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Final Fantasy XII



  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    ok, enough, im going to buy the ps2 instead of the ds lite ,i have been craving for a console in my room , i was undecided...(feel free to derail me )
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, I've got a dumb question for you. I set up a gambit to do the same thing, only the other party members always kill the damn thing before the poach goes off. How do you stop them? I'm guessing there is another gambit I need to get.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Create high-priority gambits for your other characters with Enemy HP Critical -> Some Non-Damaging Move (steal is a good one - you can get an extra item!). That way they usually stop themselves from killing anything. It doesn't always kick in in time though, so you still need to manually stop some attacks.

    Balthier is one of the best FF characters ever.

    Quickenings are weird damage wise, but are kind of fun to chain together. I got up to 10 attacks once, with only 4 mist skills available. I like how if you chain enough attacks, it gives you an extra attack to top it off. The whole recharging/shuffling bit makes it more entertaining to do than just selecting a limit break and watching it go.

    I really wish they had gone with a four person party for the whole game. It's always more fun when you have a "guest", and it's awkward when you lose them and all of a sudden your party is way weaker. :/
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    ok, enough, im going to buy the ps2 instead of the ds lite ,i have been craving for a console in my room , i was undecided...(feel free to derail me )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The heck? With all the great consoles out or comming out a PS2? Erm...

    Buy the DS lite, a 360, or a Wii. :P
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Haha I did the cluckatrice one, too! Went pretty smooth.
    I tried the turtle one... but got stomped. Hah

    The congratulations screen seems like an excuse to play the traditional winning theme music. But yeah... it is kind of retarted.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    my copy of FFXII just arrived today from Circuit City. Looking forward to some gaming hours tonight after work smile.gif
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    ok, enough, im going to buy the ps2 instead of the ds lite ,i have been craving for a console in my room , i was undecided...(feel free to derail me )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The heck? With all the great consoles out or comming out a PS2? Erm...

    Buy the DS lite, a 360, or a Wii. :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    the best time to buy a console is near the end of it's lifespan. it's cheap and has a huge library of games.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Is it just me or does Fran sound like bjork?

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    Anyone notice how some characters have planes for hands? I noticed this specifically for Old Dalan. I don't think I've ever seen that being done in a commercial game before.

    The game is pretty neat, I no longer have to deal with the glass shattering effect and a random battle every 20 seconds!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Would anyone miss random battles? I really wouldn't!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Some Final Fantasy fanboys miss them but then again they'd miss tapping A for every letter in a dialog box if earlier FF games did that.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    5 hours in and the story isn't as engaging as FFX was. I really miss the battle system from FFX it definately feels like a single player MMO. I don't miss the random encounters at all and I like seeing danger ahead of time.

    The graphics are awesome! Theres so much detail in the town, and the hunt board is a great idea. Now I have no need to play Burning Crusade this will keep me occupied for a while laugh.gif
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Okay I'm about 30 hours into the game and I discovered a serious bug, unless it's part of the story, which I doubt. My character Basch seems to be on permanent “silence” every since facing the Demon's Wall in the Tomb Of Raithwall, I've tried everything to cure him within the game and even tried resetting the game, taking the disk out, loading from different save points, nothing works! Anyone else run into this crap. This totally breaks the game for me if it is a bug due to the fact that I can’t use my gambits, for healing, etc. Basch happens to be my strongest character and while he’s still great to have in my party he's also a major liability (“ He’s always flashing purple”) because of this silence spell sh$#T, argh!!!! A caution to those who haven't hit this area yet, watch out for the Demon's Wall in the Tomb Of Raithwall, if it's a bug then sacrifice your weakest character!

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios

    Level: 30:45!

    PS: Gambit's are awesome!
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    FFX kicked into high gear fast and then went flat for most of the game, flaring up once in a while. FFXII starts slowly and steadily builds up. I'm 30 hours in and I don't think I'm halfway through the game yet, maybe not even a third. I'd be almost done FFX by now.

    At 5 hours in you've barely touched the game, so keeps your hopes up! It gets better.

    I'm impressed that with the amount of detail they're pushing they still have power left to throw in soft-body physics on so much. Almost all the characters have physics in their hair, and various parts of their outfits are physics driven as well. The attention to detail is awesome. Even Vaan's vest has physics on it and that barely moves.

    The environments continue to be jaw droppingly amazing. Best. art. direction. ever. FFXII kicks the crap out of next-gen.

