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Standing on the brink...of WoW!

polycounter lvl 17
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ebagg polycounter lvl 17
It's been a hot topic for awhile now, WoW, it's notoriety and addictive-as-crack qualities. I recently saw that the price had gone down to $20, so I purchased it, after avoiding it since initial release. I'm going to install it and start playing in the next week, perhaps even tomorrow.

Who here has played it? what did you think compared to other MMOs? Were you addicted? Who here is still playing it?


  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I recently saw that the price had gone down to $20

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Typical pusher tactic: hand out your stuff like candy on Halloween to get the kids hooked. Up with hope, DOWN with dope... er, I mean addictive MMORPGs. Just say "NO!"
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    I played it for about a week . I stopped playing cause it was LAGGED out . I still here there are long waits to get into some servers and other issues . Maybe someday when they get it ironed out i'll try it again . Though i must say I did like the game when I was able to get more then 3/FPS .
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, it can be fun when you are playing with people you know. I don't think I am any more addicted to it than any other game I have played. I mean, I played FFX more per day when that was new. I play about an hour and a half per day on average I would say, but that also doubles as family time for me since I play with my mom, brother and sister-in-law.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    I played it for a couple months. The art and style is very great. That was pretty much what kept me playing it, I wanted to see all of this world that blizzard built. A lot of the stuff does seem very epic at times.

    However I was just bored by it, because the game mechanics weren't enough to keep me playing. It all got very monotonous eventually.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    quit and signed back up about 3 time already. played from sept 05 to april 06 nearly every day and then quit.. signed up in june, quit in a week, signed up i july, play a couple weeks and quit. signed up a few days ago and canceled the same day.

    is much better with friends, especially RL ones.

    now.. some advice from being on the RECIEVING end of things..

    just dont let it get to the point that you are more committed to your raid party than you REAL life..

    and escapism is all well and good but dont forget that communicating in real life is important too..
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    I'm in the same boat as Snemmy, I've quit and started playing again 3 times also.

    I've been playing off and on since the friends and family alpha, and its only gotten bad once. For a month or two I was at the point where I was working 10-12 hours a day then playing for 6-8 hours and sleeping 4-6 hours. That literally went on for a month and a half before I even realized what I was doing to myself.
    But omfg my guild needed me for Blackwing Lair and AQ40!

    I cancelled my account for 3 months or so and then recently started playing again, although much more casually, and with my roomate and some good friends. We started a guild and are working through the end game content, and it's soooo much more fun with friends. Plus, we often cancel a raid and go out to the bar, and that helps keep the game in perspective.
  • LordScottish
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    LordScottish polycounter lvl 18
    I played it 8 hours with a couple of friends and I didn't get addicted. I didn't see anything new to motivate me again to play a mmo and I'm glad I didn't smile.gif
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I was on the 'friends and family' alpha testing. Played it for a good few months right up to the start of the first public beta. I realized at that point I had better stop as 1) most of the 'normal playing public' are a bunch of 'tards I wouldn't want to play with and 2) damn that game was effing addictive. laugh.gif
  • greenj2
    Last year I promised myself I wouldn't play WoW until I landed a job. Which was a pain in the ass because so many of my friends were playing. I thought I'd get sucked into it and lose all free time and motivation to work on my folio.

    When I got a job I grabbed a copy of WoW to celebrate. Played it for a 3-4 hours a day for the first month or so, then just on the weekends, then not at all. Lost interest pretty quickly, now I might only play a few days a month.

    But on the other hand I have mates who play it as hardcore as I did for the first month.

    Just make sure you've got the time and cash to play it and it's cool. I'll generaly only play now if I realy don't feel like doing any art and I've got a lot of spare time on my hands.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    played from August last year until about February this year when i pretty much lost interest for a while. signed back up in July. was thinking of quitting again a few weeks ago because it felt like i was just wasting time until the expansion but i've recently started a Paladin and i've been having fun with that.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    At first its great and stuff but when you figure out that the game is pertty much linear, then it starts to go downhill fast.
    Each class has like 3 valid skillpoint combos. And gear wise you cant make any decisions, its just like sword A is better than B, now shut up and use A or be handicapped.

