will get beeter soon
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Dude, you're an artist, middle aged artists get chicks half their age, it's like an unwritten rule or something!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    hey ruz, sorry to hear all that. ninjas' advice about taking a class is right on - you might not find a romantic partner right away but you can at least get a group of like-minded souls to hang out with in the evenings. I'm in the middle of what-might-possibly-but-hopefully-not-be a breakup right now, and having my silly friends to go to bars with and cackle about random crap really eases that loneliness.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    As fun as games are... I wouldn't suggest using them as a fix. It will seriously make you anti-social (like it has done to a few people I know). Sure you may feel like you're part of some gaming community (be it a Guild or Clan or whatever). But sitting at your computer "socializing" will not improve on your face to face communication skills.
    Ninjas did mention a really good thing that helped me a lot. TRAVEL! I took 3 months away from everything and went to Europe and USA. I met new people, saw the possibilities of what I could be doing with my life, it was great! After 3 months of travel, I was glad to be home.
    Having met a girl on the trip boosted my confidence for meeting other girls, which eventually got me a involved in a great relationship.
    But yeah, an actual social group (which you can physically interact with) would be your best bet to keep your motivation up.
    Find a solid place to live, a place to actually call home!

  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Ruz, my fiance left me last year about the same time that your lady did last year if I remember correctly, and I can totally understand where you are coming from. Not knowing what to do with yourself basically, because everything you do just seems to be depressing. Its not easy, but it will get better. That said, you cant just sit around and hope the world fixes itself. Find somthing you really enjoy doing, that takes your mind off stuff. Do that as much as possible. You mentioned earlier that you are happy whilst creating art. Well, do more of it then! Keep yourself happy. And, go out by yourself and meet new people. Go and be yourself and let all your other values go. Talk to people you usually wouldnt. Really, its just about saying "I hate being depressed. So, fuck it, I won't be anymore," and doing everything possible to not to be.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    I went through many months of pretty bad depression similar to what you're describing, after my fiancee decided out of the blue to leave me late last year, and it's definitely tough to get out of the cycle of self-pity, self-loathing, and hermit habits. While throwing myself at work and art helped some, what ended up getting me out of my shell was spending quality time with my friends, and meeting their friends. It's not quite the same as a co-dependent relationship, but for the time being, it'll keep you sane. If your friends are really outgoing and meet new people all the time, so much the better.

    As casey said, "the longer you spend thinking how shit things have become. The more you will come to believe that and the harder it will be to get yourself back on track." I know it sounds crazy to think of the break as a positive, and I certainly did my fair share of snapping at my friends when they would feed me that line, but eventually you do start seeing the bright side of things, after you start meeting people, not having to worry about somebody else's mood, just being able to focus on yourself. Don't dwell on what happened; instead, focus on what you can do now that life as you know it has changed so drastically.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    great advice there guys. hmm I think taking a class would be cool ,although I was a student for 7 years I could certainly handle some more student life.
    I suppose its tough to move on after being so close to someone for so long, but I will just have to get on with it I suppose.
    you know what i would really lobve to do is go to film school in london, but tis sooo damn expensive
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    I love that scene in fight club when he asks the asian guy what he wants to do and the guy says " I dunno be a veterinarian " and then takes his license and tells him " im going to check up on you and in 6 months if your not on your way to being a vet im going to kill you " ... Ruz nothing stoping you from doing your dream and if that film school is your dream then make it happen even if you have to work a shitty job and take one credit at a time brother you can ma eit happen !!
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah mate. Set your sights hight. Go for it.
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18
    Physical excercise is said to increase endorphin levels, and I think it's true. I really enjoy hitting the gym twice a week and funnily enough I have never had a negative thought while going about my routine. In fact I catch myself laughing at ridiculous situations that I concoct in my mind and usually leave with a wry smirk on my face which makes the girls at the front counter look up and smile smile.gif ...Interesting. This is only one thing to do that can help you, I suggest keeping an eye out for any materials to help you with your inner game. That is the root of the issue from what I can see here. You can put the bandaid on the bicycle tube but sooner or later you're going to hit a hard bump and it's going to pop. Don't let it pop! I feel fortunate in that I figured this out at the age of 22, not that saying that would make you feel better. But hey, chicks dig the older guys, work with it wink.gif
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18
    One other thing, a line from that movie "What the bleep do we know" that I really enjoy and really stuck with me goes:

    People who have lost their inspiration for life, just don't know where to look for it.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah my plan is to start exercising again. I used to run 8 miles a day when I was training to join the army. I could n't run 1 mile now.
    Unfortunately working in vid games does n't help as I am sat on my arse all day long.
    And I might feel slightly ridiculous running at my current weight which nearly 17 stone:)
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Trimming down and losing the smoke smell helps attract the ladiez too wink.gif I'll be on my 4th time quitting smoking, been quit for about 45 days now. Some say it takes an average of 7 times quitting before someone stays quit - you just gotta practice not smoking. I smoked for 23 years (I'm 35) so it's something I've done for most of my life and really miss like an old stinky friend. I was just talking about this to a friend yesterday who quit 2 years ago. He says he still gets the occasional almost overwhelming urge to beat someone up and steal their cigarettes. I haven't slipped in these 45 days but I know I most likely will. The trick is to forgive yourself for having one and go back to being quit. You need to be in the right head space to quit. If you're depressed I wouldn't recommend quitting right now. I would recommend exercising though - trim some lard and build some muscle and it will help your confidence and that's something you can't fake. Good luck and a martial arts course might be good to take wink.gif
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    I went through a very similar situation. The only thing that helped me was to have a group of friends take me out every weekend to the same relaxing club. It created kind of a new confidance, and let me become comfortable in social situations. Enough that I continued to push myself to work out. The effects of feeling healthy physically will hurry your recovery 10 fold. I took extreme jobs, spent much time traveling. Your perspective needs to be changed to not focus on the small details right now. Distance yourself from the things that remind you, untill you can come back to them after recovery.