    EDIT: Ha! Marcus, one of the accesories you get has a silence penalty. Just change his equipment.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Ah ha never mind, I found out what the problem was, check this out:


    Make sure to check your accessories, I would have never figured this out!

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks ACC I just saw your post when I posted.

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    I noticed that in usual FF games it doesn't take more than a few hours to level to 10. This version its taken me 7 hours to reach lvl 10. I'm sure the Japanese version didn't have this sudden "look here a chest" or "look here someone you can chat too". The American release seems like its been noob'ifed for anyone to pick up and play. I guess Japanese players are smarter than us in RPGs. Lol

    The battle system took a while for me to get use to, but its definitely better to see the enemies coming ahead of time and you can see if they are worth fighting. There are some random lvl 20+ monsters in the beginning area and I learned the hard way by not checking their stats first wink.gif.

    Overall, I'm really enjoying the new series.
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    Got me a PS2 and played FF all weekend. Nice! Although I will loudly echo the 'WTF' about Vaan's abs, he looks like a burn victim.

    I'm about nine hours in all told, just got on the Dreadnaught, and honestly I'm a little annoyed at how the story is kind of railroading me. I haven't had a lot of time to just go off and explore since the beginning; once the story kicks in it's all 'we have to hurry!' So I hurry and pass non-story stuff.

    I would also like more goddamn save crystals. tongue.gif

    Frank the Avenger
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    looking forward to the DS title smile.gif
  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    This game rocks my balls! I'm only about 4 or 5 hours in so far. Beautiful artwork (for the most part), fun combat system, gambits are totally fun, the license board is a great idea. I'm quite impressed with the numbers of people they get on screen in the cities.

    My problems:

    For how great the art is, so many of the in-game faces look kind of weird - almost dirty or something. The CG faces are great, why add dirty shadows/shading to their faces and necks? Blerg. I agree with the comments with Vaan's abs - totally ugly & distracting!

    Mipmapping! Please please use it! This game so deserves to be on a next-gen console, as is, with just mip mapping turned on. I hate walking through the cities, it turns into a swimming, flickering mess in the distance. Sure, it's a 33% memory hit on the textures. Suck it up and deal with it smile.gif

    Streaming - why didn't they at least try to put in there? The load zones are too frequent and annoying. I'm being a little picky here I guess, I mean they crammed memory full of this awesome art, so there wasn't much room left, but I don't know, maybe Oblivion has spoiled me for that.

    Why can't I flip the camera controls? I've been playing Okami up until now, and I'm used to it being the other way!
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Frank: "So I hurry and pass non-story stuff."

    Don't be in such a rush man stop and smell the roses, or at least level up and try the side quests, the story will wait for you to progress it. I didn't make it into the dreadnaught until 16 hours into the game.

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    went on a binge this weekend. up to like 30 hours now. im only saying this because god DAMN the environments are beautiful. The Sandsea zone is probably the most gorgeous environment I've ever seen in a game.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    33% memory hit? This is a PS2. They're already using magic tricks to even pull this much off. You are literally asking the impossible.

    If they had pushed it to the PS3, I'd have to wait another 6 years to play it laugh.gif So I'm happy to deal with a little flickering.

    Oblivion has worse loading, shitty framerates, and awful pop-up everywhere. Please don't ask for more games to stream like Oblivion wink.gif
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    With how much automated stuff they do in the game they could have made some way that at far distances it fades to a mix or something of half texture half vertex colors (could be generated on the fly or prebaked in there) Would save them on texture space, and get rid of alot of the noticeable aliasing. would also help with faking their depth of field like effects.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    "Streaming - why didn't they at least try to put in there? The load zones are too frequent and annoying. I'm being a little picky here I guess, I mean they crammed memory full of this awesome art, so there wasn't much room left, but I don't know, maybe Oblivion has spoiled me for that.

    Why can't I flip the camera controls? I've been playing Okami up until now, and I'm used to it being the other way! "

    yeah, for real! aaaaaargh i was wondering about the streaming bit too... but i guess they were already pushing the ps2 to the limit... but im guessing wanting a 360 or even PS3 version is farfetched.

    I was a little too quick to judge the quickenings... they're unbelievably awesome. Killed at least 3 bosses in one hit so far by chaining 5-7 quickenings.

