I bought mine last night. My first impression as soon as I popped it in, was "looks a little bit better". But then I did what I should have done to begin with - a comparison. I tossed in the included King Kong disc and froze it at one of the opening scenes (tons of cars driving on a bridge). I then switched the AV box and put a regular DVD on the same frame. I then switched back/forth.
The difference is absolutely astounding. I think I didn't notice at first, since I'm used to my old CRT/TUBE hdtv. I just bought a new Sony SXRD, which is a DLP of sorts. I think I was just spoiled by CRT's perfect image quality.
The HD-DVD has a seriously nice picture though. And for $199, it's the cheapest HD player by $250. Well worth it, if you want the best image quality for your home theatre.
i have heard the difference is nice though from a few places. i'll probably get the 360 hd-dvd player once i get my xbox 360
So, I'm running 1080i right now. Really looks stunning.
Right now, there's an issue with my model of HDTV, and 1080p through VGA. Microsoft knows about it, and is working on a patch for it.
So, I'm running 1080i right now. Really looks stunning.
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yeah i bet 1080i looks good, what size screen you have? when i searched google for Sony SXRD, it came up with an article about a 70 inch display, which is actually quite impressive for a projection tv.
Previously, I had a 36" SonyWega tube HDTV.
I have the KDS-50A2000. It's a 50" model.
Previously, I had a 36" SonyWega tube HDTV.
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yeah, i used to have a 50 inch tv.. untill the darn thing started having serious convergence problems (in the processing side of the image, not the tubes)... which would have costed too much to fix. recently i bought myself a 200 inch max sony lcd projector that goes up to 1024x768 native and 1280x1024 max. with my throw distance i can get a 80-115 image (depending on what device i am using which varies its placement). however i am jealous of your tv though, 1080 would be nice to have.
although i will admit, its nice being able to take it into the living room and cast a 150 inch screen onto the wall to watch a movie.
it can detect the drive but there is no way to play an HD-DVD on xp yet.
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ah, that could be a slight problem then...
hopefully they get that fixed.
My 7950GX2 is HDCP compliant, so I'll try the HD-DVD drive when I get home tonight.
fuck bluray then. 200 bucks for a player. I can already hook my pc up to my plasma.
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my exact thoughts.
Why not keep your pants on for the time being and wait till blu-ray comes down to "consumer friendly" prices? I mean the reason HD-DVD is interesting in the first place is because it's better than DVD. Therefore Bluray being better than HD-DVD should be even more interesting and worth holding out for. This is not directed at anyone in particular, it's just how I see this issue ;D
Sony has tried to push three different formats already, and all of them have failed.
- Beta
- Mini Disk
Should I REALLY wait to watch another Sony format fail?
HDDVD is attractive because it's cheaper to make and therefore buy. And it's far superior to regular DVD. Even the cheapest HDDVD player is $499. The cheapest BluRay player? $1000. The 360's HDDVD drive is $199. That's pretty damn good if you ask me. I don't want to wait 1-2yrs for the price of BluRay to come down. I bought a new HDTV - I like to use it. Watching standard DVDs just doesn't look as good.
The absolutely only advantage that BluRay has over HDDVD is storage capacity. And seriously, I don't see a movie utilizing 50GB+ of data.
It is my belief that Blue Ray + PS3 will be the nail in the coffin for Sony.
Last comparison I saw I remember thinking that the HD-DVD looked better.
So lets look at it this way:
+ higher storage capacity
+ ability to playback while recording
- more expensive than HD-DVD in the short term
+ availible now
+ consumer friendly price (and name lol)
- lower storage capacity
- inability to playback while recording
So I can see why you think HD-DVD is the better choice from the consumer's point of view even if it's not technically the better format.
Also Tulkamir by longer loading times you are referring to PS3 and not movie players?