    Oh, and to be good in PvP you must grind raid dungeons for a year. Otherwise the cool kid with uber gear will just own you and you cant do anything about it.
  • noritsune
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    noritsune polycounter lvl 17
    I just bought WoW about two weeks ago, and I must say I'm really enjoying it. Playing a lot too, several hours every day after work, but I dont consider that to be more than I'd play any new title I was head-over-heels for. It's a beautiful game artistically, and the character-building process and quest-feeding is a lot of fun. I"m not sure how long my interest will hold out, since I'm not planning on joining any guilds and shouting "LFG" over the chat is getting tedious, but right now I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

    go for it! all the hype about "addictiveness" is silly. just like with any hot game, make sure to balance it with real life and enjoy it as much as you want without feeling guilty.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    don't join a raiding guild
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I played it straight for two weeks with the free trial. my wife and kids are glad it's over. I got to level 20 with my hunter, and if it wasn't for the cancellation of the trial, I would have kept going. I just solo'ed the whole thing and had a blast. If I needed help there usually was sombody doing the same quest around, and I would invite them to help me, and they always would.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't played wow at official servers, only in computer club, by local.
    I think there is great dose of inspiration, artist can take.
    Gameplay- 1 percent is running, 99% is killing mobs.
    that's boring.
  • skrubbles
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    skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
    Hey man! I played it for less than two months. I only kept playing it that long because of friends and because I was trying to force myself to like it. I can understand why other people would like it, but not me... if I'm going to play an mmorpg I have to be able to feel unique and cool, and I couldn't in WoW. I'm hoping Age of Conan and Fallen Earch will be kick ass enough for me.
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Having 4 acounts at home i belive i'm in a good position to talk aboout the WoW addiction! played it a few months right before it came out but leave it when i reached lvl42 as didn't had enought time for university plus 3d plus WoW. Thou my brothers kept playing it (those are the 4 accounts) at really hardcore way (Naxx itens that stuff)...

    My opinion now about the game: it's great when u start it. I never played a MMORPG before it so it was completly new experience to me, lots of space to explore, play quests with real people and a great visual style.

    After a few time on it, i was getting the felling it wasn't that cool; the new spaces to explore weren't that many neither that new (i'd love to see it with alot more epic felling and differences between each area), quests were most of the time the same shit.... and the biggest critic is: the whole game is focoused on farming mode! farming mode is necessary to give the players an excuse to play so much time, but for me after reach lvl60, provided that you are in a good guild, you will just farm the same whole instance again and again and again...

    I can't stand that you can easily see the whole world of WoW, there are no new places after a while, there are no new experiences. Not to mention that you don't have a single unique moment during the whole game, i'd love to see a few scripted actions to make it look more alive.

    Other big critic is that the war between aliance vs horde is not even 5% used.

    And the last critic i remember now is that i hate how is the players that have to wait for more updates to keep playing it, and not the new updates that come first. I mean, just after you farmed BWL for several months you got AQ... and then wait alot more for a single new instance... completly kills the epic felling...
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    I just say no...I lost too much of my time playing Everquest back in the day....the art style is awsome n stuff, but the time lost isnt worth it.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Great game, well designed, lots of fun, was never addicted. Only people with adictive personalitites get addicted. However they're the only ones you hear about, so it sounds worse than it is.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    i have offically been wow-crack free for 5 days. My arms are shaking occasionally, and guild wars just doesnt feel the same, hopefully the cravings will pass frown.gif

    I miss my subscription.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Ebagg...with a baby on the way...it would be better to just put it down while you can.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I tried the 10-day free trial, uninstalled it after the first.

    I've played and enjoyed a few mmorpgs before, but this one just didn't do it for me. Too many people jumping around trying to kill the same damn boar ten times, the graphics really didn't do it for me and I didn't see why people were calling it beautiful. Granted, I only played it the one day, but I played it for quite a bit, thinking it would get better once I left the beginning kiddie area. It didn't.

    Bah to wow!
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Beautiful game taken in as a whole. Breaks down when you look at individual assets. Been playing since Alpha. I now have my mom hooked. We use it as a way to keep in touch and it is lot of fun to boot. Working on our third set of characters (me an Elf Hunter her an Elf Druid)

    I’ve been trying to get into some other MMO’s but none have hooked me as much. I ‘m currently playing ArchLord, FF XI, GuildWars, and have EQ2 but haven’t installed it yet.

    - BoBo
  • CMB
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    CMB polycounter lvl 18
    Is that why your site is never updated bobo frown.gif
  • LegionaireJoe
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    LegionaireJoe polycounter lvl 18
    I've done the WoW "thing", and it's a fun game, but completely discintigrates when you're unable to find a good community (especially when you're used to that from other MMOs). Last year, while I was taking a break from FFXI, I played casually (and occasionally hardcore on my days off), getting a 60 troll (<3) mage on Suramar. Had a lot of fun, met a few people and joined a casual raiding guild with them, but ultimately left because none of the friendships ingame had any real impact, unlike the friends I was missing dearly from FFXI. I recently kicked a 3 year addiction to FFXI last month, mithra (<3) 75THF & 75WAR on Bismarck. Unlike my WoW friends, I still talk to almost all of my close FFXI friends on AIM/MSN and on the phone/cell (most of us have quit by now out of disgust with SquareEnix).