    Also, save crystals clear your battle chain... so if you have more than 289... dont talk to the crystal frown.gif I knew i should have taken a picture of it first, damnit!
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    I'm loving this game. Only 20 hours in so far, just at raithwall's tomb, but damn it's awesome. I have a feeling this is going to be a 100+ hour game easy.
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't be in such a rush man stop and smell the roses, or at least level up and try the side quests, the story will wait for you to progress it. I didn't make it into the dreadnaught until 16 hours into the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh, as soon as I got off the Dreadnaught and back to the Westersand I turned around and headed back to Rabanastre to do some hunting. I need cash anyway. laugh.gif

    Frank the Avenger
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    go back to Brujer..whatever, farm the mines like crazy! the skeletons bone fragments sell for $$$$$
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    lol hell yes! you get like 20,000 a stack for those suckers
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    go back to Brujer..whatever, farm the mines like crazy! the skeletons bone fragments sell for $$$$$

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly, and the skeletons keep respawning like crazy on one of the open air bridges (I think it's the second bridge that heads north.)
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    It's actually fun to farm in this game. I mean... the ultimate goal is to get money... but you're leveling up your dudes and getting LP for everyone at the same time.

    The hunts are so insanely difficult. I BARELY beat one last night. It took like a solid 15 - 20 minutes to fight.
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    Who here loves frans voice? I do. smile.gif
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    By the way did anyone beat the T-Rex yet, the only way I took him down was with one of the summons, but I'm curious if anyone did it by other means?

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    The T-Rex is 30, right?
    I'll give it a shot later... my dudes are level 28

    Died. Hah
    I got him down to where his Defense got a significant boost when his life was low. Then I got slaughtered 'cause I couldn't keep up with the amount of damage being dished out to me.

    I'll have to try it out again after I've picked up a couple more levels and better gear.

    I love how exploring the game totally punishes you with insane monsters. Hahaha
    Anyone got deep enought into the Zertinan Caves? RAPE!
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I just beat the Evil Tomato! Yay!
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah Soul the T-rex is around that level but it depends mostly on the type of weapons you have, the second time I faced him I thought I was freaking invincible at level 21 but when I attacked him my strike took of 5 percent and he took of 200 with one shot, argh. Armor and weapons are where it's at for this guy as well as some of the other insane level creatures. Good for you Ghost_rider you’re well on your way to bigger and better things, good journey!

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Wait... there's 2. There's one in the Eastern desert... that just roams around and eats the wolves, right?
    Are you talking about that one? Or the brown one that's in the Western Desert?

    I died to the one in the Wester Desert... haven't tried the other one yet.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    The Green one in the Eastern desert, holy crap I didn't even know there was another one, awesome! I have to go back and check that out when I return from Jahara, Land Of The Garif.

    Marcus Dublin

    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    go back to Brujer..whatever, farm the mines like crazy! the skeletons bone fragments sell for $$$$$

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Haha, I have to farm enough to afford a ticket first! I had like 12 gil in the end.

    Of course, last night I tried to take down the Cluckatrice at lvl 12, not gonna happen, so I decided to explore, hey what's in these caverns in the Westersand OH MY GOD SLIMES KILLING ME AAAAAH. I got out of there with one character not KOd. blush.gif Killed two slimes though. laugh.gif

    I'll be headed back to Berjibajan tonight. laugh.gif

    Frank the Avenger
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    There's this one mark who when he gets to low life immediately casts every beneficial status on himself and regenerates ALL OF HIS LIFE. And this is after you've blown all your MP trying to outheal his area attack spells. Aaaaaaaaah! It took me 4 tries to beat him, I kept having to run away.

    But the trick to beating him and bosses like the Earth Tyrant (westersand T-rex with crazy defense at low life) is to get them down pretty low, and bust out a 20k damage mist combo. smile.gif

    No buffs for you, bitch.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i *love* the boss battles. Fought a couple of the wyrm bosses (too cool looking) last night, those things are fucking hard, and fun.

    I spent a while practicing hunts last night, went to the turtle in the rain one (~lvl 40?), was able to get him to 50%, but then he just started destroying my dudes. Granted, that 50% was about 20 minutes, and one retreat to full heal. Also decided to try the Mark V Wyrm in the Westersand.... how bout 'no.

    I love it, and if the boss battles keep this difficulty rating up, and keep ramping up, this will probably be my favorite FF yet.

    And i found the new Leeuleueuleueusu mines @ lvl 28 smile.gif you wont be able to miss it, makes bone scraps seem like crap.
  • darkvir
    I got my freakin copy the first day, had the CE edition preordered... BUT my PS2 is a storage locker somewhere! I've been waiting for this game for like 5 years, right after I heard Matsuno was in charge... oh well gotta hold off for another month...

