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  • Pedro Amorim
    the most awesome dream i had was a wet dream i had that was so real.. seriously. the feeling of me penetrating the girl was so real that i had an orgasm and fell it, cause i woke up the minute all messy and stuff. awesome.

    the other day i dreamt that an airplane crashed next to my house and i saw everything from the window of the bathroom. but the odd part was that, after that a huge boat was sailing near the plane crash. i mean. wtf..

    the other one, was something stupid that i donw remember exactly but i think i was being rude to some teacher and just when he was about to awnser me my mom woke me up and the dream ended.. that sucked.

    regarding the teeth dream falling out. i've had that dream lots of times, and i heard its something related to money or the lack of it, and also, could be something related to relationships problems or family problems..

    damn.. while writing this post i remembered a dream i had on 7grade. i was in the dragon ball z carttons and was fighting picollo.
    yeah im weird. lol

    shit. longest post ever for me.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    pedro , i dreamed that the harddrive you sold me i wasnt able to install because i sucked at computers !! SHIT ITS REAL ! laugh.gif

    wanna see house season 1 frown.gif
  • Pedro Amorim
    BURN you house lover! i know what you wanna do with his cane. tongue.gif
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