    FFXI is pretty much doomed because SquareEnix has mismanaged the game for so long, refusing to fix, in a timely manner, the enormous amount of horrific design flaws present in the game, that pretty much the only people left playing the game are the cheating botters, sadistic/masochistic japanophiles, RMT (gilsellers) and the scattered clusters of friends unwilling to let go (I was in this category).

    The reason why FFXI has such a strong community is people don't want to deal with the overwhelming amount of crap alone, so strong bonds of friendship are formed in the game because of the trials and tribulations endured with one another; that's the only reason the FFXI servers are still up. "Let's be miserable... together" would have been an accurate marketing slogan.

    FFXI is the epitome of wasted potential; a beautiful game ruined by poor management and a lack of genre design/comprehension. A gold ring in the snout of a pig, if you will.

    I used to be a stalwart SquareEnix and Final Fantasy fan, but after their consistant and arrogant refusal to invest the minimal effort to interact with their international FFXI community and address the problems with the game, I absolutely loathe the company and refuse to purchase any of their products ever again.


    I might jump into Burning Crusade with some of my FFXI friends, but I dunno... I really want to play a Blood Elf paladin!
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I reinstalled WoW over the weekend. I think this is the first time I have ever taken an alliance character above level 8. >_<
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I'm still wary. I've played a few MMOs and all sucked badly compared to any mediocre singleplayer game. At 30&#8364; I would've tried WoW to see if it's better but since there's a monthly fee I don't think I'll do that. Pay more for an inferior game? No, thanks.
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    I quit WoW once but started back up again early this year. I was completely hooked on it (just short of poopsocking) but I've cut back my playing time since. I'd have to say the game is most fun at 60 in a raiding guild if you're with a bunch of people you know and like. If I wasn't in a guild with coworkers I doubt I'd still be having as much fun and still playing the game today.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I started last night, played nearly 3 hours. Night Elf Warrior on Daggerspine. Up to lvl 7.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I gank vs lowbies.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    Blizzard announced the expansion will be out in January with the 1.13 patch before that. they also linked to some nice Burning Crusade previews (1, 2, 3).

    and a nice little look at the enviromental procese for Silvermoon City.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    WOW was too addicting for me. I couldnt play it in moderation. I had to quit. Seriously Ebagg...dont get too absorbed. Your baby and wife-to-be are going to need all the support from you that they can get.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    Hehehe yeah I finally caved in and jumped on the wagon about a month ago. Currently playing a lvl 21 Undead Warrior. As has been said before, I really love the art style...and that is kind of its down fall for me as well. I'll log into the game and after about 10 minutes I'll want to start drawing or painting in Photoshop. Also I'm more in it for the RPG part rather than the MMO part, so alot of the group stuff is kinda lost on me. Cool game, but I'm really just waiting on Warhammer Online...Warhammer will always be my true love when it comes to fantasy.
  • Mark Dygert
    I've played since closed beta. make sure you get plugged into a good group of friends, I would have quit long ago if I wasn't playing with people I know. Its a great game but it falls down on some levels, but manages to make up for it on others.

    The Short:
    I like it, its fun, my wife and friends play. I've played long enough to have a fairly wide range of characters making me a swiss army knife. Whatca need? I can bring it, I love that.

    The Long:
    - The immersion factor isn't as high as I would like it to be, mind you no MMO to date is as immers as I want one to be. If some NPC guy who wanders around town asks me for spare change I should be able to give him spare change. There is some crazy lady that complains about fetching water but where does this water come from and why does she in fact never "fetch any water".
    - Why is it that some of the "high end content" is some of the most boaring? Look at Molten Core with the exception of Ragnaross its a big dull cave with some lava. Just like all the other caves only with the monster scales set to 400% instead of the standard 200%. There are bosses you fight you can easilly get them confused and think you need to do one thing when you should do something else because the boss looks the freakin same. Would it hurt to change up the cave textures and toss in a few new never before seen models? Would it hurt to make the lairs actual lairs instead of a corner the boss just stands in?
    - Some of the faction grinding for peanuts isn't fun at all.
    - The visuals are really starting to show thier age. Its nice that the cater to the lowest common system spec to garner to most players possible, but lets be real about the hardware that is out there and what it can do. It's ok to have crowds of people that scale with the hardware a user has so it doesn't feel like the entire population is hanging around the mailbox.
    - Dyeable armor can be done with WoW just like the armor in Dawn of War however Bliz's set answer is "we would need a texture for each color which would make the game too big!" yes it would, if this where 1995. Not everyone is keen about a game being able to buy DYE from a vendor and be able to change the color of armor.
    - Que times for Battle Grounds, on my server are 1-2hrs and most battles are over in 10-20min. It would be great to que one of your players and be able to play another while waiting.

