On Monday, November 27th at 1:14pm Draven Aaron Forsyth arrived 17 days early weighing 6lbs 4oz and measuring 19" in length.

Regardless of everyone saying he looks like me, I still think he is amazingly cute and seems to get even cuter by the hour. Maybe I am just biased though.
According to the realtor that helped us find our rental house here, his mom and I are both officially citizens of the great state of Texas since he was born here

Congratulations man, and happy birthday
congats new dad.
Everyone is having babies these days...
It makes me nervous!
Super happy to hear you made it to Texas, and a new addition! Congrats!
good luck at the new spot
after further review, i found the baby to be too low resolution for todays "next gen" graphics.. better take care of that.
beautiful baby M..
need a line of PC baby grows soon.
Cute kid and congrats!