    I did fire it up at work for 20minutes, it looks simply amazing! Yoshida did a great job once again with the art style.

    lucky punks...
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    HOLY CRAP thanks for the farming tips, moose! I went into the mines with 250 gil and levels 10 - 12, after three hours of farming I've made ~55K and everyone's level 18! laugh.gif

    Course, I spent like 30K, so I'm down to 25K, but damn! I'll be hanging in Berjeba-stan for a while.

    Oh, and you lose your chain when you leave the area, not when you hit a save crystal. I had a chain of 110 or so skellies when I left to see how much money I was making; didn't touch the crystal but I still had to start from zero when I went back in. frown.gif

    Frank the Avenger
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I was able to take down the turtle around level 30 - 31. Just cast Immobalize on him and have your range dudes attack. I was able to do around 300 - 400 damage per shot. Then I threw in an ass load of Thundaras in there, too.

    The ring wyrm... I equiped my dudes with 2 fire swords and equiped Fran with fire arrows. Did lots of damage vs him.

    Th ring wyrm and the black flan in the sewers are the only Mark V hunts I've completed. I've gotten anhilated by all the others. Mark II and III hunts are pretty easy, though smile.gif.

    For the Mindflayer (the one that HEALS himself completely to full health and casts 5 buffs)... just keep chaining him with quickenings. Blow your first wad right at the start... then just do attacks. I didn't bother trying to find out what element he was weak against. Then when he started casting Invert (switches the value of HP and MP), start your chains again!
    So I would die... use a pheonix down, then when he casts invert on one of my dudes... chain again!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    haha cool. I fought the turtle in the rain around lvl 25 or 27, im 32 now and in for some vengence. Finally have dudes that hit for 1000-2000 now melee and range, just need to pray i can buy Break now (please o please).

    I think i may hold on the story for a bit and do some more side quests, but i think ive done too much already, since some of the story boss quests really aren't a challenge for damage, but for the time and status ailments. I dont want to wait off too long so that there are 20 easy hunts and 10 'good' ones left... gotta find a balance!
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Vyraal (Mark V, Cerobi Steppes) is oh-my-god-crazy. Not impossible, but definitely for the masochistic. Bubble = requirement. Anything less than 6000HP and you're going to have a very rough time (read: more of a rough time).

    In contrast, Marilith (also Mark V) is super easy, you just need to figure out how to find her. It took me an hour and a half, when it only takes about 5 minutes if you know how. Blarg!.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    this game is fucking awesome. Im only 26 hours in, about lv 23, but damn, just got done with raithwall and fuck that was one of the coolest things. This game is just super dame awesome. I was really skeptic when I first saw it, but I am loving this thing. I almost want to take a week off work just to veg out and play it.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I spent about 2 hours exploring all of Zertinand Caves last night. I eventually gave up and did something else.
    Then just now, after collecting my loot for killing some bosses last night, I talked to that stumpy dude on the counter... basically told me how to find Marilith. And yeah... it takes like 5 minutes. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    I'm about 30 hrs into it.. I just visted the playboy bunny forest.

    One of my major gripes about this game is... how serious it's trying to take itself most of the time.

    The story with the empire and the waring citites is pretty :::yawn:: serious but uninteresting. I find no corrilation between the major over arching story and what I have to do with it really. Maybe the story is over my head I'm not sure.

    I miss the cooky antics and interesting theme songs in FF6. Kefka was such an interesting villan. Goes from a whiney little priss "Shine my boots".. to demi god. So far in FF12 I'm not sure if I really indentify who is evil. Heh.. really . I know the dudes in sauron armor are supposed to be bad but I dont see it yet.

    The only really interesting character play is Vaan and penelo. They are the only ones really down to earth who I care about so far.

    Bathier is cool.. but his suave attitude is starting to become too predictable.

    Great game none the less.. I just wish there was more goofy silly stuff. The shakespear talk is kinda nice but tiresome.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I beat the game over the holidays.... now going back to try and get the secret stuff. I've got a save file approaching 100 hours already
  • Needles
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    Needles polycounter lvl 20
    Most ppl don't mlike the story cause it doesn't focus on the characters, its not about the characters, its about the empire and the warring nations.

    Either way i love how its being done i hope they have more games like it....tho i would like it to be less grinding >.>. i have like 50 hrs and most of the time I've spent on farming for money and license points -.-,
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