    I happened to get back together with the person who left me. But looking back now. I would have ot say I loved myself more for getting through to being myself on my own. Now I'm back in the same rut. You might want to take this opportunity to be the very person you always wished you could be. Celebrate the freedoms you have now, and always cherish the love and time you did spend together. No one is going to take that from you, and it's yours forever.

    I wish you well. Many of us know how it feels.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Not sure about you but for me going to the gym for a regular workout isn’t all that fun. However climbing gyms are fun.

    One thing I can recommend for getting your mind off of things is learning to rock climb. Not sure of your geography but climbing gyms are a good time and great exercise. Climbing isn’t like working out but is a great workout. If you have the geography to get outside and climb your even more set! Sitting on top of a climb in the early morning watching the sun rise is very inspirational.

    Climbing will work every muscle you got including the mind. Solving routes and problems is a game of planning ,strategy and strength.

    If you want some links or info on getting started send me a PM. I teach climbing at a local health club for fun and a membership.

    Also I should ad that I’m 35 and climbing isn’t just for young rubbery kids.

    Running is great also! Try a local race after you get some miles under your belt or join a running club.

    Sounds like you’re at a turning point in your life and your recognizing its time for change and that sounds healthy. Just reaching out to this group of peers is good to get the healing process going.

    Take Care Ruz

    - Jesse
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Thanks for all the advice.
    I appreciate the time you all took to post.
    I think the exercise thing is important, but right now I am not up to it, but will get to it really soon (Thats probably next week Per128)
    Moving in to my rented house on monday, so that will be a start. I will satrt with sit ups and press ups first.

    Ironhawk, if I ws going to want to get seriously fit, then climbing sounds ace. i did some when I was 17 in the metropolitan police cadets up in derbyshire. I loved the climbing, something very artistic about it. I was only 10 stone though he he
    Sledgy, i don't think quitting will be that hard really, i have quit before for 5 years and I found that fairly easy. Its just choosing the right time
    it s interesting to read through the posts and find most of you have had very similar experiences, thought it was just me:)
  • squatedbug
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    squatedbug polycounter lvl 19
    well, going to throw in my lil' trick to meet new people.

    Go out, have coffee in a nice place and draw. Make sure you sit at a table where more people can/are willing to sit. Now don't go on staring just at your artpad, but just doodle and look around.

    You'll see most people are curious enough and before you know it you're in a conversation.

    This way , A: you get to make some nice art, B, you get to have some chats, maybe even a friend or two!

    I know it works for me laugh.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    squatedbug is absolutely right, I've had a few people come over and start talking when they've seen me sketching people in various places.
    good luck ruz smile.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    cheers guys, some good ideas there. TBH I haven't totally given up on my ex, but it remains doubtful whether we will ever get back together.Its complicated
    he he, i remember at art college we were sketching out in public and these american tourists came past and I heard one of them say
    'They have absolutely no grasp of perspective'
    It was a fair point at the time.

    Some good news today, my cat got the all clear for cancer scare today
    He had 5 teeth removed and a huge cyst on his gums 2 weeks ago and he is fine now:)
    They sent off the cyst for a biopsy and it came back negative
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    LOL thats awesome ruz. My first experience of American tourists was working in the west end of London and wandering around SoHo at lunchtime, Texans would often stop me and ask me the way to 'Lycester' square smile.gif

    Nice one on the cat!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    'Lycester square' Lol, Daz

    yeah the cat is great news. He is only 11 so should last a few more years yet
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Hey, great news about the cat. Not a cat person myself, but a companion is a companion, and I am chuffed that he has come out of it alright.

    In terms of Americans, I lived in the US for 3 years when I was a younger lad. The funniest thing I could to over there was say words like "Tomato" and "Banana". They would piss themselves.
  • TechSmith
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    TechSmith polycounter lvl 18
    Heya Ruz.
    I just wanted top say that if I was in your position I would go wild with all the free time. I'd grab a cheap motorbike and hit the road on my days off. It's fun, and a great way to meet people. I'd hit the clubs too (even though I'm almost 40)and party all night.
    It may sound strange, but I'm a bit jealous of your situation. I have a wife and 4 kids. There is no "me" time left anymore. Beleive me, it won't last. Relationships happen, and are almost impossible to avoid. If you don't find someone, they will find you. Don't be melancholy about being single, enjoy it for alll it's worth.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Well I have plenty of 'me' time these days, but when I was with her I was always aware of her and her moods etc, so in a way its been ok, but then every so often, its gets to you.
    I am not really a club person but I always fancied a motorbike, but was a bit worried about the safety aspects. My grandfather was killed in a bike smash in the 1940's, hit a big lorry or something, but bikes are pretty cool.
    I think when I get time I will try get away on holiday

    It just been one of those crap years, lots of bad stuff happening. My mums partner of 14 years died of a stroke at age only 61, lost my job at frontier, cat got ill, missus left
    Things tend to even out though and hopefully next year will be a better one.
    My life seems to go in ten year cycles, ie blocks of life where i am in one situation in each block
    Cheers Smirnoffka - The cat is still upset with me as I have to keep taking him back to the vets every Saturday to get check ups but he is well back to his old self now, trying to remove the wallpaper etc
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