i wonder what they're doing to make "genuine" smiles? Telling them all a joke and asking them to smile regardless of what they think about it? Very odd ...
I dunno I think most people here should get good results. As character artists you sorta learn how to create emotion for your character. Because emotion is what brings a character into life rather than having him look like a generic nothing.
in the same boat as rooster... I felt like I was doing poorly so cruised through and answered on instinct, and ended up with 17/20!
the brain sex ID survey is fun too, but a bit lengthy. and a bit more crackpot. I think all of us should be able to ace the "rotating shape" section of that one...
13/20. But I'm skeptical of how "genuine" many of those smiles were. Throw a camera right in front of someone's face and genuine tends to go right out the window. We're also lacking context as to why they are smiling, and it's weird that they all smile and then go right back to a straight face suddenly. In addition, the responses we're giving are also not genuine, because we're already focused on searching for fakes (regardless on what method we choose to use).
It's in the eyes and the transition. The ones I got wrong were actually genuine, but I thought they were fake because they stopped smiling so suddenly.
I got 15/20, which surprised me. I went back and looked at the ones I missed and realized I missed them because bigger movements were dragging in more of my attention than relevant ones. F'rinstance, one guy's eyes didn't even twitch, but his head swayed around a bit while he smiled and that seemed more real to me than the lack of eye crinkle seemed unreal. Amateur-league smile recognition from someone who should know better! Bah!
15/20. I got better as it went on, but it was the eyes and their movement that I started paying most attention to. I think the genuine smiles were caused by a joke, and many of hte genuine people seemed to move like they were laughing.
surprisingly i got twenty, maybe because i had a lot of liars as friends when I was younger. I would agree that this isn't a great test because of the forced nature of it.
I tend to watch the eyes and watch for the moment they are overwhelmed by their emotion to judge its veracity, i don't trust too smooth or abrupt a facial transition of any sort.
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That 'person' and a few others were really creepy. I thought that was a chick though... which I guess makes it worse... none of us can determine the gender
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Its the shaved hair down to the skin on the sides. It looked ok about 10 years ago if you always kept your hair in a ponytail. But when you let it down you look like a mutant with big temples.
It's all about the eyes.
I dunno I think most people here should get good results. As character artists you sorta learn how to create emotion for your character.
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If by emotion you mean bald, brooding, with a face mask and an eye scar then I have to agree.
I'm an environment artist, damn it
the brain sex ID survey is fun too, but a bit lengthy. and a bit more crackpot. I think all of us should be able to ace the "rotating shape" section of that one...
I tend to watch the eyes and watch for the moment they are overwhelmed by their emotion to judge its veracity, i don't trust too smooth or abrupt a facial transition of any sort.
It's all in the eyes, and usually the genuine smiles were backed by a chuckle-like movement.
Anyone else find this guy a bit creepy?:
anyway i scored 12/20
Anyone else find this guy a bit creepy?:
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That 'person' and a few others were really creepy. I thought that was a chick though... which I guess makes it worse... none of us can determine the gender
Anyone else find this guy a bit creepy?:
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Its the shaved hair down to the skin on the sides. It looked ok about 10 years ago if you always kept your hair in a ponytail. But when you let it down you look like a mutant with big temples.