    - I can't say enough about the guild I'm in. Its a great group of people who put family and fun before WoW. Its not uncommon for someone to ask to take a break so they can put thier kids to bed or check up on them. Most of us are couples who know each other in the real world and don't get a chance to see each other on a weekly basis. I also get to catch up with my brother who lives a state away. We have a raid as much as you want too policy and never have trouble filling raids. We do most of the 20man raid content and have alliances with other guilds if memebers want to run the 40 man stuff. There is something that becomes unfriendly about the numbers a guild needs to consistantly run the 40 man content and the pressure it puts on certain people to manage and maintain those runs. Thankfully Blizzard is taking care of that and limiting the new raids to 25 man. Which is the magic number for guilds to be friendly and not eat themselves alive with management and drama.
    - It's warcraft and I love it, there is no end to the humor they put in the game and the tie-ins to old games and other things related to dorks such as myself.
    - I like where they have taken the game somethings have worked others haven't but overall the direction they are moving is is good.
    - Blizzard is very responsive to its player base but doesn't cater to the whims of the vocal few.
    - The game can pretty much be solo'ed at your leasure. I have done it with 4 characters to 60 and almost all of that leveling was on my own just exploring and having fun.
    - Getting a group together is more of a social event than a quest requirement.
    - I like the special events in WoW, like right now is Hallows End and the Dark Moon Fair just left town last week and will be back.
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    Dyable armor would've been great, and very doable if they'd intended it from the beginning. Now it'd be pretty tough to add it in. I can't imagine them not doing it for WoW 2, whenever that might be, though! I can't wait. "Dammit, I need 3,800 more Cenarion Circle rep for [Black Dye] so I can look like every other rogue on the server!"

    Speaking of ... I agree, the faction grind is silly. The mitigating factor is, you don't need to do it. I don't know how some people can stand to focus on it. The higher-rep rewards tend to look good-ish, but a piece of gear needs to be blindingly purple to keep me killing the same mobs over and over for a week of /played.

    At the same time ... I'm still happily running Strat and Scholo over and over to finish my warlock's Dreadmist set. This is only marginally more interesting than a flat-out faction grind but I'm doing it in order to continue onto the Tier 0.5 gear quests. I really dig the epic-length questlines and wish there were more of them! I've almost got my dreadsteed, too! Wewt!

    The cross-server Battlegrounds should reduce wait time considerably. None of my three 60s are geared well enough to compete in their bracket so I haven't done BG for awhile, but I fought in the 50s brackets for a month and was getting into AB and WSG almost instantly. 'Course, I'm Horde Fo' Life and our queue times were pretty short even before cross-server Battlegrounds. smile.gif
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    Anyone catch this?


    I don't play, but releasing an expansion a full two years after launch is very bad in my book.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Considering the popularity it still has today, why not have an expansion two years after?
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Wasn't the battlegrounds stuff added at a later time? There was also a big update when they added the big bug stuff. Those were both big enough to be considered as expansions as mmo's are concerned. They can get away with it though because it lengthens the playability of the original product while giving them enough time to work on a full shelf expansion.

    I don't think I'll be getting burning crusade though. It would depend on if I'm able to get a character to a high enough level to enjoy the content that they are selling in it. It really sucks when they put all the 'cool' content and items all at the end. Doesn't really encourage people to really try to get there when they have to spend 80% of the time with boring junk.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Don't do it! If you want to gain a lot of weight and avoid sunlight for months, go ahead, but you've been warned!
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I was in the best physical condition of my life before I started playing WOW. Now...I'm back to the physical fitness grind. My WOW collector's addition is now a piece of art in my computer room rather than an addiction that keeps me up till the wee hours of the morning or away from my family. Grinding for a virtual loin cloth of chromaticly tempered wyrm egg scrambling (to give you an extra +5 defense) should never take priority over the rest of your life.
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